What would be the right word to describe what he was feeling at the time? Embarrassed? Ashamed? Weak? Those where too many words to choose from. He was feeling all those things and more. An s ranked criminal, caught when he was sleeping. He was now chained up to a chair and questioning was going to begin soon.

A light turned on over him and Ibiki walked threw the door looking as menacing as ever. Itachi wasn't scared, he was a master of torture, what should he be scared of? Some one who can do less damage to the brain then him?

Ibiki was just about to start when the two elders walked into the room.

"Stop Ibiki-san." The old woman said. "You wont be able to do anything to him, he's a master of torture and a master of genjutsu. What can you do to make him talk?"

Ibiki bowed to the elders. "Pardon me elders but, do you have any better suggestions?" Ibiki asked a little irritated that he couldn't do his job do to the constant interruptions.

"Ibiki-san, we must ask you to leave the room until we come out." Said the old man.

Ibiki wanted to object but ended up not. He left the room quietly.

When Ibiki existed the room and closed the door behind him, Itachi spoke.

"It's been a while elders." Itachi said.

"Itachi-san, will you care to cooperate?" the old woman asked.

Itachi turned his gaze to the floor. "If I do leader-sama will get mad at me and might kill me." Itachi said.

"If you answer our questions we will protect you." Promised the old man. "You can become a citizen of Konoha again. You will have constant surveillance to protect you if the leader of Akatsuki shows up to take you away or kill you."

Itachi smirked then looked at his elders. "you are underestimating leader-sama's powers." Itachi told them.

"Itachi-san, this is no laughing matter." The old woman snapped. "This is the faith of Konoha we are talking about. If you tell us everything about Akatsuki then you can become a Konoha shinobi like you used to be."

It was so tempting. To be part of Konoha again. The village he loved so much was only asking information for him to return to it. Yet, he knew his village was safe as long as he was in Akatsuki.

"You don't need to worry about Konoha's safety." Itachi assured. "I made a deal with them. As long as I am part of Akatsuki and swear my loyalty to them, all will be okay for Konoha. Nevertheless, when I pass away, I don't think that they will stay away from Konoha."

The elders didn't have time to ask anymore questions, the door blew up and threw the smoke walked the leader of Akatsuki. Pein.

The elders didn't have time to even flinch and Pein was already in front of them. He threw both of them over to the wall and picked up Itachi bridal style. He gave one last glance at the place around him before blowing up the roof and jumping out with Itachi.

Itachi had a shy blush on his cheeks, he was still tied up by the chains and didn't like to be so helpless in front of his leader.

"Leader-sama…could you untie me?" Itachi asked shyly not able to look at his leader at the moment.

"You'll be quiet until we get to the base." Pein said dryly not sparing a glance at the flustered Uchiha.

Itachi tried to wiggle from Pein but earned a menacing growl and stopped immediately.

Itachi couldn't help but look behind Pein to see if they where being followed, which they where. Pein acted like he didn't even notice. He opened his mouth to say something but Pein cut him off.

"Be quiet." He ordered coldly. "I already know and I don't care, they'll fall in my trap soon."

Itachi sank into Pein's arms a little embarrassed and feeling guilty for some reason.

Itachi was awoken from his thoughts when Pein swung him on his shoulder and made some hand signs. He blushed a little, then tried to redeem himself and clear the blush away.

Pein then resumed to holding him normally, well, like he was holding him before.

Itachi couldn't help but ask. "What was that about?"

"I told you to be quiet." Pein answered.

Itachi pouted and looked at the Konoha shinobi chasing after them. In a few moments they where all engulfed in flames. Itachi's eyes widened and looked away.

He never liked to see things like that.

__--AT THE BASE--__

Itachi was thrown on Pein's bed. He was still tied up in chains from head to toe. Itachi blushed as Pein crawled over him.

"L-leader-sama…" Itachi tried to speak.

"The way I recall it is that I told you not to speak." Pein said his voice was cold as it was dry and firm.

Itachi shut himself up again, not wanting to anger his leader even more.

Pein turned Itachi onto his stomach, which made Itachi squirm. Was Pein going to…

"I'm not going to rape you Uchiha." Pein reassured a hint of annoyance in his voice. "I'm taking off the chain that's squeezing your arms behind your back."

Itachi felt the chain loosen in that area and sighed in relief. Pein pulled him up into a sitting position on his lap, making the Uchiha's blush return. He might have lost the longest chain but, there was still the one binding his wrists and another binding his ankles together.

"Now Uchiha," Pein started. "I want to know everything you told them about Akatsuki."

Itachi's blush faded away, just a little.

"I didn't tell them…ACK!" Itachi yelped as Pein undid the zip of his pants.

He then took out Itachi's member and started to stroke it. Itachi tried not to let out moans but it was stronger then him.

"Uchiha, Uchiha," Pein repeated as if he where a naïve little boy. "Do you honestly believe me to fall for such a thing?"

He then gripped Itachi's member making him yelp again.

"I-I…really didn't say anything…" Itachi panted telling half the truth. "Oh Kami, leader-sama…please touch me…"

Pein didn't budge. He glared at Itachi straight in the eyes. Itachi pouted as he wanted to be pleasured, yet he knew that the only way he was going to get pleasure was if he told anything to Konoha that would be a threat to Akatsuki.

He wanted pleasure so bad that he thought of lying to get it, but that would probably lead to Pein killing him.

"I'm going to use genjutsu on you." Pein warned him. "If you resist me entering your mind, then I'll just have to torture you."

Itachi nodded, still panting heavily. Pein placed his hand on Itachi's head, he did a hand sign and the genjutsu started.

He started to look threw Itachi's memory of the time he had been captured.

So, he hadn't betrayed Akatsuki… thought in relief. But…what's this?

He had found the part where the elders where proposing a deal to him. He broke the genjutsu trance. Itachi collapsed on him, genjutsu always tired the one it was being used on.

Itachi looked up at Pein. "See…I wasn't lying…" Itachi panted wanting Pein to, either move his hand or let go of his manhood.

"How do I know you wont go back?" Pein asked glaring at Itachi. "They asked you to tell them everything about Akatsuki and they'd let you return. You seem to have been considering it."

Itachi sighed. "I know that Konoha is safe as long as I keep my end of the deal…" Itachi said looking at Pein in the eyes to show that he was serious. "As long as I don't betray Akatsuki, you guys cant come near Konoha. I don't plan on betraying you…"

"Why so?" Pein asked as if there was something suspicious going on.

"Because the only way to protect Konoha is to stay loyal to Akatsuki and…" Itachi paused before continuing. A blush crept on his face. "because I want to stay near leader-sama…"

Pein froze. He wasn't expecting to hear that. Itachi confessing that he was in love with him. It was somewhat strange yet happy for him. He shared the same feelings for Itachi, it was just strange that the stoic Uchiha felt any emotion…

Pein took off the chains from Itachi and threw him back on the bed and crawled over him again. He pinned Itachi's arms over his head, then used chains to tie his wrists to the head of the bed.

Itachi's blush grew deeper as Pein pressed his lips against his own.

"I guess that I can believe you…" Pein said. "But that would be a little too careless. I will have all members keep a close eye on you until my suspicions will be satisfied. Now I have to punish you."

Itachi gulped. "For what?" he asked a little clueless to why he was being punished.

"For being caught so easily." Pein answered. "It's shameful for a criminal to be caught because he fell sleep."

Itachi turned away his gaze to the side.

"Hey." Pein said. Itachi shot his head back at Pein. "Don't look away from me."

Pein's lips slowly joined Itachi's into a passionate kiss. Itachi opened his mouth for Pein to enter. Pein's tongue massaged skillfully his own making him moan in the kiss.

As the kiss went deeper, Pein started to take off Itachi's cloak and shirt. Itachi moaned as Pein pinched one of his nipples and brushed his hands over his sensitive part of the stomach.

Eventually, Pein and Itachi had to break the kiss to get some air. Itachi had that lustful look in his eyes, he wasn't saying anything but his eyes where begging for it to go even further.

"This is the first time you act like a whore right?" Pein teased.

"No…Madara-sensei and I… used to be together and he would take me so very often…" Itachi panted.

Pein growled and kissed Itachi roughly. "Well, I'll give you something to beg for the rest of your life." Pein said a little too cocky for himself. "Yet this is a punishment, you'll feel more pain then pleasure."

Itachi nodded, thinking that he was only going to give him really rough sex but that wasn't really all of it.

Pein took off Itachi's pants and boxers, throwing them away randomly. Pein, then unzipped his pants taking out his erection. Itachi blushed at it.

Pein sat on Itachi's chest pressing his erection against his lips. Itachi didn't need words to understand that his leader wanted him to suck. He opened his mouth to lick the head teasingly but Pein forced his member inside of Itachi's mouth. Itachi struggled not to gag for this was sudden and unexpected, when he regained himself, he started to deep throat Pein and suck hard on the member.

Wow he moans so sexily…Itachi thought and sucked harder.

Pein threw his head back and moaned loudly as he came in Itachi's mouth. He pulled out still sitting on Itachi's chest. He looked down at Itachi amused.

"Swallow." Pein ordered.

Itachi was hesitant but swallowed anyways. He was never ready to give a blow job, or even receive one and Pein already knew that so he knew what was going to happen next.

Pein smiled cruelly then slid down Itachi's body and stopped when his head wasn't far from Itachi's own erection.

Pein poked it. "This bit of skin looks delicious…" Pein teased licking his lips.

Itachi was already panting heavily. "P-please don't…it-it's so embarrassing…" Itachi begged.

"Don't tell me you forgot already Uchiha?" Pein asked his evil grin growing wider by the second. "This is a punishment."

Itachi couldn't object anymore, Pein took his member in his mouth and deep throated it but with more skill. He licked the tip of the member teasingly and over sensitive areas that made Itachi's hips buckle.

"Ah…Pl-please s…ah…stop…" Itachi said between moans. He was embarrassed.

One power full suck drove Itachi to his edge, he cried and came into Pein's mouth who swallowed his seeds then licked the rest off of Itachi.

"Embarrassing…" Itachi panted, "This is…anf, anf…so embarrassing…"

Pein laughed evilly, yet it was sexy in a way. "Good." He said. "Now is time for the real punishment to begin…"

With out warning Pein thrusted deep inside of Itachi. He didn't give him any time to adjust and pounded into the young prodigy. Itachi was screaming and moaning in pain more then pleasure like Pein said he would but, he didn't completely hate it. No matter what Pein said, eventually he would get used to his size and the pace and end up enjoying it.

Just when he thought there was more pleasure then pain, Pein doubled his pace making it feel like they just started.

There goes my ability to walk… Itachi thought disappointedly.

How many times did Pein cum inside of Itachi that night? The time was too often for Itachi, he lost count after five, which was when he started to enjoy it.

When Pein had finally come one last time after Itachi and pulled out, he collapsed out of energy beside his Uchiha.

Pein took off the chains and threw 'em somewhere beside the bed. Itachi rubbed his wrists that where now sore and had minor cuts from the strong friction of not too long ago. He cuddled up to Pein half asleep.

"Love you…" he panted then collapsed asleep.

Pein kissed his forehead in return of the love they shared and fell asleep as well.


If You are a nice person (Which I hope you are) you will review the damn story. If you find that there is something i should perfect let it be the story line or the way my sentences are DO NOT hesitate to tell me!!! This is freaking important to me!! It is the only way I'll get better! I'm the type who learns from her mistakes! SO PLEASE REVIEW!!! I'm begging you!!!