In this story Macey is Cammie's little sister and Grant is her older brother. I have nothing against Tina but I needed someone to be mean... They just moved into town and it's the first day of school! Enjoy. C:
"Come on, Cammie! Get up!"
The whinny voice of a little sister in the morning. Great.
"We're going to be late if you don't get up, Cammie," Macey complained. Reluctantly I started to get up. "Thank God! You're finally awake. Ten minutes until we leave so you better get a move on it!" she scolded me until I actually got out of the bed and took off my pajamas, then she took the courtesy to leave.
What day was it? Why was she in such a hurry? Ten minutes until we leave to what? Then it hit me. School. Macey was always excited for school. Now me? No, I was not excited for school. We had just moved here and we hadn't met anyone yet. That meant I got to sit around and look like an idiot looking for friends, or people to talk too. What should I wear? I knew Macey wouldn't accept just anything; she was always making sure I was wearing 'acceptable' clothes. I sighed. I threw on some light wash jeans and a white shirt with something outlined in blue. I think it was a flower with a dove, but it was all scribble-ly and it was just weird looking. I thought that at least.
I slid down the railing down into the entrance and Grant was waiting for me with some toast in a bag.
"Thanks, bro," I said, sticking the bread into my mouth.
"You're welcome. Excited for school?" He asked. He knew the answer to that one. I put on my shoes and walked out.
"Come on kids," mom yelled at us through the window of the car. I smiled. The school was too far to walk to so mom would have to drive us. That was a plus. Macey was such a jerk if she didn't get shot gun so I walked straight to the backseat. No use in putting Macey in a bad mood. Mom smiled at me in thanks.
"So are you excited for school guys?" mom asked us. Macey went off. For the rest of the drive it was Macey time, her talking about random stuff or anything just so she could talk. Finally we pulled in. Macey strutted and was waiting for Grant and me.
She wanted to make some kind of impression? Grant rolled his eyes. We walked out and I waved my mom good-bye. Already we had people staring at us. Considering my brother's 'god' of a body and Macey being beautiful, I saw it all. We walked to the office and got our locker combinations and such. We couldn't arrive in time for the orientation to see the whole school. Macey's locker was on the other side of the school and she met some girls like her so she went off. I didn't really care. She could hold her own. I mean she could be a total bitch sometimes! Those girls shouldn't be anything.
Grant and I walked down the hall. Since he was a grade older he had to go farther into the school to get to his locker. He was glad he could escort me to my locker. He was a little overprotective. I was barely noticed and he just made me more noticeable so I didn't see why he did it.
I saw my locker and I saw two people making out in front of it. I smiled. The girl was Tina Walters and I knew her. She went to my school before, but then she transferred. She was a bitch and I knew it.
I had played a few tricks on her before but none too serious.
I walked straight up to them and coughed.
"EXCUSE ME," I said loudly. Everyone was looking over here, or rather peeking (like they shouldn't be or something. It was strange) and I had finally given them something to look at. The two looked startled at me.
"Cameron Morgan?" Tina all but screeched.
"Hey, Tina!" I grinned. The boy looked confused. He had bright green eyes and brown hair.
"What are you doing here," she spat at me.
"Gee, you're nice to a transfer student," I said.
"What, you get expelled from Gallagher?" she laughed.
"No, but since we're talking about our old school how's your hair?" She glared at me. One of my, not to harmless tricks got her to dye her hair.
I noticed some blue streaks in her black hair.
"You changed your hair color too? I thought that brown was so pretty!" I said. Tina was just getting redder and redder. The people around us started to laugh. I don't know what she had been telling them but I knew that tricking her into dying her hair blue was not one of them. I saw her boyfriend crack a smile. I lightly pushed her out of my way and got into my locker and picked out items for my first class. Then I slammed my locker.
"Have a nice day, Tina!" I said smiling. Then I walked away. I saw Grant laughing like crazy and girls around him start blushing. Grant caught up with me and started telling jokes. We were laughing quite some time. Then a voice caught me off guard.
"That was bloody brilliant," the girl exclaimed. Her British accent fully pronounced. Grant and I turned to look at her. She stood up taller. "My name is Rebecca Baxter. Call me Bex," she put her hand out for me to shake. Wow, get with the times girl. Awkwardly I shook her hand. "That was quite a show back there," she kept going. "Tina's such a bitch and almost everyone knows it. But she's so popular and rich! Plus she's the newspaper editor so she can put anything in to get you in trouble." Huh, that would be a key point to remember. "What's your homeroom class?"
"Oh, uh, Mr. Robinson?" I said in a question form.
"Me too! I'll show you to his room!" she giggled. I waved at Grant.
"Hey! Any issues with boys and just let me know," he said. I rolled my eyes. Overprotective much.
"Wow that was awesome how you told Tina off about her hair. She doesn't talk about it much. You even got Zach to smile! He hasn't smiled much since he and Tina started going out. He's been all serious," Bex babbled on. So her boy toy's name was Zach huh?
"Well how long have they been going out?" I asked. It couldn't be any more than 7 months knowing Tina.
"Six months about," Bex replied. Ha, one more month and he would be free! Wait! What was I saying?! "He is the hottest boy in school." I looked over at her and she was smiling.
"Oh, here we are," Bex said, right as the bell rung. No wonder there were like, no people in the halls.
"Hello ladies, take a seat," I'm assuming who was 'Mr. Robinson' said. "Ah, wait. You must be new. Please introduce yourself." Wow. He sounded patient enough.
"Uh, Cammie Morgan," I said. Hey! I was in the same class as Tina and her boy toy. He was smirking while Tina's face had a disgusted look on.
"Fair enough, take a seat anywhere," Mr. Robinson said. I walked to sit next to Bex. Near the front, great.
Mr. Robinson droned on for the next 45 minutes and then finally the bell rang.
I got up and walked out. I heard Tina almost right behind me. I bet she was shooting daggers. I saw a lot of the girls blush as they were walking out. That meant…
"Hey, SIS!" Yep. Grant was waiting for me.
"Hi, Grant!" Tina smiled at him walking out of the classroom. It was her flirty look. Augh. Please don't hit on my brother. Grant didn't even notice Tina.
"So how was class?" he asked me as he, Bex and I walked to my locker.
"Oh it was horrible! Our teacher was just talking and talking and it was super boring!" I was so tired I thought I was going to fall asleep just walking.
"Oh, don't worry," Bex started, "he's actually a real good teacher. But all the teachers are forced to say stuff like that because it's the first day of school." I stared in horror at Bex.
"YOU MEAN ALL THE TEACHERS ARE GOING TO GO THROUGH THAT?!" I demanded. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it through the day.
"Yeah, get ready for a tough day."
It was lunch finally. I got a mini tour of the school. Well more like a cyber tour. We went on the main page for computer and looked at the school. I figured out where my classes would be and the layout of the school.
Anyone want to explain to me why they had a separate building for lunch? Seemed like a waste to me. So instead of doing lunches by grade, they just made a huge building for all grades. Whatever I guess.
Bex and I got in line for lunch. Or rather for me. She brought her lunch.
"CAMMIE!!" The whole room looked over at Grant, waving his hands and waving me over. That was embarrassing.
"Oh mi gosh, he looks like a gawd," I girl in front of me said. I rolled my eyes. This school was going to get old fast.
I started to stroll over there gracefully. What can you say when my mom is beautiful and walked gracefully? I always copied my mom and now it just kind of sticked. I heard some wolf whistles. Sexist pigs much. I saw my brother stand up. That was my cue to hurry on over before he started something. I got over there before anything happened. Bex had sat by some of her other friends and I saw why. My family sat together alone. We were sitting at a smaller table for 4 people, unlike the other long tables. How they got that, I'm not sure.
"Hey, Mace. How's it gone?" I asked my little sister.
"Oh, these teachers are going on about the most boring things! It's terrible. And the girls here do NOT know fashion. I'm like worshiped. I need competition!" Macey started rambling on about how this school was 'just NO'.
"GRANT?" I asked, cutting Macey off.
"Man, the girls here are totally annoying. They follow me around and it's just not even cool. This one girl took her number out of her bra! It was gross!" Great. I had a choice of my brother rambling on about girls, or my sister rambling on about girls. Great.
"Well how is your day going?" Macey asked, cutting off Grant. Getting the message he stopped.
"I don't know, it's like a drag. I mean the teachers are super boring." My family knew that I was the one who actually cared about studying. "I met Bex and she seems nice enough," I kept going, I mean I must be somewhat interesting. "Tina-" my family went off. I felt kind of bad at some of the things that Grant and Macey were saying but they were true. She was a slut… I mean, not every girl gets a guy, dates him for seven months exact, then dumps him and gets a new guy in a week.
"Hello," a voice came. We all looked up. It was some boy.
"Uhhhhhh, do we know you?" Macey asked harshly.
The boy slightly cringed, but kept going. "I'm Jonas. I do things with computers. I heard a girl named Cammie liked to too."
So he was here for me.
"Put a finger on her and I'll kill you," Grant threatened. I felt bad for Jonas. He got the guts to come ask me and my family harshly starts to put him down.
"Sure, let's talk somewhere else," I told him, telling my family to be somewhat kind. They just rolled their eyes and started talking to each other. As I got up I felt almost every eye on me. It was uncomfortable.
"So what kind of computer things do you do?" I asked him.
"You won't tell?" Jonas asked. Wow. He has faith in me.
"Nope," I reassured him.
"I like to do hacking," he responded. Well that was a new one. "Please don't tell!" he said. I smiled. I could like this boy.
"No, no. I think that's awesome," I said with a grin. Let's see what kind of sabotage to Tina I could do. "So are you a club or something?" I asked him.
"No," I was thinking about it but almost everyone knows me here and no one really, uh, likes me." Huh, I wonder why… I'll have to figure our later.
"Let's be a duo, then," I said. I liked the idea of being able to hack. It could be very… important. He smiled.
"After school in the computer lab?" he asked me.
"Uh, I can't do tonight," I replied. Knowing my family we were going to do something. "How about tomorrow?" He nodded.
Awesome. I was going to be a hacker.
I was walking to my next class after lunch. Bex wasn't in it so I didn't know anybody (smart of me not to make more friends) and Grant and Mace's classes were on the other side of the building. So here I was, making my way through. Suddenly I heard my name being called. I stopped and turned around to see who was calling. In the process I heard people around me gasp and say my name and they didn't know I was around.
I had this thing of being invisible. No one saw me when I didn't want to be seen. Except for whoever just called my name.
So who just called my name.
I looked at him in awe. How did he see me?
"Hey, you're going to catch flies with your mouth that open," he joked. I quickly shut it. "What class are you off too?" he asked me. I looked at my list.
"History," I replied.
"No way! Me to," he grinned. Bex said he didn't smile much. She must've been lying.
"Sweet," I said with no emotion.
"So you know Tina?" he asked me. I looked at him. I don't like her nor do I want to talk about her. Wait, he's her boy toy.
She probably sent him to get me to do something stupid.
"You better be careful," I warned him.
"Huh? Why?" he asked me. I wanted to tell him to get rid of Tina, but I couldn't.
"My brother's going to be out for you," I told him. That was a good thing to tell him, considering my brother was a freak sometimes.
"Ha! Seeing what Jonas did today, I'm nothing," he said while smirking.
You know that smirk was getting kind of annoying.
Luckily I walked into class before I could say anything.
"Hello Ms. Morgan," a voice said. I looked up. No teacher had known my name yet this one did. "Mr. Goode," he continued. "Welcome to history class. You have 41 seconds to get situated." Wow, this guy was rough. I sat down in the front row, seeing that it was the only seats open. I wonder if this guy is a spitter. Hmmm. Zach sat on my left, still smirking.
The bell went off and he shut the door and locked it. I heard the door rattle. Obviously someone was trying to get in.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he said through the knocking. "My name is Mr. Solomon. I do not let people into my room after the bell. So arrive ON TIME." The knocking stopped. I'm sure the poor kid outside the door heard. "I teach history obviously, and I have a lot of pop quizzes. So be on guard. Ms. Holton tell me what I said so far." I looked back and saw a girl blushing.
"I, uh, um," she stammered out.
"Fail," Mr. Solomon said. Ouch, sever much?
"Mr. Allen why don't you try." A jock perked up.
"Your name is Mr. Solomon and you don't like tardy people. You teach history and you do many pop quizzes." He got it down.
"Tell me it word-for-word."
"Uh…" this boy wasn't any better in that category.
"Fail. Ms. Sutton," he asked.
"Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Mr. Solomon. I do not let people into my room after the bell. So arrive ON TIME. I teach history obviously and I have a lot of pop quizzes. So be on guard. Would you like me to continue, Mr. Solomon?" she questioned. Wow, this girl had it down.
"That is fine," he replied. "Now that will be happening frequently so pay attention." With that he started class.
What a LONG class.
And FINALLY it ended.
After what felt like FIVE HOURS.
I quickly gathered up my notebooks, only to be intercepted by Zach.
"Come on, Zach. Let me grab my stuff," I pleaded. I really wanted to just get OUT of HERE.
"One question for you, Gallagher Girl." I looked up at what he called me. Gallagher Girl?
"Well you did go to that school right?" he asked me. I slowly nodded, trying to grab my stuff.
Instead he grabbed it for me and asked, "How do you know my name?"
I rolled my eyes and walked out. I could get my notebooks from him tomorrow.
"Whoa, don't leave me," he said, running to catch up with me.
"Why don't you give me my stuff before I sick my brother on you," I said through clenched teeth. I really have had enough of this boy. I was tired and I just wanted to get away.
"Huh, okay," with that he left. I sighed in relief. Only to remember he had my notebooks. Oh whatever. I would hope he brought them tomorrow. After that class, every other class seemed to go fast enough. And finally the day was over. Done. Complete. Finished.
I walked to my locker after last class. No one bothered me that time. I waited patiently for the people around me to finish up. They hogged so much room it was almost impossible to get in my locker. Finally they were done too. But by then the halls were pretty much empty. Sighing I opened my locker, only to find a few notes.
"Hey Cams!
Mom told me to tell you to meet us by the flag pole in back.
- Grant"
Okay. Whatever. I stuck it in my pocket. I opened the next one.
"I have your notebooks hostage Gallagher Girl! You won't get them back til you tell me!
- Z"
Tell him what? Oh right. How I know his name. Whatever. I stuffed it in my pocket. I opened the next one.
"I think I like you. You're so different then other girls."
I flipped the piece of paper over no name, initial, anything. See, these kinds of notes waste my time. I crumbled it into a ball. I don't know why but I checked to make sure no one was coming. I went across from the garbage and shot the paper ball into it. Perfect shot.
I through the rest of my books into my backpack and started my way out of school. It felt good to be outside again. I smiled and started to run. As I neared the flag pole I slowed down. I did not want to show that to my family. Last time I did I was teased forever.
I walked over and my mom honked. I quickly walked over and hopped in.
"Took you long enough," Grant said.
"Yeah, when you get enough love notes, Grant-" Macey started but mom cut them off.
"How about ice cream?" she asked us.
"Sounds good," I said.
"You know how many calories-" Mace was about to go on about some rant but Grant cut her off.
"Yum, lets go."
So we drove to the nearest ice cream shop. It was only 2 blocks away from our house. I was going to love summer.
I ordered a chocolate and cookie's and cream double, and started eating before anyone else was served.
"Cammie and her ice cream. Don't mess with it!" Grant teased. I looked up at him with a pout.
"Cammie doesn't like it when people make fun of her and her ice cream," I replied back. By then he was cracking up.
We walked out the door. I decided I wanted to walk home. It was so pretty out in the fall, I wanted to talk a walk.
"Hey, mom. Can I meet you guys at home?" I asked her.
"What? Got a date?" Mace asked.
"No. The scenery!" Grant teased. I rolled my eyes and started walking on home.
It was really beautiful here. The leaves were already different colors and it was early September. I walked on, eating my ice cream and minding my own business when someone decided to ruin it.
"Hey, Gallagher Girl!"
Ugh, that voice was not one I wanted to hear.
"Hi, Zach," I wearily said. I really didn't feel like talking. Then he shut up. He didn't say anything. After the block it was getting kind of uncomfortable so I broke the silence.
"Do you want anything?" I blurted. I tried not to sound mean, but it may have come out that way.
"Well, I was going to pester you about my name, but it looks like you were interested in the scenery. I'll give you a break today," he replied. That just made me want to talk to him. Augh.
"So you decided to follow me?" I asked him. Did he want to figure out where I lived? Because I really didn't want that.
"No. I'm going home. At first I thought you were following me but that made no sense because you were walking in font of me."
"But I this is my spot so I guess I'll see you later!" With that he went running up to the house. I went pale.
My house was next door.
We were neighbors.