Pairings: Ezzy! :D
Rating: I'm saying PG because of the ummm horror beginning.
Also Yasu belongs to me…please ask if you wish to use her. ;)
Chapter One:
"Just WAIT until I get my hands on him! He is SO going to get it!" Courtney raged as she stalked around the pool at the Playa des Losers. In her arms she cradled a recently uprooted lamppost at the ready.
Since her vote off from Total Drama Island, something that she heavily protested against, the self proclaimed "leader" of the Killer Bass had been on the hunt for answers. The CIT had talked to her friends shortly before the vote and they had assured her that Harold's number was up.
Sitting on the wooden stump chair, the tanned female had kept her eyes trained on the doomed geek. With the last of the dead weight gone from the team, the Killer Bass would dominate the rest of the game.
How could they not? They had Delinquent Duncan, Brickhouse DJ, Fun Loving yet Resourceful Geoff, Peaceful Bridgette and of course her own Outstanding Leadership Ability. And the though of this being the last bonfire ceremony, the last day of LOSING put a smirk of self satisfaction on her face.
Courtney scowled darkly and her fingers clenched around the lamppost. "That cheater ruined everything! I was a team player! I was the leader! And I SHOULD have won!" The overachiever growled aloud between gritted teeth.
"No rules…you lost and he was the team player not you, evident from the back to back wins, the latter being my downfall."
Courtney gasped at the sound of the unexpected and uncaring voice and instantly recovered. Spinning around in a flash, the CIT glared daggers at a very disinterested know-it-all reading in the hot tub.
"He CHEATED ME out of 100,000 dollars! I'm not SUPPOSED to be here! I'm SUPPOSED to be LEADING MY TEAM! I SHOULD be there! NOT LYING CHEATING SNORE FACE HAROLD!!!"
"No I in Team remember?" Noah deadpanned as he flipped to another page. Courtney let out a scream of rage and she swung at the bookworm in the tub giving him a glancing blow, knocking Noah and his book into the warm water.
After a few seconds the tanned genius resurfaced with the ruined book. "Good job. I can see just why the Bass kept you instead of Ezekiel or Sadie or Tyler for that matter." Noah said sarcastically causing the overachiever to gasp again and turn red with rage.
"How DARE you?!" Noah rolled his eyes as he climbed out of the hot tub and grabbed a waiting towel off one of the pool loungers. "Yes. How dare me insulting the Chicken in Training instead of comforting her over a long overdue elimination."
Courtney's retort died in her throat at the withering glance that Noah gave her. "Oh by the way…Courtney…you need to reimburse Zeke for the book you ruined in spite." Without waiting for an answer, Noah left.
Flapping her mouth like a fish out of water, Courtney watched as the door to the pool opened. While Noah stepped back inside the hotel, a pair of figures entered the pool area. The much hated prairie boy and a young lady staff member.
Rage spiraled through her as the sexist pig was doted on hand and foot while lying back on a pool lounger. Handed a drink with a straw, asking the lady staffer undoubtedly chauvinistic comments…
Courtney gripped the post tighter and she smirked darkly. "Time for a long overdue lesson in karma Mr. Sexist.
Ezekiel took a careful sip of his beverage and fought down the urge to scratch his face especially from the sensation of the brush bristles tickling the side of his face. "Hon'in gozen kutakuta Yasu." The brunet complained causing wiggling his nose in a vain attempt to alleviate some of the itching. *1*
"Osanago." Yasu teased blowing a fuchsia lock out of her face. *2* Wiping her hands on the long white coat she wore, the young Japanese woman backed away a few feet and studied her victim with a critical eye.
After several seconds Yasu let out an excited squeal and bounced up and down in excitement. Ezekiel smiled. "Tame?" *3* A beaming Yasu nodded enthusiastically. "Juubun! Ueito korede iie deyou!" *4*
"Chigiri." Ezekiel said nodding in reassurance. The Japanese woman let out another happy squeal before dashing back into the hotel. The short male smiled again and settled back into his lounger to relax. *5*
Ezekiel jumped at the hateful words and started to turn his head only for something hard and unyielding to collide with his body knocking him effectively out of the chair and into the pool. "Ha! How do you like that Mr. Sexist! Huh!"
The smug look on Courtney's face turned to horror and the lamppost clattered out of her limp hand as Ezekiel surfaced. The side of his face was a gory mess of blood and hunks of flesh were barely attached to the skin.
"Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god…" Courtney repeated her normal tanned skin several shades lighter then normal as she repeated the mantra, still frozen in shock. "You okay eh?" Ezekiel questioned as he climbed out of the pool.
The sight of his equally mutilated arm caused the CIT to heave the contents of her lunch onto the concrete. "Oh god…this can't be happening to me! I'm a CIT! I'm supposed to help people not-Blargh!"
Heaving again, Courtney cringed at the hand on her back and the sight of the gory hand offering her a towel. "Oh my god…" The CIT whimpered shaking her head back and forth rapidly in disbelief while the prairie boy stared at her in confusion before realization came to him.
"Oh I'm noot hurt, it's joost Yasu's makeup up eh!" Ezekiel explained as he took back the towel and rubbed against his arm. Courtney watched with wide yet relieved eyes as the jagged and scared flesh was rubbed away revealing pale yet healthy skin underneath.
"See? Joost hooror makeup eh." Courtney's body shook in a combination of relief and rage. "Ezekiel…I am torn between hugging you and strangling you for that stunt." Ezekiel quickly stepped away.
"Doon't strangle me eh!" Ezekiel yelped holding his hands out in front of him in an attempt to ward of the oncoming attack that never came.
"IIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *6*
Both teens jumped at the sound of the anguished yell. Courtney turned her head and noticed the Japanese lady was back holding a camera in her limp hand. Ezekiel winced as Yasu recovered from her shock and stormed towards them her eyes alit with rage.
"IZURE!!!!" *7*
"What's…she saying?" Courtney asked taking a step away from the teal and fuchsia haired lady herself. "She wants to knoo which one of us ruined her makeup." Ezekiel answered stepping forward in an attempt to appease the enraged woman.
At speeds that made the bossy teen's head spin, Ezekiel and Yasu verbally battled. Yasu's words filled with anger and more anger, his spoke of understanding and consideration. Slowly the velocity of the foreign words started to slow.
Finally Yasu nodded. "Seijou ue, chuujiki, sokode hon'in mai doru." She said before walking back into the hotel. Courtney looked at the brunet male. "So what did she say?" Ezekiel chuckled and shook his head.
Yasu wants me to clean up, eat lunch and then she wants her doll back." Courtney stared back in disbelief. "DOLL?!" Ezekiel nodded. "She calls all her models that eh." Ezekiel then scratched his toque.
"And knowing Yasu she's goona to want a'noother doll to work with." The overachiever's eyes abruptly widened. "Oh no…There is no WAY you're going to get ME to be someone's DOLL!"
Ezekiel just grinned back at the startled CIT and started to leave the pool area. Behind him Courtney scowled. "I MEAN IT! There is NO way you are getting ME to have that...GORE on MY FACE!"
"Then foind someone to take yoor place then eh!" The prairie boy said cheerfully closing the door behind him.
Imagi's Ramblings: Imagi is BACK and with a new story! :D First the translations.
1. I am exhausted Yasu.
2. Baby.
3. Good?
4. Perfect! Wait here no move!
5. Promise.
6. No!!!!!
7. Who!!!!
I got those off a dictionary site so if they're not accurate let me know so I can fix it. And Yasu which means Tranquil is my new OC! Hope you like her! :D
Other notes: I've got a poll that WORKS now so take it! :D It's for my follow up story to 23 Presents and I am NOT starting work on that unless I have either an overwhelming demand for 23: The Road to Total Drama Retro or I FINSH my other neglected stories. ;)
And those in wait for Commandeers of Wawanakwa…I'm working on it! The creative bug just struck and here's the result. :D
Hope you liked! Next chapter will be out soon! :D