Sorry this took me so long to write, I've been having a hugely hectic end of term work and social wise, and I couldn't quite find the right words for the end of this story. I'm quite pleased with this as an ending, and I hope you guys are, too. Thank you all so much for reading, special thanks to those who have spared the time to review, it's meant so much to me. Enjoy this last instalment, and keep a weather eye on the horizon for a sequel.


The first thing that hit him when he left the trial was the sunlight. For some reason, it seemed to him stronger, brighter and warmer than it had been when he had entered the building over two hours ago. It was like a welcome. Something he had thought, however irrationally, that he might never see or feel again. For a few moments, he closeh his eyes and basked in the feeling of freedom, of unadulterated lightness. He felt a light pressure on his hand, and looked around to see Narcissa smiling at him, her blonde hair shining in the sunlight, looking more beautiful than he had ever seen her. She was wearing red, and although he usually favoured green, he had to admit that red suited her more than any other colour in the world. Red patent heels, a tight red shift dress and bright scarlet lipstick. Even the colours of her clothes seemed brighter.

"Ready to start living?" she said, an inviting lilt in her voice. He smiled at her, his grin mirroring her own, pulling them into their own private world, safe and free and utterly intoxicating.

They went for lunch in a small muggle cafe, for once feeling like a private celebration out of the eyes of the rest of the wizarding world. Although looks, love and money could do an awful lot to win people over, there were still many, especially those who had fought in the Order, who did not welcome the Malfoy family with open arms. Among his own friends, too, there was some awkwardness. The look on Bella's face had been livid, and he did not like that glint in her eye. It was a glint which promised malice, retribution and revenge. He did not like to think what she might be planning. For now, he did not want to worry about his reputation, his connections or his future, which he knew would become the concerns of tomorrow. He was happy for now just to breath freely again, and to spend the first fearless meal with his lovely wife and incredible son since before he could recall.

It was a light, carefree meal. It was not fine food, but for once Lucius did not care. With a crafty look at Narcissa he wasted no time in ordering a chocolate milkshake, cheeseburger with chips and an enormous chunk of cheesecake. With an indulgent you-would-not-get-away-with-a-meal-like-that-under-any-normal-circumstances look on her face, Narcissa ordered a soda and a stack of blueberry pancakes for herself and a plate of fries for Draco, and made a light, acerbic remark that for a man who had just escaped the Dementors he was wasting no time in finding an alternate cause of death, namely heart failure. Lucius found that it was something he had no difficulty in finding amusing. He roared with laughter at the remark, and the infectiousness of it caused Narcissa to add her own chiming laugh, and even Draco's engaging giggle joined their mirth. It was a comfortable, lighthearted meal, a reconnection with his family, even though it culminated in having to compensate the restaurant for Draco managing somehow to splatter pureed potato all over the walls of not only their booth but the entire establishment. He could not help feeling pride in his son for displaying magical ability at such an early age, and if anything, it made the day even brighter.

It was not until very late into the night, after a more private but no less blissful reconnection with his wife, that Lucius laid to rest his final ghost. Quietly rising from his bed and slipping on his emerald green robe, taking care not to disturb a sleeping Narcissa, he felt a little pang, a stab of uncertainty, a tiny needle of doubt as to whether he should entirely embrace this second chance, leave the values behind him which had almost lost him everything, or if he should leave himself a tiny keyhole, a foothold to power. He padded lightly down the staircase and into the cellar, through to the tiny vault, using his wand to lower the wards he had set up all those months ago. Behind them sat a plain, slightly scuffed leather bound book. A book which held the potential for great things. He remembered the words in the silky, chilly voice of one who was now gone, probably forever. The tantalising, terrifying words.

"Not just a book, Lucius, but a key, a weapon even, to be used, perhaps, when the time is right, but to be kept safe and secret until I tell you to unleash it. It contains the secrets of the Heir of Slytherin, and will, in time, help in the fight to rid Hogwarts of mudbloods forever. It contains the key which will unlock the Chamber of Secrets."

He let the tip of his wand rest against the leather cover of the book. A simple incendio would almost certainly suffice to sever his link with all things dark, probably forever. Could he do it? Should he? He had learned his lesson, learned, surely, what was important. His family was his life, the one thing which had kept him going, the one thing which mattered to him. He did not need power and authority, it had only brought him danger in the past. But he had a second chance. A clean slate. This time, he was in control. It could be different. Making a pure world for his son to grow up in... it was within his grasp, should he choose to indulge, with no dark Lord to ensnare him, to twist him to his own dark purpose. His fingers twitched on his wand.

"Learn from your mistakes, Lucius." He could hear Narcissa's clear, sweet voice in his head, almost feel her chin on his shoulder as she looked on and saw him being tempted. He knew he should. He didn't need this anymore. He did not need power, did not need darkness. But his hands did not obey his higher conscience. Without knowing quite why, he replaced the book inside its wards, doubled them, tripled them, and turned his back on the weapon he could not quite make himself destroy. He would not use it. It was just there. A memento, a reminder, of a past he would never repeat. But there nevertheless. Just in case. He returned to bed, slipping his arms around his slender wife, smiling to himself as she wriggled closer to him in her sleep. The diary faded from his mind, and he focused on the soft floral scent of Narcissa, lulling him into sleep.

He had been given a second chance, a chance to live, to love, and he would embrace it. But every Slytherin knows that only a fool will lock the door and throw away the key forever. Things change, and the wise change with them. And the Malfoys would always be counted amongst the wise.

Oh go on. You know you want to. Review time :)