
A tentative pair of lips pressed down upon Godric's stomach. The younger looking man was not yet awake from his daylight-induced slumber, and Eric reveled in it. He had woken up just moments before, finding Godric wrapped in his arms and their legs entangled so that it seemed they were connected. Now the blond was leaning over the brunet, propped up by his elbow, looking upon his Maker with a tender expression. It was an expression that he tried to hide during night time by masking utter devotion atop it, but at times he found himself losing his concentration. Though he would immediately gloss it over with a harder, sterner look, he was always afraid that Godric had caught him.

Eric was not sure why he was so cautious around Godric. They had been traveling together for over a hundred years by this point, and they had been together for close to ten. It had been Godric that had initiated their closer relationship, he remembered. Perhaps it was because Godric was so much older, so much more experienced in everything. To Eric, the world was only as big as he could see past Godric, which wasn't very much. Perhaps it was because Godric had done this before—this kissing and cuddling with other men, other people even. Eric was so utterly inexperienced in relationships that he felt almost inadequate.

Should he ever bring up the subject to Godric, the other man would tell him that he was being foolish—that Eric was in no way incompetent—and then smooth it over with a chaste kiss to his forehead, then all would be forgotten by Godric and the worries would be picked up later once again by Eric. How could what Godric assured him be the truth? The things Godric had seen during the last millennia of his life time…Eric was a newborn compared to him. Where Godric was worldly and knowledgeable, Eric felt like he didn't know anything at all.

Eric sighed and dropped himself back down beside Godric. He was being a little girl about this. Absent-mindedly, his hand stroked Godric's hipbone from its position over Godric's side. He closed his eyes.

His hand was jostled as Godric turns to face him. He cracked an eye open once more and watched as Godric brightly kissed the skin between his ear and his jaw. "Good night, Eric," he whispered as he stroked Eric's face with the back of his fingers.

Yes, Eric decided as he leaned into the sunny boy's touch. Godric was most definitely better at this than him.

Author Note! I've been itching to write a goderic ficlet for a while now, so after thoroughly angsting over the last episode, this is what came out! Because we all need a little more Godric/Eric fluff. One-shot, but I'm planning on writing more True Blood, so never fear!