I do not own anything to the Digimon franchise. I suggest that new readers read Digimon Heroes to better understand a few of the events that will occur over the course of the story.

Ch. 1 New Day

The morning sun was rising on this beautiful day. The sunlight could be seen for miles as it reflected off a nearby lake. The city of Lakeview was a beautiful metropolis full of peace and tranquility. The whole city took pride in their beautiful lake and took great pride in keeping their city just as beautiful as their pristine lake. Over at the cities high school, named Lakeview High, classes were beginning. Many students entered the school, preparing for their first day of classes. Over in the parking lot, two students were exiting a dark red mustang. One of the students was male while the other was female. The male student was tall, physically fit, and had curly black hair. He wore white tennis shoes, blue jeans, a white shirt, a blue letterman jacket, and a baseball cap. The female was a bit shorter than the male, had long brown hair tied back with a pink bow, and had a very gentle look. The girl wore white sneakers, blue jeans, and a pink shirt with a white stripe going across the front. The two went to the trunk of the car and started to gather their things.

"You do know now that you're in high school, I can't be babysitting you anymore right?" laughed the male.

"Oh shut it Cody" giggled the girl "I'm a big girl now"

"Just checking Kayla" laughed Cody "Still can't give you piggy back rides before you ask"

"Yes you can, I might be bigger now but you can still do that for me" replied Kayla with a smile.

"Something's never change do they" spoke another voice with a laugh. Kayla and Cody turned to see another male approach them with a back pack set over his shoulders. The male was about the same height as Cody with short black hair, and wore a pair of thin glasses. His attire consisted of black sneakers, blue jeans, and a grey tee shirt with a navy blue strip going diagonally across the chest.

"Hey Albert" smiled Kayla.

"Morning, you guys ready for the first day of school?" asked Albert.

"Not really, could have used some more time off" sighed Cody.

"Whatever, you had enough time off already to play around all day" said Kayla. The trio began to make their way to the school talking. They entered the main building of the school and found it packed with students talking about their time off, picking up their schedules, and looking for their class rooms. Albert, Kayla, and Cody picked up their schedules and began to look for their classes together.

"I love being a senior, after sixth period I'm done for the day unless I got baseball practice" said Cody.

"I just get eighth period off" said Albert looking over his schedule. "I should have never signed up for advanced placement classes, band, and medical classes all at once."

"Hey look, we all have lunch together" smiled Kayla.

"Yep, I think Michelle and Andrew have the same lunch to." said Albert.

"So does TJ" added Cody.

"We'd better get moving to our classes then. Don't want to be late on our first day" said Albert.

"Speak for yourself, guess I'll see you two at lunch then." said Cody taking off to his first period class. Albert and Kayla did the same and headed for their classes.


A deep blue sky overhead made today just another day in paradise. Down at the base of a massive mountain peak sat a quite village. The village contained nothing but a few huts made out of stone and mud. Many creatures inhabited this village, all in various colors, sizes and shapes. Everything was peaceful, everything was quiet. It seemed as if nothing could disrupt this perfect day.

It was then that the sky began to grow dark. As the clouds collected above, the village below was bathed in shadows. Several loud explosions could be heard, coming from the mountain side followed by a storm of stones destroying the village. All the creatures then began to panic and flee the village into a nearby forest. Amongst these creatures was a creature that resembled a rabbit with brown fur and pink fur on its ears, arms, and feet.

"Come on, have to hurry" panted the creature as she ran away from the village with several other creatures. The creature noticed several black orbs fly past her striking a few of the creatures ahead of her. Those struck by the orbs halted then turned around and began to march toward the village, their eyes now colored black.

"Come to us Digimon, come to your new masters" echoed a voice through the forest. More and more black orbs flew through the forest, capturing more Digimon. Before she knew it, the small rabbit was the only one left running.

"Kayla, I need you. Please help me"


Kayla was walking down the hallway toward the cafeteria when she felt something rush through her. The feeling of worry and dread spread through her body causing her to stop.

"Kayla, wait up!" yelled a voice. Kayla turned to see who was running up to her.

"Oh, hey Trey" responded Kayla.

"I'd think you'd be happier to see me" laughed Trey. Trey was the same age as Kayla, a few inches taller, had a lean body type, and had short brown hair. Trey wore a pair of brown boots, jeans, red long sleeve shirt with white stripes going along the arms, and a necklace with what looked like a claw attached to it around his neck.

"Sorry about that, what's up?" said Kayla forcing a smile.

"Just heading to lunch, what about you?" asked Trey.

"The same" replied Kayla.

"Cool, cool, let's sit together then" said Trey leading the way. The two made their way to the cafeteria, got their food and sat down. Once they finished eating, they returned their food trays and headed out to the patio area to talk before the next period started.

"So how was your summer?" asked Kayla.

"Pretty good, practiced for track, played a little guitar here and there. You know, the usual." laughed Trey.

"That's cool." said Kayla looking around the patio "Hey Albert, over here!"

Albert saw Kayla and caught up with her, another girl following behind him. The girl was skinny with long black hair keep back with a white head band, had lightly tanned skin, and was the same height as Kayla. The girl wore a pair of white shorts, black tennis shoes, and a black shirt with a few stars highlighted in white along the right sleeve.

"Hey Kayla and you're…" began Albert.

"Trey, my names Trey. Nice to meet you… Albert right?"

"That's right. Oh, this is Jennifer, she's in your grade and is one of the brave ones to start the medical training courses" introduced Albert.

"Nice to meet you two" said Jennifer.

"What brings you two out here?" asked Trey.

"The senior medical students are supposed to help the freshman medical students so lucky me got paired with Jennifer" answered Albert. "Speaking of classes, we'd better get moving, first day of the medical training class is always the fun one"

"Right, I guess we'll see you guys around then" said Jennifer.

"My next class is in that area too so I'll come with you guys" said Kayla.

"So is mine" added Trey.

"Then let's get moving" said Albert. The four began to head through the halls of Lakeview high to their next set of classes. Jennifer and Trey got to their classes first leaving Kayla and Albert walking through the halls together for the mean time.

"Albert, did you feel something earlier, like something was wrong?" questioned Kayla.

"Just about to ask you the same question, something feels off to me" replied Albert.

"I got this bad feeling, the same feeling I'd get whenever I could sense the darkness back in the Digital World. You don't think something is wrong in the Digital World do you?"

"It's possible, I got Andrew to check on a few things for now. He'll keep up posted in case he finds something wrong. You still got your Digivice and D-Dex with you?"

"Yep, never leave home without them" said Kayla pulling out the items. Kayla's Digivice was a small, palm sized device with a pink grip and small screen on its surface. Her D-Dex was a rectangular device that opened up to reveal a small keyboard, had a small camera on the front, and contained a keyboard so to message others with a similar device.

"Good, if something is up, Andrew will let us know. For now just go to class and try to relax." said Albert.

"Ok, I'll try." spoke Kayla.


The rabbit like Digimon was still fleeing through the forest, away from the explosions and captured Digimon. The Digimon kept running and running until she tripped and tumbled across the ground. The Digimon just let out a small whimper "Kayla, I need you here with me."

"Lopmon! Lopmon! Over here, quickly!" echoed a voice. Lopmon collected herself off the ground and saw two Digimon hiding behind a nearby tree. One of them was colored orange and resembled a small dinosaur with big green eyes. The other looked similar to a lizard with blue and white skin and had a yellow v mark on its forehead.

"Agumon! Veemon!" said Lopmon relieved.

"Come on Lopmon, we gotta get out of here" said Agumon.

"We found a safe place to hide for now" added Veemon. Lopmon ran over to her Digimon friends and took off with them in search of refuge from the chaos that started to consume their world.