beta'd by our fellow warrior, enviousxbeauty
Archie stumbled home drunk. Not his normal drunk, but completely shit-faced. As he pushed his way into Chuck's house he breathed a sigh of relief to see all the lights were off. That meant Chuck was asleep, and he was safe and…oh shit.
The living room lamp clicked on. Chuck crossed one leg over another and started tapping his fingers against the large armchair's arms. "Archie?" Chuck prompted.
Crap. Crap. Crap! Archie looked at the ceiling. "Erm…"
"Where the hell were you!" Chuck yelled.
"Look, you never take me anywhere," Archie defended, "I just wanted to have a little fun!"
Chuck gasped. "Oh I see how it is. You were with him again, weren't you?"
"Bobby understands me more than you do! He listens when I speak!"
"What about all the fun we had together Archie?" Chuck stood up and walked over to his angel and touched his shoulder. "Please don't say that didn't mean anything."
Archie swatted away Chuck's hand. "Don't touch me!"
There was a moment of silence and intense eye contact. "I cannot believe you call breaking into prisons and war zones fun," Archie hissed, "Or using me like some cheap muse. I hate you Chuck!"
Chuck looked away from his best, well sort-of-okay-to-be-around-with-if-you-got-used-to-the-awkwardness, friend defeated. "Well then why don't you just go."
"Chuck, wait I didn't mean it. Look, maybe we can talk…"
"Archie, don't do this to me..." Chuck sighed and started walking towards the kitchen. "I don't need to take this crap from you."
Archie looked around the messy house he had called home. "Whatever man… maybe I will leave."
Chuck turned and looked at him with misty eyes. "Where will you go? The Garrison! See if they want your crap!"
"I will!"
Archie slammed the door. Behind him, Chuck stood in stunned silence. "Of course," he grumbled, "only when I'm sober does bad shit happen."
Then, while still completely emotionally distraught, he sat down at his new computer and began to retype his fifth season opener. This is why everything went so quickly to Hell in a hand basket in just three short episodes.
In the morning, after his Publisher had received the completed manuscript, Chuck sat in stony silence. He pondered briefly how wise it had been to take out all his anger on Sam and Dean. Screw it, he said to himself, if I'm miserable so should everyone else be.
He heard a knock on his door. Setting down his Irish coffee he got up and shakily opened his door.
Chuck blinked at his visitor. "Archie?"
"Chuck?" Archie lowered his eyes. He had a massive hangover. " …Can I come in?"
"You came back for me!"
They hugged.
And after that, Chuck's writing took a much lighter tone for the rest of the season.
I'm off to go write a Archie based story. Want notification of when that's posted? Say so in your review. Have an awesome day!