A/N: welcome to my Wolf's Rain fanfic! this takes place after the anime, and i have a friend who's like crazy about this anime, and i only hope i can meet everyone's expectations with a Wolf's Rain fanfic. i know there have been a lot that are what Kiba, Tsume, Hige and Toboe are like reborn, and i can only hope that this one is enjoyable for all of you! if there are some inaccuracies, i'm so sorry. enjoy!

Chapter 1: Kiba Reborn

He ran. He ran in the rain until he was sure his legs would fall off. He was being drawn to something. Something familiar. Something he knew well and needed to find. A voice was calling his name. A familiar voice. He knew who that voice belonged to. He remembered. Even if the others didn't, he did.

Kiba, the voice called, timidly. Kiba...

I'm coming, he answered. I'm trying to find you...Cheza

This one is waiting for you, the voice replied. This one will wait patiently for you to find this one.

He tripped slightly but quickly caught himself from falling face first into the wet cement. He had to get to her, no matter what. He panted, out of breath but he kept running. The rain soaked him through, but he didn't care. Faces were blurred by his haste, but he knew they were looking at him in confusion, and he didn't care. He came to a dead stop next to an alley and panted, trying to catch his breath.

What had made him stop there, he wasn't sure. But as he caught his breath he looked down the alley, his intense blue eyes squinting against his rain soaked, black hair that hung in his eyes. He shook some rain drops from his hair then turned to the alley fully, seeing something stand out in its darkness. He stepped into the alleyway, staring at the thing that had caught his attention. He shook his hair again to be rid of the water in it completely as he stopped right in front of the thing.

Kneeling down, he examined the pure white flower growing from the dingy black ground. He knew exactly what it was. A Lunar flower. He hadn't seen one in a long time. As with the other paradise before it, the paradise he had brought about had been destroyed and turned into the world he now found himself in. The Earth was now covered with buildings and humans had once again forgotten their origin. Humans had forgotten that wolves were their ancestors and he was forced to hide what he was if he was to survive.

He stared in awe at the flower and reached out to gently stroke one of its petals. Just as his finger touched the petal, a shadow appeared next to him. He pulled his hand away as if burned and looked to the source of the shadow. He shot to his feet with wide eyes filled with disbelief mixed with excitement and relief. She was covered in a pink cloak, her rose-red eyes staring blankly ahead, but she was smiling.



He hurried toward her, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her close. She smiled a bit wider and embraced him in return as he buried his face into her shoulder.

"This one is glad you're safe," she whispered, hugging him tightly.

"I'm so glad I found you," he murmured. "I was afraid I'd never see you again. It's been so long."

She didn't respond as they still held each other and savored the feeling of the other's embrace. It had been a long time since they'd last seen each other, and he'd been afraid she would never appear to him, or call to him the way she had.

"Cheza?" he whispered, afraid that speaking in a louder tone would break the sweetness of the reunion.

"Yes, Kiba?" she wondered.

"Sing your song to me, please?" he requested and her smile grew. She sang her lullaby, rocking back and forth slightly, still hugging him and he smiled at the happiness in the tune. After another moment or so he reluctantly pulled away to look up and down the alley then back at her.

"Come on," he urged. "Let's get out of the cold."

She nodded and he took her hand to lead her out of the dark alley into the rainy streets of the city. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders to protect her from the rain, even though she wore a coat, and they headed down the street. They stopped at a light and waited for it to change when he heard something rumble toward them. Looking across the intersection he saw a man on a motorcycle dressed in black to match the bike with a black helmet as well.

As the light turned green for him and the bike sped down the street, Kiba stared at him and saw his eyes through the windshield of his helmet. He had known the moment he'd laid eyes on the man in black that he was a wolf, like him, and seeing his, eyes he almost shot off after him, but he just stared on with wide eyes as the motorcycle zoomed down the street. He knew exactly who it was. There was no mistaking him.

"Tsume…" he breathed and Cheza looked up at him.

"What's wrong, Kiba?" she wondered meekly, and he looked back at her just as the light turned green to allow them to cross the street.

"I just saw Tsume," he replied, walking them across the street. "I don't think he recognized me, though."

"Perhaps he hasn't remembered his past yet?" she guessed. "Everyone's memories come back at different times, sometimes not at all."

He looked at her with wide eyes as they stepped onto the curb and repeated, "Not at all? You mean, they'll never remember?"

"This one does not know," she replied. "Everyone is different."

As they continued walking, he felt his heart sink a little. His friends may not ever remember him, or Cheza, or each other. Was he the only one who would remember? Would he meet Hige, or Toboe, or Tsume again and they wouldn't remember who he was, even later? He hugged Cheza closer to him as they walked, feeling glad that he had her, even if he didn't have his friends yet.

They walked a little further down the street and Kiba smelled the scent of hot dogs cooking somewhere nearby. He looked in the direction the smell was coming from and noticed immediately a boy about his age in a blue rain coat, his arms full of bags of food and stuffing a hot dog in his mouth across the street. He walked down that sidewalk and looked up and down the street and Kiba almost wanted to call to him when he saw his face, but didn't. He knew who that was as well, and knew he was a wolf, too.

Hige... he only told himself, but kept walking. He wasn't sure if he would remember him either. He and Cheza came to a small restaurant and stepped in, out of the cold and rain. Kiba wanted so much to just shake off all the water that drenched him, but fought the impulse out of respect for all the humans eating their meals inside. He led Cheza to an empty table and they sat down, Kiba facing the huge glass window.

"The rain shouldn't last too much longer," he assured her, touching a hand to one of hers as it sat on the table. "We'll head home when it stops."

"Home?" Cheza echoed and Kiba nodded.

"Where I live," he rephrased. He stared out the window when he saw a young boy with an umbrella walk past it. He glanced into the window just for a moment, long enough for Kiba to see his face. He had a small, white kitten in his arms, wrapped in a blanket to keep it warm and dry. Another wolf, and another familiar face.

"Toboe just passed," he informed Cheza and she smiled.

"So all your friends are here?" she guessed and Kiba nodded with a slight smile. "This one is glad for you."

"Actually, I haven't seen Blue," he corrected. "I'm sure we'll see her soon, though. If the others are here, she must be too."

"What can I get you folks?" the waitress asked them and Kiba jumped with a start as he looked up at her. His prediction had been correct. The waitress was a tall, stunning woman with short, black hair and piercing blue eyes against dark skin…and she just happened to be, at least, part wolf.

"Nothing," Kiba replied, knowing she obviously didn't remember him. "We're just here to get out of the rain."

"Maybe some hot chocolate or coffee?" she urged then leaned close enough to whisper, "If you don't order anything my manager'll make me kick you out. I'd rather not do that to poor folks trying to keep dry."

Kiba smiled at her compassion, remembering how she'd cared for them before and nodded, saying, "Alright then. Two hot chocolates."

The waitress nodded and wrote the order down on her tablet with a smile and said, "I'll be your waitress for today. The name's Blue."

"Thank you, Blue," Kiba nodded and she walked away with a smile. He couldn't help but smile as well. She seemed a lot more happy and cheerful than the last time they'd met. He looked back at Cheza and touched her hand again, making her turn her blank gaze toward him.

"Is something wrong?" she wondered and Kiba shook his head with a slight smile.

"No," he replied. "I'm just happy I found you. I…I missed you."

"This one missed you as well," she smiled back.

"Hey! Let go of me!"

Kiba sat up straight as he looked to the door, preparing to take Cheza and get out if anything serious happened. A young girl with dark brown hair that fell just above her shoulders and fiery jade eyes was struggling against a big man who was holding her under her arms and shoving her toward the door as she struggled.

"You can't do this!" she snarled, still struggling. "I'm a customer! I paid for a meal!"

"You're loitering!" the man snapped back, still shoving her toward the door. "You said you ordered food hours ago! Now get outta here! We're open for customers only!"

"But I am!" she shouted as everyone watched her being shoved out the door.

"Bull shit!" the man snarled, and shoved the door open then almost threw her out and into the street. "Get outta here! I don't take in strays!"

"You stupid, son of a-!"

The man shut the door before she finished insulting him, but she still ranted and raved outside, the sound of the rain along with the sound proof glass window and door drowned out her voice, however. Kiba watched in slight amusement as she stomped her foot and shoved her hands the pockets of her brown pants then headed down the street. She glanced into the window but took a double take and stared with wide eyes right at Kiba.

She pointed at herself, then at him as she said something. He frowned at her in confusion but soon realized what it was she was trying to communicate. She was saying, "You're a wolf, like me!"

Kiba only nodded and the girl suddenly became giddy. He watched in half confusion and half amusement as the girl spun around in circle in the rain, her clothes and hair being drenched. She suddenly stopped and started talking into the window again and he watched her lips closely to read them.

"My name is Ryooshi!" she was saying. "Who's that pretty girl that smells so good with you?"

"I told you to get outta here!" the man who had thrown her out shouted through the window and she jumped at the sight of him. He marched toward the door and Ryooshi waved good-bye to Kiba before darting down the street, opposite the door where the man walked out to make her leave.

"Kiba?" Cheza called again, and he turned his attention to her again. "Who was yelling just now?"

"Another wolf," Kiba replied.

"One of your friends?" Cheza wondered and Kiba shook his head.

"No," he replied. "I've never met this girl before. She said her name was Ryooshi."

"Here ya go!" Blue smiled, placing a steaming cup of hot chocolate each in front of Kiba and Cheza. "That oughtta warm you guys up!"

"Thank you, Blue," Kiba replied and she nodded then looked at Cheza and smiled.

"Your perfume smells so nice. Can I ask what it is?" she wondered.

"This one does not wear perfume," Cheza replied.

"So that's your natural scent?" Blue giggled. "Well, you smell great."

"Thank you," Cheza replied and before Blue could say anything else, a customer called for a waitress and she hurried to help them.

Kiba gave a small sigh of sorrow and Cheza turned to him again as he said, "This is killing me. The fact that she doesn't know me. Is this what it'll be like when I meet the rest of my friends?"

Cheza's face fell in shared sorrow and she reached out to touch his hand, making him look up at her as she said, "This one is with you, Kiba. This one will help your friends remember."

Kiba smiled and gripped her hand lightly as he murmured, "Thank you, Cheza."

A/N: I know it was a little short, and i know it took forever to get to calling them by their names, and i know Blue might be a little OOC, or maybe a lot, but thats how i saw her if she wasn't all depressed about Pops and stuff. lol. well? reviews?