DISCLAIMER: I do not own Cowboy Bebop. If I did, Spike won't have to die. But since I don't own Cowboy Bebop, he did die. Tsk! Bummer. Also, I don't own the song Full Moon by The Black Ghosts, a soundtrack from the movie 'Twilight'… and I don't own 'Twilight' either. So go sue someone else, okay? :]
AUTHOR'S NOTES (Read this first): Hi, so this is my first fanfiction for Cowboy Bebop. I hope you'll like it though. ;]
And by the way, just to inform you, Deimos is one of the two satellites of Mars. The other satellite is Phobos, which is closer to Mars. Both satellites have been hypothesized by scientists that they were two asteroids captured by the gravitational pull of Mars, therefore acquiring Phobos and Deimos as its two satellites. Okie dokie? Whew! So listening to my Earth Science teacher two semesters ago really did pay off! ;D
Oh and another thing, the timeline of this one is in the year 2073, two years after Session 26: The Real Folk Blues, which was (sadly) the final episode of Cowboy Bebop.
A SUGGESTION TO AID SET UP THE MOOD FOR THIS FIC: I recommend that you listen to the song Full Moon by The Black Ghosts. It really sounds Cowboy Bebop-ish, and in my opinion, the song suits this chapter very well. So look it up in the internet and listen to it while reading this fic, okay? :]
Don't forget to read and review!
by Releina Artemis Rockefeller
(Session 1: Full Moon's Jive)
"Her name is Patricia Stein." Jet informed Spike who was putting on a white formal jacket.
When the full moon turns white, that's when I'll come home
I am going out to see what I can sow.
"And I have to get dressed up for this, Jet? Fuck." Spike complained while he was trying to neat out his formal jacket.
"Spike, you wear a leisure suit everyday!" Jet pointed out, "What difference does a little more formal white Americana suit make?"
"Well, there's more to put on. There's got to be etiquette-"
"Then put on the neat stuff and the polite words and actions. Sheesh." Jet had a vein protruding out of his temple, "Anyway, so Patricia Stein. She just moved in to Deimos two years ago. She currently works as a photographer for fashion magazines in Deimos and in universally-distributed fashion magazines. Aside from that, other publishers can hire her since she's an on-call freelance photographer. She's also enlisted as an on-call freelance photographer in a universal advertisement firm, with its headquarters based in Deimos. She earns about 300,000 woolongs a month, but that's just her minimum wage. She can earn up to 400,000-900,000 woolongs a month, depending on the demands of her work. And although she's a rookie at photography, it looks like she's really on demand."
Spike reached for the white fedora hat and wore it on, "Gee, I wish I had her job. Point and click, then get an instant 300,000 woolongs for just taking pictures. So how do I look, Jet?"
"Spike-person looks like a rich man!" Edward shouted. Ein barked twice and wagged his small tail happily.
"Thanks, but I was asking Jet, Ed." Spike sighed.
"Oh. Okie dokie!" Ed then returned to fiddling with the computer.
Jet paused from reading the information of Patricia Stein and looked at Spike, "Stunning."
And I don't know where I'll go,
And I don't know what I'll see,
But I'll try not to bring it back home with me.
Spike was wearing a pair of black shoes, white slacks, a grey vest with a white dress shirt underneath, a black tie, a white formal jacket, and a white fedora hat to match.
"That's all you can say? Stunning? Shit! I look like I'm about to marry someone!" Spike whined.
"Well, what am I supposed to say? 'Oh, that suits you well, Spike,' or would you prefer, 'Shit, Spike! You look hot!' Goddamn it. Stunning is the word, okay?" Jet shook his head in ridicule, "You're going to a high-class masquerade party, that's where Patricia Stein is! If you don't dress the part, you can't enter the party. And by the way, here's the fake invitation." Jet handed Spike an envelope.
Spike took it and placed it in an inside pocket in his jacket. He grabbed his mask, which was a simple black one. It looks like a sleeping mask but had two holes for the eyes. He removed his fedora hat and wore the mask. Then he placed his hat back on.
"We've been looking everywhere for two years for this Patricia Stein. She was in Deimos all along!" Jet said, "Well, good luck Spike. I hope we get her this time."
"Yeah, hope so." Spike went on his way to the hangar.
Like the morning sun your eyes will follow me.
As you watch me wander, curse the powers that be.
"Hi, I'm Patricia Stein." A woman greeted a new acquaintance in the party.
Patricia Stein had long, straight, violet hair tied up in a simple ponytail. She was wearing a simple black dress, with the skirt just about four inches below her knees. She wasn't showing any cleavage or any parts of her chest unlike the other ladies in the party. In fact, the cut of her dress only showed skin until about two inches from her collarbone downwards. If that wasn't enough, she had a white, short-sleeved bolero on. She was holding an elegant purple mask and was sporting a devil red color on her lips. She looked pretty, but looked too conservative.
"Well, hello there, Miss Stein. I'm Cornelia Holmes, I'm from Mars. Where are you from, Miss Stein?"
"Oh, I now permanently reside here in Deimos. I just moved in two years ago. I used to visit other planets to see if I can reside there, but they don't give that sense of 'home' that I was looking for, which I only found here in Deimos."
"Ah, I see. So you do frequently travel, huh?"
"I used to. Now, I don't travel much anymore. I found a stable job here in Deimos so I opted to stay here more often. But sometimes, my job demands me to travel, so I do travel."
'Cause all I want is here and now, but it's already been and gone.
Our intentions always last that bit too long.
Cornelia had a sip of wine and continued, "Well, I can't blame you if you decided to live here in Deimos. It's a great place. It's a strict and independent special economic zone. Life is indulgent and prosperous here. It has a reputation for its good government and extremely low crime rates. I wish Mars could become a little more like its well-off satellite."
"Hmm, I agree. Indeed, Deimos is the place to be."
"So what do you do, Miss Stein?"
"I'm a photographer." Patricia answered.
"Cornelia! What a pleasant surprise!" another woman from the party greeted Cornelia.
Cornelia turned to who called her and greeted back, "Oh! It's you! My, my, I thought you couldn't make it to this party!"
Cornelia turned to Patricia and told her, "Oh I'm sorry. I have to entertain my friend now, but it was nice meeting you, Miss Patricia Stein. Enjoy the party!"
"Of course, it was nice meeting you as well, Miss Cornelia Holmes. Now, if you'll excuse me." Patricia flashed a smile and walked in the crowd and tried to make new friends.
"Ouch! Watch it!" Patricia told a man who bumped her on her shoulder.
"Oops. Sorry there lady, I didn't see 'ya." The man replied, clad in white. It was Spike Spiegel.
Patricia sighed and brushed off her shoulder.
Far, far away, no voices sounding, no one around me and you're still there.
"You're Patricia Stein, aren't you? I've seen the photos you took in a fashion magazine. Very nice." Spike smiled at Patricia.
Patricia looked up to him, since he was taller than she. Her eyes widened like she'd seen a ghost. She silently took a sharp, deep breath and said, "Uhm, please excuse me, sir. I have to see someone."
Patricia immediately made her way out of the crowd, leaving Spike behind.
"Well I was trying to initiate a conversation. She walked away. What do I do?" Spike told Jet via his cellphone.
"Follow her!" Jet exclaimed.
"Okay, okay, if you say so." Spike replied and pocketed his phone. He made his way out of the crowd and tried to follow Patricia, but lost sight of her.
Far, far away, no choices passing, no time confounds me and you're still there.
Patricia was able to make it outside. She leaned on a wall and placed her mask inside her handbag. She then placed a hand over her chest. She tried to calm the fast pacing of her heart. Her eyes were still wide and she shook her head.
"No, it can't be him. He must've been a complete look-alike." She told herself as she shook off the thoughts of that man clad in white.
"I think that was rather impolite of you, Miss Stein." A masculine voice surprised Patricia.
She looked at her left side and saw the same man clad in white from the party.
"You didn't even let me introduce myself. Good evening, I'm Spike Spiegel and I am a bounty hunter." Spike told her.
She gasped. If it was even humanly possible that her wide eyes have widened even more, then there it goes. The hand on her chest flew to the handle of her bag and tightened its grip on it. Patricia tried to put herself together and replied, "W-W-What do you want from me? I do not have a bounty on my head! I did not do any crime!"
"Really now?" Spike replied as he took off his fedora hat and his mask, "You know how it is here in Deimos. It's a special economic zone, a strict one at that. You couldn't reside here if you don't have some documents to show and some referral letters as well."
"Yes, I know that. That's how I got here! I showed some documents and some referral letters." Patricia turned around and started walking, "This is pointless. I shouldn't be talking to someone like you. I don't even know you! So please, if you'll excuse me-"
"Stop right there." Spike said, "Patricia Stein is not your name."
In the full moon's light, I listen to the stream,
And in between the silence hear you calling me.
"What are you saying?! That is my name!" she turned to face him, "Just what is it that you want from me?!"
"I want you to come with me." He said in a somewhat commanding tone, "Or else."
"Or else what?"
"Do you happen to know someone named Ana Volakis?"
Patricia's eyes narrowed, "What did you do to Ana?!"
"Nothing, yet." Spike told her, "But I would report to the Deimos Police of what exactly happened, how you got here, and who got you here. Hmm, I might even get cash for doing that. Sounds good to me!"
Patricia bit her lower lip, "Why, you good for noth-"
"Oh, we threatened Ana a little bit. That's just enough to make her spill out everything about you, and who you really are." Spike shrugged.
Patricia was now getting insecure and she made one step backward.
But I don't know where I am and I don't trust who I've been,
…and If I come home how will I ever leave?
"There's no escape. Finally, after two long years… I found you now," Spike eyed her sharply, "Faye Valentine."
(To be continued…)
Is Patricia Stein indeed Faye Valentine? How did that happen? How did Spike know that Patricia and Faye is the same person? Where did he get all the information to reach Faye? What happened to Faye after Spike disappeared two years ago?
Unravel the answers to these questions in…
Session 2: The Valentine Sonata
"It's show time."
- Patricia Stein
See you space cowboy!
A/N: So, how'd you find my first fanfic for Cowboy Bebop? Please do tell me. I'm really new to writing fanfics for Cowboy Bebop. My usual stuff is Naruto. I just wanna try this out. I didn't get enough satisfaction from the series and the movie of Cowboy Bebop. So I'm trying to cope up with that dissatisfaction by writing this fanfic and sharing it with all of you.
Please tell me if this was okay. Reviews are highly appreciated. I also appreciate suggestions, if you have any. ;D
+Releina Artemis+