I feel that I get way off the story plot/topic… sorry if it goes off into some random place.
"Well I'm thirsty, let's go get something to drink," Bex nudged me and got me up. We walked up the steps and into the lobby. Man that place was hopping. Students were everywhere, some starting to get in each other's faces. We got in line which was like half a mile long, NO JOKE.
"Are you really that thirsty, Bex?" I asked, hoping that she only said she was thirsty so we could talk or something, because looking at this line, it was going to be a while before we made it back into our seats.
"Sadly, I actually am thirsty," she replied. We groaned as we got in line. "Maybe we could charm our way up. I mean you being so beautiful-"
"Not happening, Bex," I replied. I didn't want to act like some slut just so I could get a pop and leave.
"We will be standing here forever otherwise, Cammie," she kept pressuring me into flirting. Too bad I wasn't going to budge. "You're no fun," she grumbled. We stood in that line for half and hour. And we were in sight of the stand.
"Bex, the game is going to start before we get to that stand," I told her. I wanted to watch the game. I knew that it was going to start again, soon.
"No way, we did NOT just stand in that like for like, 2 hours just to stop now," she answered clutching my sweatshirt. "You are going to stick with me until the end." I rolled my eyes.
"We have not been standing for over 2 hours, get a grip Bex. How thirsty can you be anyways?" She started panting being over dramatic as always.
"Holy shit, man! This girl is going to pass out if we don't get her some liquid!" Bex and I both looked up at a group of boys pointing at Bex. "Make way for the girl!" Suddenly we were being pushed up with the boys right behind us. Before you knew it we were in front of the stand and a lady practically throwing water at Bex.
"Uh, we might need some soda for her later so that she can recover from her 'shock'," another one of them added in. I wasn't sure if anyone else heard it but I heard the slight pause on shock. The lady passed over cokes and sprites, enough for the group of boys.
"Thanks Miss, much appreciated. Now she can recover," a boy said pulling Bex and I away. We stared at them.
"Why the hell did you do that?" Bex demanded. I'm sure she was happy about skipping more than 25 people and getting a free drink in the process, but I know that Bex does NOT like to be manipulated by other people - especially those she doesn't know.
"Hey, we're outta the line right?" one of them replied coolly. Bex and I both looked them over. I recognized them, but from where I had no idea.
"So what team are you here for?" Bex asked. They laughed among their little group.
"Do you ladies want to sit with us?" one of them asked. Bex and I exchanged a look. We didn't necessarily want to sit with them, but I knew that she recognized them too.
"Yeah, we'll have a little chit chat," Bex responded smirking. She glanced at me and winked. I grinned back.
"So where you ladies from?" one of them asked us. He was tall, the tallest of the group. He had brown hair with hazel eyes. The 2nd half had already started and the score stood the same, 5 minutes in already.
"Roseville," Bex promptly replied. They all cringed. That's when it hit me. I was talking with Thomas Bianchi.
"Thomas?!" I asked excitedly.
"Yeah?!" he replied with the same tone, except with confusion. "Do I know you?" he asked.
"I'm Cammie, remember me?" he blinked, but then I knew it hit him.
"OOOHHH! That chick from Gallagher!" Bex stared in between us.
"Great, another boy to add to our love triangle," she replied.
"Uh, no. Cammie and I are just buddies," he told Bex. She stared between us. I nodded in agreement. She waved it off, I knew she wasn't going to take it for the truth.
"How do you guys know each other?" she asked us.
"Good question. Well I went to a school named Blackthrone, and she went to a school called Gallagher. They're brother sister schools, each all boys or all girls," he explained.
"You go camping with boys and girls? Well we did too. We were in what, 6th grade? We went to some outdoor camp… whatever it was called. That's how we met, same group, yeah," he trailed off.
"Wait, do you still go to Blackthrone?" I asked. He probably didn't, considering that he was playing for Koochiching, a near by town.
"Yeah, I do." Bex and I stared at each other. Two plus two was not adding up to four.
"Then why were you playing with Koochiching?" I asked.
"Because they needed a kicker and our team sucked," he shrugged it off.
"But we're happy he's playing for us!" a kid behind him grabbed him in a head lock as they all laughed.
"I'm assuming you're his Koochiching team mates," I said. They all nodded. "Figures," I replied.
"Hey, so what's up with Roseville. Who are the populars? Queen bitches? Dumb jocks? Can I assume your QB is a dumb jock?" I stared at Thomas.
"No, you can not assume that because he's one of the smartest students at our school," I replied. Even though he always skips class, he's still really smart, and a good athlete.
"Is his name Kyle Haeg?" Thomas asked. I glanced at him while watching the game.
"Yeah, why?"
"I'm doing some sort of transfer with him." My face went pale then and there.
"So even if one of the boy toys leaves you're still going to have a replacement come in," Bex talked with me as we made it back to our seats.
"That sounds about right," I said taking it in. This wasn't good. Thomas would of course sit, eat, and talk with me, considering I was the only one he knew at our school. How would Zach take it?
"Great," she replied. I nodded in agreement. We made it down to our seats, only to see people taken it. We conceded and sat a row over. Still with our high school section, only loners of that section. Soon enough people started transferring. I looked up at the score. 21-8. At least we had some form of points up on the board. It was the fourth quarter. We needed 2 touchdowns, quick. I laughed as some of our students tried to start the wave. The wave doesn't work very well with the sport football. But then I was being jerked up and instructed by some of the boys that I needed to help them start the wave. I looked down - why was I always one of the people who had to start these things? Can't other people do as great of a job?
"Just get it going, we'll take it from there," one of them told me. I shrugged.
"Alright everybody listen up!" I yelled as our whole student section - including some of our players on the bench - quieted. I looked at the guy. He looked astounded but recovered quickly.
"We're gona do the wave!" he yelled as he was met with cheers I went to go sit down.
"So what, you were just there to get attention?" Bex snickered. I glared right back.
"No, I was supposed to start it, but did I? No."
"We scored a touch down. That's why we cheered she said motioning her hand towards the field. I looked up on the score board and it was 14-21. We just kicked the ball for the extra point. 15-21.
"Are you kidding? That's why everyone cheered? And I missed a touchdown?" I covered my face with my hands in frustration. Bex just laughed.
"Maybe you were our bad luck girl, get out of here!" she teased shooing me away. I looked down on her. Maybe I would leave just for the heck of it.
"You're right. I'm outta here," I replied.
"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" she yelled back at me. "No, you're our lucky charm, I was kidding. You know how bad Kyle and Zach would start playing if they lost sight of you?"
"I thought I was the bad luck charm and making them nervous."
"There's only one remedy, you staying, but not watching the game." I groaned. What was the point in coming if I couldn't watch the game?
"Well that's too bad. I'm just going to do what I've been doing all week - that is watch." Suddenly our whole student section was cheering and we both looked at the field. We just got another touch down.
"See? I told you." I glared back at her. She was about to make some snappy comeback - I could just see it in her eyes - when she suddenly blurted out, "Do you like Thomas Bianchi?"
"What are you talking about?" I demanded. She blurted it out so randomly… it was as if she were accusing me! Suddenly our whole section cheered and it clicked. I made a unhappy face to Bex. She just smiled back. "It was necessary. We got the ball back didn't we?" I looked out and saw that we had the possession on their 35, then groaned. "Bex!" she just giggled.
"But do you like him?" she asked seriously.
"No," I responded in a heart beat.
"Are you sure? 'Cause I see otherwise," she teased. Suddenly our section jumped up. I glared at her. I already knew what happened. She just jumped up like she was watching and celebrated with surrounding people. I looked and we were kicking it to them. Then I looked at the score board. 23 - 21 with 1 minute 6 seconds left. "We so have a chance!" she yelled. Then she looked down at me still sitting. She sheepishly smiled. I glared back. She sat down with me. "Fine, I won't watch with you then," she said with a smile. "Win, win!"
"But I wanted to watch the game!" I whined back. Our section cheered. I hated her so much. I looked at the field. Somehow we had gained possession again.
"Well only 45 seconds left. DO NOT WATCH," she commanded as she grabbed my face making me look at her.
"This is no fun," I remarked. "Plus it looks really weird." Immediately she dropped her hands. I snickered. She glanced at the clock.
"Well only 3 seconds left, you can watch." I looked at the field. We were at their 15 somehow. I shook my head. I wanted to actually watch the game, not be the person who shows up but is not allowed to watch. I got to watch the final play at least. Kyle threw a perfect pass right into Zach's arms securing our win. 29 - 21. Our section went crazy as the ran down as close as they could to the field. I got up and left. I went up to the concessions. Well no one was here now. Everyone was smart enough to not pass by our section.
"Hey." I looked around and saw Thomas.
"You're crazy," I laughed. At a point he was smart, but he was stupid to go all the way around the stadium just to see if possibly the walking area wasn't crowded. "What's up?"
"Just wanted to say congrates," he replied. "And I was hoping you could help me get around the school next tri," he mumbled embarrased.
"You could find your way," I replied. His eyes actually widened.
"Are you nuts?! Your school is fricking huge!" I laughed.
"Maybe," I replied while waving back. I walked down the stairs to our student section. I laughed at his facial expression. I knew that he didn't like me, but he was actually terrified of our school. It was bigger than his school for sure, and it wasn't his 'home' exactly.
I mingled into the crowd as I planned to get lost. I smiled then cheered.. Our school had just won state.
I was at the airport along with Bex and Grant. We (or rather I + the drag-a-longs) were seeing Kyle off.
"You gona miss me?" he asked smiling.
"I might," I replied.
"Can I get a hug before I go?" he asked. I gave him a hug. Then he smiled then waved. Next thing you knew he was gone.
"Aw, Cammie you like him," Bex teased. I glared back.
"He's just a good friend, but I see you two getting cozy," I responded. Bex and Grant both took a step away from each other. I laughed. "You guys are in love!" Bex blushed. Grant shrugged it off. Yep, man of emotion.
I was lying on my bedroom floor when I heard a knock on my door. It barged open. I was expecting Grant, not Zach who came in from my balcony door.
"What's up?" I asked.
"You're going to miss him aren't you," he said in a serious tone.
I shrugged on the floor.
"I may."
Before I knew it he had joined me on the ground.
"Fall is such a peaceful time of year," Zach said as he closed his eyes.
"You better believe it," I smiled.
"People say it's the most romantic season of the year. I mean it is followed by winter where you can get cozy." My eyes snapped open and I turned my head to look at Zach. He was smirking looking straight back into my eyes. I felt a little hot.
That was when I realized I was blushing.
"I won't lose in this game, Gallagher Girl. Especially with Kyle gone, I'll be making my moves. You better watch out," he smiled. I felt my heart skip a beat. I thought I liked Kyle?! No, I knew I liked Kyle, but why was Zach having so much of an impact on me.
"I'll see you around," he grinned as he saw my reaction. Then he got up and left. I stared back at the ceiling.
God help me with all these boys.
Yeah I know. It gets kind of rushed at the end. Sorry. Look out for a sequel if you like... C: