A. N: Hello and welcome to my second fanfiction this one is a MickeyxMinnie fluffy one-shot. They're not married in this one. Now get your minds out of the gutter from the summary that doesn't do justice. They're not gonna "do it" I am incapable of writing something that … Intense. I'd rather it to stay in the occasional dirty mind and crossing upon it from time to time, AND IT WILL STAY THERE! In the mean time enjoy this innocent piece of writing. Don't ask me what mission they're coming from that's for you to decide, but I can confirm that this is set WAY before my last story. Please RxR
Disclaimer: All things belong to Disney. The Liberty-Belle Hotel and Mr. Beeble are from Floyd Gottfredson's Bellhop Detective. Some of the stuff here is from that comic (spoilers) and if you want to read it yourself as a visual for the characters then go buy the comic on Ebay or something because Beru's Disney Comic Fan Page is gone. All the comics from Gottfredson are well worth the read. So I highly recommend it.

It was getting late. Mickey and Minnie Mouse were returning home from their latest adventure, which was far away from home. However they were just one town away but they didn't want to go any farther due to fatigue. So they both agreed to stay for the night at the closest hotel. Which just so happened to be the Liberty-Belle Hotel where Mickey used to work as a bellboy (only once). At the time Minnie wanted Mickey to settle down with a job, after all his adventuring off to who knows where, and so she made him enter a special contest to win a job and after answering correctly of a sound that was heard by accident, then he was positioned as a bellboy.

Upon entering, even without a reservation, Mickey and Minnie were greeted warmly (but mostly Mickey).

"Well, well! Look what the wind blew in, its Mickey Mouse! How are ya son and what on Earth are you doing up at this late hour?" Mr. Beeble, owner and manager of the hotel asked.

"Hiya Mr. Beeble! I'm doing fine these days but, right now is more of a pit stop before Minnie and I head on home. How did that ten thousand treat ya?" Mickey answered then asked.

"It did us wonders my boy and business has been flowing much better now, since those phony ghosts aren't making any racket. Speaking of business would you like to check out two rooms?"

"Sure do! How much is it for the both of 'em?" Mickey asked as he reached his wallet.

"50 bucks," Mr. Beeble answered simply.

Mickey turned pale. Then he went from white to red as he found that he didn't have fifty bucks on him. Just the twenty-five and just enough cash for the tickets on the last train ride home. If he was going to stay there for the night, he would have to share the room with Minnie. Even if they weren't married.

"No big deal right? Just tell her the truth and sleep on the floor. Heh. After all I did bring my sleeping bag. No reason to get nervous… even though 'anything' could happen doesn't always mean that it will… stupid Murphy's Law," he thought to himself.

Minnie looked over his shoulder and saw what he was so nervous about. She thought it was cute that he'd get so flustered over such a trifle matter and she knew he'd probably offer to sleep on the floor while she would probably get the bed, out of courtesy of course. So she decided to reassure him.

"Don't worry about it Mickey, I'm alright with sharing a room with you. After all it is the only way for us to still have enough money for the train tickets," She smiled sweetly. He agreed; it was the only way and he pretty much had no other choice.

"All right, actually Mr. Beeble, we'll be checking out just one room if ya please," Mickey stated as he handed him the money.

"Certainly, here's the key to room 23, no ghosts and that's a scouts honor," Mr. Beeble teased.

"Very funny my friend," Mickey said sarcastically, and then chuckled shortly afterwards.

Mickey and Minnie headed down the hall towards their room, careful not to disturb anyone else. They reached their room, which was on the left side of the hall. Mickey got the key out and unlocked the door letting Minnie go in first.

"After you," he said courteously. She giggled softy at him. Even when he's nervous he still acts like a gentleman.

"Why thank you," she said smiling sweetly at him, then she gave him a loving peck on the cheek. She giggled softly again when she saw him blush as she went inside. He followed and locked the door behind him.

It was a nice simple room, with one bathroom complete with the essential furniture of showerhead, bathtub, sink and toilet behind the closed door on the right when entering. There was also a T.V. on a dresser on the same side as the bathroom door, but it was still a comfortable ways away from it. Across from the T.V. Mickey's fears came true, there was only one bed.

Even though it was late, neither of them had taken a shower since the day before. So Mickey offered that Minnie go first.

"You can go ahead if you want to Mickey."

"No you can go first Minnie, I can wait."

"Are ya sure?"

"I'm positive, you go on ahead."

"Alright if you insist, but are you sure you'll be alright? You did get hit pretty hard in the leg," she pointed out. As usual with Mickey's heroic habit that always kicks in when faced with danger, he got out alive with minor to medium scratches and bruises.

"Aw, don't worry 'bout it Min, it's just a bruise, sure it'll be sore but it'll go away in a few days. I'll be fine until then so please don'tchya worry 'bout it none," he said playfully as he gave her his best reassuring smile.

"You know I'm gonna worry about you Mickey, that will never change for as long as I live," she smiled weakly, "Are you sure you want me to go first?"

"Yep. I've gotta set up my sleepin' bag out here anyway," he answered simply.

"Okay but if you need me just knock."

"Don't worry sweetheart I will," he said assuring her again.

With that said, she went into the bathroom and began to take a shower, while he was getting ready to set up his sleeping bag on the window side of the bed. It didn't take long for Minnie to finish her shower but while she was in there, Mickey made a grave discovery… he didn't pack his sleeping bag. He heard the door open so he grabbed his pajamas and then slowly turned around to see the beautiful sight before him. Minnie stepped out from the steamy bathroom still drying her hair with a towel. She was in her pajamas, consisting of a white tank top and pink lounge pants. And to Mickey, she looked like an angel, and he couldn't help but smile. She noticed the goofy look on his face and couldn't help blushing slightly and giggling mentally at how adorable he looked.

"The shower's all yours Mickey," She told him sweetly.

"Okay, thanks Min," he replied.

"You're welcome Mickey," she smiled sweetly as she flung the towel towards Mickey, which landed on his face gently. They shared a laugh though his sounded a little more awkward due to his new secret that he discovered. She did notice it, but she figured that it was because she was being playful towards him in an embarrassing situation of having to share a hotel room with her though they weren't married (yet). So she assumed that he was just being timid, another side of him that she absolutely adored.

Then Mickey stood up and walked to the bathroom to take his shower, she gave him a loving peck on the cheek as he walked past her. While he was in the shower, Minnie was about to toss down the other pillow onto his sleeping bag. However, she noticed Mickey's sleeping bag wasn't even there. Either he lied to her about setting it up or didn't tell her that he actually forgot to pack his sleeping bag. She guessed that it was the second possibility, Mickey is forgetful at times, and she could always tell if he was lying because he was the worst liar ever besides Pinocchio. If he was lying he would fidget, stumble on his words and change parts of his "story" in a totally failed attempt to worm his way out of something.

Just then Mickey had already finished his shower and stepped out of the bathroom in his pajamas of a red buttoned up shirt and matching pants. She immediately sat up on the bed and crossed her arms giving him a stern look. Mickey stopped dead in his tracks, Minnie was angry with him about something and when she was angry, it meant trouble. If anything was obvious about Mickey and Minnie's relationship so far, it was that Minnie was dominant. Mickey remembered that long ago she started the relationship and if necessary she would end it, but he knew that there was no way that she would ever resolve to that, he knew she loved him too much to let him go. Besides, they had been together for a very long time and he was sure she wouldn't just give up all of those memories. That was virtually impossible.

"Uh, somethin' the matter Minnie?" He asked wearily, he could only guess she found out his sleeping bag was missing from his spot on the floor.

"I thought you were going to set up your sleeping bag while I was taking a shower. So where is it then?" she spoke with an annoyed tone. She was definitely angry.

"I uh…"


"I guess I never packed it after all," he blurted out. He knew he was red in the face but he kept looking at the ground to hide his blushing and to not look Minnie in the eye. In pitiful hopes that if he did there'd be a raging fire in her eyes.

"Oh Mickey," she cooed. Instead of getting angrier her tone softened in sympathy. She never should have doubted him, even for an instant. "You poor thing."

"Huh?" he asked. Now he was really confused but he did guess for a second that she understood his predicament. Then something crossed his mind that would make it worse.

"What if she asks me ta sleep on the bed with her?" he thought solemnly. The thought alone only made him even paler in feeling but blush redder in reality.

"It's pointless to sleep on the floor Mickey, come up on the bed with me," she said sweetly patting the bed lightly beside her. Now Mickey's paleness was showing. In his attempt to hide that, he quickly scooted himself over to his spot next to the bed and plopped himself on the floor with his head resting on his luggage facing away from her.

"I'll be fine down here Minnie, I really don't mind," Mickey said in a rush. His cheeks were tinting red again.

"Oh no you don't! Mickey Mouse you're going to sleep up here on this bed tonight with me. I can't bear the thought of being the only one comfortable out of the two of us. Now come here," she commanded as she reached out and grabbed his ear and yanking it gently ushering him towards her.

He sighed mentally as he knew there was no chance of winning this argument unless his stubbornness would lead to him staying put, and then her stubbornness would lead to sleeping on the floor with him. No matter what he did she would end up sleeping next to him anyway. Just another thing they both had in common; stubbornness. Her stubbornness was just ever so slightly stronger than his. Leading to the fact that she won all of the arguments they ever indulged in when she got upset over something.

"Alright, ya win," he sighed as he did as she commanded. Walking around to the other side of the bed.

"I knew you would see it my way," she smiled slyly, "Don't worry nothing will happen."

"And I especiallywill make sure of that. G'night Minnie," he stated as he turned over to his side facing away from her again.

"You're playing 'hard to get' aren't you?" she teased as she tried to flip him over so he would face her.

"No, I'm tryin' ta avoid bein' rash. I don't trust myself," he answered simply.

"Aw Mickey, you know I trust you with my life, and I know you wouldn't dare do anything to hurt me. So all you need to do is relax, alright?" she cooed softly. She did manage to flip him over to face her. So she said this as she gazed deeply into his adorable brown eyes, then she leaned down and kissed his forehead.

"Okay, thanks Min," he said as he smiled slightly.

"You're welcome Mickey, anytime," she said softly and affectionately, "Goodnight Mickey."

"G'night Minnie," he said softly as she snuggled up against him. Feeling the warmth his body radiated, she could easily get used to this. He shifted only a little to turn off the light on the bedside table. Then Minnie leaned up and brushed her lips softly against his as one last goodnight kiss.

"Let's not speak of this ta anyone, alright?" Mickey started.

"Agreed, if any of this got out to Clarabelle she'd never let us live it down," Minnie finished as they both chuckled, "Sweet dreams Mickey."

"Sweet dreams Min."

With that said, it only took a few moments before sleep over took the both of them. Drifting off into sweet, peaceful sleep, with each mouse dreaming of the other.


This was inspired by Commander's fic called Tender Apprehensions with Bernard and Miss Bianca from The Rescuers. I've actually had this idea in my head for quite some time. It's good to finally get it out of my head.