Everyone : …........-blinks-
Me: Shud up -__-; I feel very accomplished so leave meh alone! D
Anyway, I hope all of you enjoy my first crossover story, ideas are welcomed and if you want to flame, thats okay, just don't flame....to bad okie...? D:
It kills meh heart....
Also, I haven't finished reading Black Cat the manga yet but I'm almost done so forgive me if I screw up on a few things. This story is also inspired by a role play I was in on gaia online so yea.
But yosh, please enjoy~
Soft as snow...Pure as snow...Gentle as snow...And at peace like snow...
Why does the snow fall from the sky? Wont it be lonely being away from it's family? Or is it ready to fall to the ground and melt? I wonder....
Ah, but then again...The snow might be lonely, it may want to fall and meet new friends, or maybe...It wants a new adventure...?
Wont you join me Train-san?
Train jolted awake blinking a few times as he shook his head and let out a sigh. "Same old dream again! Weird chick and the snow!", he said as he shut his eyes and let out a sigh and then opened them back up to look at the sky. He stayed silent for a few moments then let out a huge yawn as he sat up from the roof top and let out a tired sigh as he stood up and jumped off the roof and popped his shoulders a bit since they felt stiff from sleeping on the roof. He then came to a halt as he saw Sven and little miss sun shine Eve. "Yoooo!", he chimed happily as he waltz on over to them.
"Happy and energetic as always....", the man Sven said as he let out an irritated sigh and glared at him.
Train let out a small laugh as he started scratching the back of his head happily and then stared at Eve. "Oi little princess, whats up?", he said as he started ignoring Sven. A few shouts were coming from the older man now as he was angry now. Eve just stared at Train and then went back to her very large book that she was reading. Train blinked a few times as he stared at the very large book. He could never understand how she could read those things.
Wont you join me Train-san?
Train blinked a few times as the voice went through his head. The voice sounded so alone, and sad. Though he didn't know who it belonged too. It couldn't be Saya's voice, she was long gone from this world. Or she could be just using some weird voodoo power to contact him. Which was really creepy in a way. But he merely shrugged it off as he hopped into the car in the passenger seat and leaned back in his seat as Sven got in along with Eve and started to drive off.
I wonder...
The voice ranged through his head again. He was getting really tired of this voice now, he didn't know who it was, and it kept on coming back. The Black Cat wasn't going to stand for this, he was curious now on who this voice belonged too and where they were.
Train then nearly jumped out of his seat when Sven drove over a rather large bump. He could hear the old man grumble to himself very angrily. Train couldn't help but let out a small snicker in return earning a glare from him. Train just started whistling as if nothing happened and then shut his eyes. He slowly started to doze off slowly but then started to go to sleep.
Do you know how the snow falls?
How it falls is that they are wanting to be fee, and they want to be alive and spread wings...
I wish...I could spread my wings....
I want to fly high and have gallant pure white wings to make everyone smile
That is one of my dreams...
Train woke up again had a blank look on his face as he shook his head. He did not understand why he kept on having dreams about this person and their words. But then he turned his head to see Sven still driving with a calm look on his face now. Eve, she was busy with her nose in those really huge gigantic books of hers. He could never understand any of those books, too very complicated. Then he looked at Sven again, he was hoping he'd pull over. Because now, he was in the mood for some milk in food. Sven moved his eyes and stared at Train then he let out a sigh as he went back to looking at the road. "What do you want now?", he asked irritatedly.
A smile appeared on his face as he put his hands behind his head and stared at the top of the car. "I want some milk and food of course", he replied.
Sven let out a sigh as he just shook his head and kept on driving. Train just continued to smile happily as he continued to lean back in his seat.
I want to fly high...
Train then frowned a bit as the voice ranged through his head again. Whoever this person was, sounded like they didn't have that much confidence in themselves. But he could learn how to deal with it, he would soon start to ignore it. Or well...so he thought...
When you see someone who is precious too you...
You grab them and hold onto them tight and don't let go so you wont ever be alone...
If you are alone, you will feel sad which isn't a good thing
Sorrow, isn't something that people want in this world...