Disclaimer: I don't own them, because it's safer that way.
Warning: Everything before the start of fifth season is fair game to be spoiled.
Without further ado...

Dean Winchester
AKA: Super Cool

How Did You Escape Hell?

I didn't escape. They let me out because I was too much of a BAMF for them keep in. I only stayed a couple extra years because I wanted to brawl and dink all the free beer.

So...the angels God sent?

Those dicks, they heard about the party I was throwing and came down to crash it.

What work does God have for you?

He wanted my opinion on some of his work. I told him the Virgin Island were very nice, but totally misnamed. Especially since my last visit.

What's your relationship with Sam?

Completely platonic. Unless I'm wasted and bored. I'll try anything once.

Does your amulet have any powers?

Actually, yes. It's a resurrection stone. How else could I continually come back from the dead?

Is Bobby as awesome as we think?

Do you think he is the most awesome person ever who no one should fuck with? Then YES.

If you could make one wish what would it be?

To watch a fight break out between Sam!Girls and Dean!Girls. It's bound to happen sooner or later. Dean!Girls rule!

What do you expect from Dean!Girls?

That they know how to start a decent bar brawl, run a good scam, and have to be fabulous.

Have anyone ever told you, be careful what you wish for?

No, why?

No reason…Why do you love pie?

Because Sam bakes me pie when I'm sad.

What was the first order John ever gave you?

Speak. Then, Sit. I was a good boy.

Is there any order from John you refuse to obey?

Don't touch that pie. Shoot Sammy. Try not to be awesome. Any of those, really.

It is said boys are made of snips, snails, and puppy dog tails- agree?

Hell no! I'm made of awesomeness, 100% pure. I guess, I also have a bit of WIN in there to.

If you saw a vampire sparkle, what would be your reaction?

Put on sun glasses and behead it. Period. Besides, vamps don't sparkle. Who told you that?

If you could be any supernatural monster what would you be?

Werewolf. Straight up, I love walks in the moon light and puppies. It's a perfect match.

Do you cry?

No. I never cry. I just hide my emotions and occasionally write poetry.


Okay, yes I will cry…when a movie's really sad or something... We will never speak of this answer again.

What's the best thing about your brother?

His researching skllz, 'cause let's face it. The only skilz I have are are skilz that killz. And lady skilz, too. So I need him to back me up. But on a side note- He's the only person I want watching my back in a fight. But don't tell him I said that.

Batman or Superman?

What kinda question is that? Batman all the way. BAMFs gotta support their fellow BAMFs. Superman is a dweeb like Sam.

Do you have any other tattoos?

Only one way for you to find out, sugha.

How you plan to deal with Sam's addiction?

I'm just not going to give him anymore Meatloaf.

I meant to Demon blood.


Erm…you guys need to talk.


"Dean what the hell are you doing on my laptop!" Sam screeched. "Stop using it for porn!"

Dean quickly slammed the laptop shut and pouted. "I wasn't looking at porn Sam."

"Really." Sam raised an eyebrow. "Then what were you doing?"

Dean blushed and his eyelids fluttered. Now Sam knew he was up to something. "Dean…" he prompted.

"I was…" Dean swallowed and looked at his feet. "I was answering some questions our fans asked."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Dean…just…we're leaving soon. Go get in the shower."

Dean shamefully walked over to the bathroom and slammed the door. As soon as Sam was sure it was firmly shut he ran over to the laptop.

Did they have any questions for him?


To those just joining in: Still ask questions for the next character!!! Participate, because that's what fuels this story. Sam's next, any comments, questions or concerns? LEAVE 'EM IN YOUR REVIEW!

Explanation of terms:

BAMF= Bad Ass Mother Fucker, in case you didn't know.

WIN= not an acronym, actually, just a word to imply an extra amount of awesome. So awesome, it's like scoring a touchdown in the last few seconds and the whole team WINS.