Long Live The Queen : Zachary Goode

boy, boy, boy. I am horrible. This one-shot turned into a two-shot. Kind of. After a small prompting I found it in my heart that I was up for the challenge and so set forth to complete the impossible task. At least for me.

I wrote a second part in Zach's POV. *LE GASP* As a warning, I'm not good when writing for guys, but I'd say this turned out pretty decent.

So sorry if the guys are a bit ooc... And I know there isn't as much mention of Marney and Tim in here, but it didn't seem like a guy to elaborate over the stars... SoOo, read on.

btw, thanks, thanks, thanks for those adorable reviews. I like to respond to each personally, as you may have noticed...

Disclaimer: If I owned Sex in the City, Orlando Bloom (how brilliantly awesome would that be?), Star Wars, or GG I wouldn't be posting on fanfiction...

"What am I wearing?" I ran my hand through my hair.

Grant and Jonas nearly shrieked like the eight-year-old-girls I knew were hiding just somewhere beneath their tough spy-guy shells. "Your hair! I just spent like fifteen minutes making it look like you've been battling for your life by a ring of volcanoes!" Grant moaned, he threw down the comb in his hand and stomped on it till it gave a satisfying crunch.

Jonas cringed, "That was the last of eight combs, Grant."

Grant gazed down at the comb.

I glanced in the mirror. Decked out in sooty tunic and belt that was a bit to tight with matching pants tucked into ash coated boots. Even part of my hair looked singed, I had to admit, Grant was the master, despite his faults. "So this is what it feels like to be Obi-Wan Kenobi." I remarked drily. "I always wondered." Frankly, I considered my life so much more interesting than the jedi's.

Jonas snickered. "Dude, you're wanted on the set... Tim."

I couldn't believe that amongst the guys picked to come from Blackthorne to go to Gallagher to come on this mission that I was the guy picked to do the heavy stuff. But we weren't fighting bad guys, at least not real ones. And being the boy I was, I was sad that I was missing out on the true action. I sighed. I felt the urge to run my hand through my hair again, but decided to save Grant the heart attack, let Bex handle that.

Grant, apparently over the loss of the last comb, gripped my shoulder and steered me towards the set. A lady in a tight suit ran up to me. Grant relaxed his grip and eased back into the shadows, to the promise land. The land of coffee and donuts. I suddenly envied that guy to no end.

"Timmy!" I couldn't help but wince as her cat-like claw's for fingernails dug into my shoulders. Well manicured claws at that. I'm a spy, I couldn't help but notice. "Muah, muah!" she air kissed both of my cheeks, leaving me feeling sick to my stomach. Spy chicks were so much more sophisticated, I'd give 'em that. "Danielle here will give you the run through of the scene. I hope you know your lines this time." The lady wagged a mock naughty finger at me and fluttered off.

A gushing blondie replaced her in seconds. I felt actually threatened, this girl seemed ready to jump me. "Tim! I'm Danielle, remember? I got you decaf coffee with a hint of cream and a warm donut yesterday?"

Oh, uhg. Fangirls... "Oh course I remember you, Danica." I purred, purposely messing up her name. If you haven't noticed I have a tendency to do just that. "Now, my scene?"

Danielle seemed thrilled and then a bit surprised. "Ooh, I have a nickname, so CUH-ute! Mind if I call you Tommy?"


But Danielle rushed on, "Your scene? Oh yes." The girl shoved a loathsome load of bubblegum in her mouth and smacked it loudly, "You love bubblegum, don't you?"

Uhg, no. Not even the real Tim Zorce likes bubblegum. "Yeah, my scene?"

"Yes? Oh, yes. So you are fighting with the Silvershadow, then Marney calls out your name, you turn, and when you're distracted the Silvershadow stabs you with his holosword, you stagger, fall and call out the magic words, clutch you amulet. Silvershadow is vanquished. Marney runs out to you, yours head falls into her lap, you kiss, you say your line, you die. The end." Danielle talked a mile a minute. Luckily, my brain works at two miles a minute. "Thanks... Danica." I began to strut off towards the set to get into position when I heard Danielle cry out, "No!"

She giggled, "I mean wait. I didn't give you your holosword."

Holographic swords? Brilliant. I'll get Jonas started on that when we get back to the school. "Right." I grabbed my green "sword" that would later be edited to look like some glowing holographic weapon. Then I ran towards the set as fast as my well toned spy legs would carry me. I nearly tripped over some old guy in a black and silver cape. "Ah, the silvershadow." I murmured to myself as I scooted around him. That guy was obviously more shadow. I turned the sword over in my hands as I slowed to a trot as I found the 'x' that marked where I stood at the beginning of the scene. A post-it note with a phone number and smiley face. I jammed the note into my belt to be investigated by Jonas.

Glancing around me I saw that the busy modern world had turned into burning and sizzling fake stone formations and the ground had turned to a smooth dark rock beneath the soles of my books. There was some more shoving and bustling about me but within a few minutes the man in the cloak had appeared, armed with a likewise weapon. He stared at me and I reassured myself quickly that I would stick to my cover till the end. But there wasn't any need.

"You actually know your lines this time, Zorce?"

"Of course." I spouted, my tone being the one Cammie would classify as pompous jerk. It was true, I probably was a jerk. But hey, she loved me for it, so it seemed to work out.

"Quiet on the set!" shrieked tight suit lady, who appeared to be the director. She glared behind her at some shivering extras. Though it had been me and cooky-shadow-dude who had been talking it up. "Action!"

The shadow guy lunged at me. I parried, taking up the sport. But my fabulous acting was cut short.

"Peter!" the wail, I swear, rattled the volcanoes that streamed and flamed around us.

The voice was so familiar, I pivoted as I was suppose to. To this day I will never admit that I hadn't turned except for my acting purposes. But I think you and I know that this was not and will never be the case. Cameron Ann Morgan, I don't think there was ever a face as beautiful as hers, and yet she somehow looked more gorgeous dressed up as some love-sick sci-fi heroine. Of course, in the flick her love interest was me. Which just made things that much better. I gaped, as I was suppose to. At the moment I felt something poke me. I was about to say Ouch! But fought back the urge with my better judgement.

My eyes widened as I stared, slightly dumb-founded that this man would ruin such a wonderful slow-motion type moment between the two of us. What I shrieked next was complete gibberish, but thats the way it was suppose to be.

Cammie was on my like a flash of lightning, my head rested on her lap, I stared up at her. Woah, what a totally new view. I swallowed. "Gallagher girl?" I tried to down-play my shock, but it wasn't working for me like it usually did. My throat felt very, very dry.

The Padme look suits you well. Its what I wanted to say, but, you know, for my throat famine and embarrassment reasons, I could not. She leaned down, closer towards me. Oh, no, no. Not in front of these people. Why had I somehow overlooked the detail that it wouldn't be Marney playing the role? I thought of the juniors on this mission. Bex couldn't do it, she had her accent, Macey, not the right hair, Liz, was, well... Liz. Tina was to blonde and flighty... There was one girl though who would fit the bill, "Cammie..." Did I say that out loud? Her hair tickled my cheek but her lips hit the spot. Girls like Cammie cannot be good for your health... But my career choice probably isn't either. I liked them both, my health didn't concern me. She pulled away, her cheeks burning.

I hid the smile that tugged at my mouth. "Long live the queen." I rasped and fell dead away (almost literally) in her arms.

"Cut! That's a wrap!" as soon as she said that I rolled out of her arms, I needed to get out of there fast, before someone spotted me, sprawled out, drooling like a puppy.

I spotted Bex as I rushed of the set. She gave me a knowing look and I sent a well-practiced surprised one in here direction. She rolled her eyes and I smiled to myself, pushing open the door to Tim's elaborate personal trailer.

I found Grant and Jonas lounging on the couch, staring up at me with raised brows as I enter. I ran my hand through my hair, unable to resist.

Grant cringed and said nothing.

I said nothing of the scene, but got out of costume quick and stepped out of my trailer. Grant and Jonas on my heels.

As soon as I stepped out and shut the door behind the three of us I found ourselves completely surrounded by the junior class of Gallaghers. Minus Marcey, Bex, Liz, and Cammie of course. Tina stepped forward proudly like a pageant winner, flashing her barbie smile. "Zachary..." she cooed.

Jonas looked sick, but nobody but Grant and I seemed to notice, though it might have been because we felt the same way.

"Mr. Solomon and Headmistress Morgan are waiting for you." she purred, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Pushing the three of us guys forward, the gallagher girls surged forward like a mass wave of destruction. They were teenage girl spies. Those were three words that made up of one of the most dangerous creations known to man.

Suddenly we found ourselves in the presence of one) a gorgeous starlet who bore a striking resemblance to Cammie and the 2) a guy with a serious attitude. That was clear from the get-go.

Cammie and her friends stood directly in front of us.

I could almost see the question in Mr. Solomon's eyes; How was the acting experience, Zach? I felt the oddest thing, my face began to heat up and I looked away. And then suddenly we were on our way back to Gallagher Academy.

- ~ -

Macey whined, but I wasn't really listening to her. I was trying to zip up the stupid zipper that was jammed on my coat. An icy breeze blew past and even Cammie in her thick winter parka shivered. That burst sent the chill right to the marrow of my bones. The zipper unhitched and zipped up along the teeth. I grunted.

I heard Cammie say something, but I still wasn't tuned in to the conversation. Bex looked back at us, I had a horrible feeling in my gut. What was Bex up to?

A movie no big deal. Grant, Jonas, and I exchanged glances, we just hoped it wasn't some chick flick. Actually, in all honesty though its not like spies to be so truthful, chick flicks weren't that bad.

Not that we guys were going to admit that anytime soon. Or it would be more Sex in the City and Orlando Bloom than we can handle.

Minutes later my hands were still numb and now were full with icy, sloshy drinks. I sighed and followed everyone into the theater. So sure I was freezing cold, but I grabbed a seat next Cammie, with Jonas at my side.

The guy seemed to catch on, but when I silently pleaded with my eyes he refused and looked away. Not even guys can usually resist the Zach charm. Or as it was so fondly referred to, the Zach Attack. How cheesy. I passed the drinks around and then leaned forward in the darkening theater. "So Bexy," I said, earning a slightly poisonous glare from Grant. Hey! No harm, no foul. "What movie are we watching?"

What she said next was colder than the south pole.

Grant grinned, obviously not fully understanding the meaning of this, and lean leaned back in his seat, propping his feet up in the seat in front of him. "A sci-fi? Cool."

I had a feeling that this was going to be a long hour and forty-two minutes.

Did you like this ending? Did you? As we GGfans say, was it Goode? Oh oh oh. So it wasn't as long as the first one, you'll live.

Just as a further note, I had put aside writing for a while so when I posted the first part of this and then checked the traffic an hour ago I was shocked. Yikes! 58 readers in like, two hours! You guys are beyond fab!

But as I say, "Fab is drab. I prefer a more dangerous life-style." Or something to that effect.

But my personal favorite:

Friend: "You're impossible!"

Me: "Who better to do impossible things than impossible people?"

Friend: "..."

Me: "You have to admit it's rather fun doing the impossible."

Am I babbling?

Love you all much!

Winter / Megan