Love Again



It was the summer of 1934, and it was the best summer of my life. It was surprising how fastlife changed after that.

The fact that it was the best summer ever – for me at least – was down to the one boy who never thought that i was crazy like all the other boys always do. The one boy who was nice to me and stuck up for me when people called me a freak, or pushed me in the street, and tripped me and called me names in the school corridor. but also my first and only boyfriend. My Jasper.

But he had to leave.

He had signed up for the Confederate Army. He was 17 and only a year older than me, he wasn't old enough to join.

But i knew how much it would mean to him to join. Also it was his dream to be in the army and i didn't want to stop him from achieving it.

It ripped me in two when he had to leave, but that was nothing compared to what hit me next. I felt like i was crushed when i was told he would never return.

I'd never forget my Jasper though, not even if I live a hundred years. How could I forget him when I gave him my soul? My Jasper is still out there, i know it. And some day we will be reunited. Not today but some day...

This is my first fanfic so please please review and tell me whether you think i should continue it or not!!! i'll update as soon as if you think i should!!!