
Hello, anyone who might be out there. It's been a while, no doubt. For some a year, for some two years... but I just wanted to drop this simple note. I know I've said this plenty of times, only to renege on my promise, that I will update my stories.

I promise this time will be different.

This time I will update this story. Granted if might happen more on a biweekly or monthly basis (I have other commitments, stories, issues that I have to attend to), but I solemnly swear that I will update this story. And if or when I get burned out from the hectic business of juggling college, family, my health and writing, I will leave a note informing you about my brief hiatus -which will never be longer than a month-.

If there are still any fans out there of this particularly story, I sincerely and wholly apologize for my thoughtlessness. Your support meant, means, the world to me, and I completely betrayed your loyalty by throwing my writing priorities under the bus.

Please, forgive me.

As for the update of this story itself - it should come up by next month (as in 30 or so days from now and not two week -or maybe two weeks depending on the story-).

*On the off chance that I take a bit too long to update, my PM system is up. You have full and total permission to harass the living daylights out of me till I update.

Thank you and I apologize once more.
