This little drabble collection is titled A Few of My Favorite Things and is KaZe-centric chronicling the moments that impact the relationship between them, both big and small.
SUMMARY: A field trip. Car trouble. One single umbrella. Zero & Kaname alone. Soft moments beneath the peach tree.
Disclaimer: I do not own this fabulous series, cuz if I did, the supersmexy Zero would be wearing an apron that says KISS THE COOK and Kaname would happily oblige.
A Few of My Favorite Things
Single Umbrellas and Fuzz on Ripe Peaches
The golden sun shined brightly in the cloudless sky, casting its rays over the land. It was spring and was uncharacteristically hot for this time of year. Zero stood at the drop-off area of Cross Academy with a pinched expression on his face. He was immensely irritated. It wasn't the fact that it seemed like the sun was concentrating all its power upon him in an attempt to boil him in his skin or that Chairman Cross's incessant bounciness that grated his nerves. It was the field trip they were about to take.
They were going to an onsen. The Chairman announced it rather gleefully to them all three days ago. Zero frowned remembering how hard he'd tried to weasel his way out of it, but nonetheless conceded when Yuki looked up at him with those damned doe-eyes. Of course, he wouldn't categorize it as torture if it were just Yuki, Cross, and himself. That would be okay. But noooo, that idiot Chairman had to go and invite them along. Speaking of those bloodsuckers… He stiffened when he saw them coming towards them in the distance, umbrellas held overhead to shade them from the harsh sunlight, servants carrying their luggage behind them.
Kaname walked side-by-side with Takuma, holding an umbrella over his head. It was rather hot and he was up much earlier than usual, but despite all of this, his mood was quite pleasant. He caught the peculiar glance the fair-haired nobleman shot his way. "Takuma?"
Takuma, noticing that he'd been caught, shook his head. "Nothing Kaname." The unrelenting gaze of the pureblood prompted him to speak. "Well, it's just that it is only noon and your demeanor is… different that normal. I just didn't think that you were fond of going to an onsen," he answered as diplomatically as possible. Everyone in the Moon Dormitory knew that their president's level of crankiness was through the roof when he was awakened early and any poor soul that was caught in his crosshairs had hell to pay.
Kaname refrained from responding, turning his attention instead to the trio awaiting their arrival. Standing next to Yuki with his hands shoved in his pocket and a pinched expression painted on his features was his reason for being in a noticeably pleasant mood despite the early hour. He let his eyes roam. He hadn't seen the prefect out of his school uniform many times before and well he had no qualms about taking this opportunity to soak up the delicious sight. Zero wore a snug-fitting (but not too snug) white tee shirt that boasted an image of a skull surrounded by roses on the right-hand side, and slim straight fit denim jeans. Kaname almost sighed, willing to bet his bottom dollar that those pants fit Zero's nice ass- something he'd figured out the day they went to the beach- like a charm.
Zero frowned deeply at the pureblood. The man was practically eye humping him! This was the exact reason he didn't want to go to the onsen, because of this one single pureblood jerk that felt it was some sort of national past time to ogle him. Damnit he should have never agreed to leave Bloody Rose in his room. He folded his arms and bared his fangs ever so slightly at the brunette.
Kaname merely quirked an eyebrow and let his attention drop to his favorite girl when he was near enough. "Good afternoon Yuki," he said congenially, face a mask of neutrality when she bowed and gave a characteristic blush. "Do you have plans on what you're going to do this weekend?"
Yuki beamed at him and began to enrhusiastically prattle off about her itinerary for the weekend, unaware that the pureblood's garnet eyes had already floated to the prefect at her side.
Kaname breathed in softly, taking in the prefect's individual scent. Was that cologne? Mmm. Zero always smelled great, but right now, he smelled good enough to devour. Hungry eyes dropped to the silver-haired teen's neck, fangs throbbing right on cue and it was all he could do not to lick his lips. His mind- the treacherous villain that it was- instantly plucked the flavor of the prefect's blood from his memory and jammed it into his taste receptors, forcing him to remember its velvety texture and succulence. He'd lapped up the prefect's blood on impulse, but that had been a grave mistake. Because now whenever he was near the prefect or at his most vulnerable, the rich taste of his blood plowed into his mind, leaving him so utterly hungry he had to down almost an entire bottle of blood tablets just to take the edge off his appetite. No other person, pureblood, aristocrat, or human would ever be able to affect him like the surly ex-human.
Zero glared at Kaname. God, why wouldn't he just stop looking at him like that? It was weird, unnerving, and it made him feel like the pureblood wanted toss him into a soup pot and serve him on a silver platter. Would you stop looking at me already! He deepened his scowl, hoping that it discouraged the pureblood from further scrutinizing him. Ever since that night, it had been this way. He wanted things just to go back to normal. He wanted the conceited asshole Kaname that only interacted with him when it was feeding time instead of the one that he often caught staring at him during their transitions and who even was polite to him. He was about to growl something derogatory at the pureblood but was stopped by Cross when he bounded into their midst. He turned on his heel to give the man his attention.
"Good afternoon my adorable Night Class Students!" He sang cheerily, interrupting the quiet conversations that had been commencing between Kaname's inner circle. "I hope you're all ready to go to the onsen!"
The others didn't quite express the enthusiasm like Yuki and the Chairman but they expressed their delight with the telltale twinkling in their eyes.
He flamboyantly gestured towards the three luxury vehicles idling by them in a straight line. "These three cars with their safety conscious drivers will be our way to the Dancing Geisha onsen. There will be three groups." He smiled when uneasiness filled the air, knowing that his students thought he was going to make them draw out of a hat or do some other outlandish task. "Don't worry I have a list already made out." He brandished the clipboard in his hand. "Okay when I call your name go to your group."
Zero's stomach flopped. Please, please Lady Luck, Buddha, Zeus…Fate whoever don't let me get stuck in the same car as Kuran. He prayed, hoping that someone heard his supplications and decided to be merciful for once.
"Okay," He pushed his glasses up on his nose. "In car one is Aidou-san, Kain-san, and Souen-san."
Ruka, Aidou, and Kain disbanded into their own little group. Kain seemed quite pleased while Ruka and Aidou had a slight tinge of disappointment in their eyes. Of course, the disappointment was also coupled with moderate annoyance at the fact that both blondes were in the same car together. All present knew that Ruka and Aidou couldn't stay in the same room for longer than a gnat's attention span without squabbling.
Zero rolled his eyes. They were probably hoping to get in the same car as Kaname. He swallowed nervously, hoping, praying that he wasn't lumped in the same car group as that insufferable pureblood- or Ruka and Aidou.
"In the second car group will be me, my cute daughter, and Touya-san. Yay I get to ride with my adorable daughter!"
Yuki ducked her head in embarrassment, smiling wanly at her father.
Kaname watched the Chairman closely as he called out the names, as if willing him to put Zero in his car group. He knew that Zero would definitely not be happy if they were put in the same group, but Kaname would and hopefully he'd get a chance to soften the prefect up.
"In the third car group is Ichijo-san and Kaname-san." He looked around at the three individuals left: Shiki, Seiren, and Zero. A devilish smile spread across his lips.
Zero bit his lip. Please oh please oh please. Who was he kidding? He was going to get to stuck with the pureblood, he knew it. Fate hated him and the remaining deities viewed him as their own personal torture toy born specifically to amuse their twisted senses of humor.
"Seiren-san, you're in the first car."
The aloof vampire walked to her group, expression unreadable.
"Senri-san you're in the second and Zero-kun that puts you in the third group."
Zero clenched his teeth. Son of a bitch. He knew it. He knew he was going to be stuck in the same car as that pureblood. It was inevitable. He just couldn't escape him. While the others were going to their assigned car groups- Cross gaily exclaiming "Aren't you glad to be in the same car group as your beloved daddy Yuki!"- Zero was standing there calling down a thousand curses upon Fate, The Seven Gods of Fortune, and whoever the hell else considered themselves a deity. He stood there for a while longer allowing the dark cloud that seemed to be hanging over his head continue to swell and surge until it seemed that it would bring down all the fury of Mother Nature herself upon whoever dared cross him.
"They're going to leave us," a rich melodic voice stated coolly.
Zero raised his eyes to the pureblood standing next to him, mentally hurling a barrage of expletives at the brunette, and snatched up his duffel bag. He stormed to the vehicle, threw his bag in the popped trunk, and walked to the front passenger side, gritting his teeth so hard he nearly broke a fang when he saw that it was currently occupied.
Takuma looked at him and smiled apologetically. "Sorry Kiryuu-san."
"Guess that leaves you in the back with me," Kaname stated sensually, breath tickling over the back of Zero's neck.
Zero's hackles rose, but not in a bad way- and that was what bothered him even more. Recovering quickly, he fled to the other side of the car and yanked the door open, climbed in, and slammed it shut. What was wrong with him? He shouldn't let Kaname get to him like that. Why did that stupid tingle even run up his spine?
Kaname climbed into the car and shut the door, pulling on his seatbelt before he settled into the creamy leather seats.
The car lurched forward when the driver accelerated, falling into file with the other two dark glossy vehicles as it exited the gates of Cross Academy.
Half an hour later, they were out of the city and well on their way to The Dancing Geisha onsen-, which was still yet a few hours away. Zero gazed at the woodland scenery outside of the window, trying his best to ignore the enticing aura and scent of the pureblood. Kaname smelled good, like the earth after a spring rain and… roses? He frowned. The pureblood seemed like the type to bathe with some cream puff bath salt like that. But he pulls it off rather well don't you think, an unknown voice purred within his head. Shut up! A sudden image of Kaname sitting in an oversized bathtub amidst pink rose petals appeared rather vividly in his mind. His eyes faintly expanded. Where the hell did that come from? Why was he even thinking of the pureblood naked? He tried banishing the image to nether regions of his brain but no matter how hard he tried it remained frozen in place.
Kaname was rather enjoying filling his senses with Zero, pushing the one-sided conversation Takuma was having with the driver to the background, when he heard Zero's heart rate quicken. He turned his attention to the smaller vampire, unable to keep his russet eyes from sweeping greedily over the corded muscles in his bare arms. "Is something wrong Zero?"
Zero flinched. Shit. He'd been caught fantasizing about a naked pureblood (of course it's not as if Kaname could read his mind or anything, but that fact didn't occur to him) in a bathtub full of rose petals. Geez he was pathetic. He wasn't supposed to be thinking these things about the bastard. He hated him…. Right? "No," he snapped.
Kaname eyed the younger vampire. "Don't worry Zero, I don't bite." He expected the prefect to growl a warning, but what happened next utterly surprised him. Zero blushed. The unexpected reaction sent a spike of warmth singing through his veins and straight to his heart. He wanted to draw the other vampire into his arms and cuddle him until both sun and moon rose and set, but he knew that was hoping for too much. Zero would reject him for sure if he did something like that and he would not risk it, not when he'd just gotten the young man to stop avoiding him like he was the source of The Plague. Therefore, he reveled in his small victory of making such a cute blush spread over the ex-human's porcelain cheeks.
The driver had just turned onto a newly paved road flanked by pine trees when the whisper quiet hum of the engine abruptly ceased and the car began rolling down the hill of its own volition.
Zero turned his attention from the window (and stealing very quick glances at the pureblood on the side) when he heard the engine stop and sat up in alarm, bracing himself just in case for a wreck. He shot a glance at the equally concerned pureblood.
The driver remained calm, using the car's momentum to coast them onto the roadside. When the car finally lurched to a stop, he threw it in park, mumbling a profuse apology that was obviously directed at the two higher-ranking vampires inside the vehicle, and opened the door.
Zero watched as the driver popped the hood and began inspecting the inner workings of the car in order to diagnose what had caused the malfunction. He turned his attention to the other occupants of the car who were both checking their mobile phones for a signal. "You think they'll notice we're not behind them?"
Kaname maintained his composure, frowning inside when he saw the lack of bars symbolizing his reception on the screen. Damn. "We were never in sight in the first place." He cast a mild glare to the blond vampire. They had to make a quick stop in the city when Takuma realized he'd forgotten his toothbrush (although he returned to the car with several extra bags than stated upon departure).
Takuma gave his friend a contrite look and lowered his eyes back to the red mobile phone in his hand. "I'll go see if I can get any reception outside." He opened the door and exited the car, leaving the other two alone.
Kaname ran a hand through his dark hair coolly seemingly unbothered by this unexpected inconvenience. Actually he was slightly bothered by it- it was quite humid this far up after all- he was just more concerned with the fact that he was alone with the beautiful prefect. And, anyway, he had no knowledge about automobile mechanics. Therefore, there really was nothing he could do but sit and wait.
"This is why you always check your car before you take a trip," he said sourly, arms folded and posture screaming irritation.
Kaname's face remained expressionless as he turned to the prefect. "Forgive me for not concerning myself with such mundane things as the mechanics of a car," he replied in a condescending tone.
Zero rolled his eyes at the pureblood's tone. Of course, Kaname was too high and mighty to concern himself with such things as auto mechanics. His eyes fell to the pureblood's hands, examining the smoothness of each slender finger. Was every part of the pureblood so flawless?
The intensity of the other's gaze prompted him to regard the prefect. He took in a very tiny breath, feeling his heart stammer over a few beats under the other's scrutiny. He didn't care if the prefect wasn't looking at his face as long as he was looking at him without the usual resentment.
Before he'd realized it, his eyes had ascended to the pureblood's face and amethyst orbs widened as garnet depths stabbed into his. His eyebrows shot up and he averted his eyes quickly, turning away so the pureblood didn't see the embarrassed blush on his cheeks. Goddammit what was wrong with him? Why couldn't his eyes just obey his brain already?
The door opened, catching their attention, and Takuma flopped down on the seat with a defeated expression on his usually merry face. "I can't get any reception."
The driver side door opened and the chauffer popped his head in, frustration written all over his face.
"What caused this inconvenience?" Kaname asked imperturbably.
The driver sighed. "The driver belt snapped."
"Is that bad?" Takuma asked curiously.
Zero pinched his lips, remembering a tidbit of information from auto mechanics (a class he'd managed to drop after a few weeks) shop. "It means we aren't going anywhere."
Kaname barely reacted to the news. So they were stuck, in the heat, in the hottest hours of the day. "Well, perhaps one of you should go into town to find someone to tow us so we can fix this problem," he suggested, the tone in his voice implying that it was anything but.
The driver instantly recognized the order and nodded submissively, exiting the car to start his trek.
Takuma smiled cheerily and picked up an umbrella. "I shall accompany you." He called after the driver and gave his phone another look, as if willing it to gain a semblance of reception.
Zero's eyes broadened. No the hell way was he getting left in this car with Kaname. "No!… ahem…No, I'll go with him."
Takuma raised a slender eyebrow, a knowing smile spreading over his lips. "There's no need in all three of us going Kiryuu-san." He picked up the umbrella from the front seat, a small twinkle in his eyes. "Don't tell me you're afraid to be alone with Kaname-sama."
Zero glowered at the blonde. He knew he was being baited, but his ego didn't care. There was no way he was giving Kaname the impression that he was afraid of him. So, he sat back in the creamy leather seat with his arms folded and a 'fuck off' expression on his face.
Kaname silently thanked Takuma. He and the mirthful nobleman had been companions since childhood and it was no surprise that he had discerned his affinity for the prefect as of late.
"We'll be back as soon as possible." He exited the car, shutting the door behind him, and opened the umbrella.
Zero swallowed and turned his attention to the window. This break was already turning out to be hell. A tingle ran up his spine. Kaname was looking at him… Again. "Stop looking at me," he growled irately.
Zero glowered at the older vampire. "Because I don't like it!" He snapped harshly. That was a lie- well not completely. He didn't delight in the pureblood looking at him, neither did he strongly dislike it, and that both puzzled and scared the shit out of him, which made him irritable.
"As I said before Zero, I don't bite… unless asked." He said seductively with a suggestive smirk on his sculpted lips, hoping another adorable blush would paint the other's cheeks.
Zero narrowed his eyes at the pureblood, amplifying the "fuck off" demeanor swirling around his aura, and turned back to the window to take in the scenery, which was basically trees, trees, and more trees.
Kaname continued to ogle the prefect, garnet eyes falling hungrily to his exposed neck. Vampire eyes glued themselves to the column of the prefect's neck, longingly watching the small indiscernible- to human eyes- pulsating vein. He imagined sliding his tongue over that flawless skin, the subsequent shiver that would run through his prefect's body, and the velvety textured blood that would inundate his starving mouth as he sank his fangs into that neck. His fangs, aroused by his current train of thought, throbbed almost achingly, ready to be embedded into the prefect's skin. Lust spiked through him and he shut his eyes, gulping hard.
He couldn't bite Zero-not that he didn't desire to do so- but he knew the stoic youth's past with purebloods. And he would rather be damned than fall into the same despicable category with that woman. He would sooner carve out his heart than do anything to damage the tenuous peace blooming between them. He would never hurt Zero. He inwardly sighed. Why did he let the prefect affect him so? How could he, a vampire of the highest pedigree, allow a much lower ranking vampire to crumble his mask into dust beneath his feet?
The heat and stale air inside the car became unbearable for the pureblood. His senses filled with all that was Zero- the rhythmic beat of his heart, his sumptuous aroma, his beauty, and his pleasant aura-, which was not helping the bloodlust building within him. He rolled up is sleeves, trying to cool himself off. He was tempted to let the window down, but knew that because it was sunny he would only let in unwanted sunlight. Damn. He swiped a hand over his damp brow, his body hot in more ways than one, and propped his elbow on the sill of the car window, resting his chin on his knuckles.
The other occupant's fidgeting caught the prefect's attention. "What's the matter with you?" His perceptive eyes saw the pureblood swallow hard, smelled the faint hint of salt from the perspiration forming on his faultless brow, and heard the quickened pace of his heart. What the hell--? Oh. Kaname was a vampire, it was midday, and abnormally muggy for this time of year.
Kaname cast a side-glance at him. "Nothing." He replied, unintentional venom slipping into his tone. He'd just managed to force the red from his eyes but if Zero continued to talk to him with such concern laced in his voice, he was certainly going to lose it. He fiddled with the collar of his dark button-up shirt until he managed to undo the button.
Zero rolled his eyes. Typical Kaname. The pureblood could be baking in his skin and he would maintain that same expressionless face, refusing to complain until he was severely burned and passed out from a sunstroke. Starting to go into caretaker mode, he began looking around the car for something cold to drink. "Do you have anything cold to drink in here?" He lessened the gap between them and leaned over the front seat, trying to see if there was anything- like bottled water- to help ease the pureblood' discomfort.
The prefect's evident concern startled him and he found himself struggling to find a response to the question. "I don't think so," he replied softly, his heart flopping happily in his chest. Zero was concerned about him? His eyes lit up, twinkling joyfully at the newfound feeling of being at the receiving end of the prefect's softer emotions. "It's alright," he nearly whispered. "I merely need a bit of fresh air." He opened the door abruptly and quickly exited the car, trying to escape.
The pureblood squinted and shifted uncomfortably when the afternoon sun mercilessly bore down upon him. He needed to gather himself, to collect the fractions of the seemingly impenetrable mask that he used to conceal the vulnerable soul within. Without thinking, he gracefully hopped over the ditch separating the highway from the forest and started off into the wooded area at a brisk pace.
Zero watched the pureblood disappear within the looming trees, a puzzled expression on his face. What was with him today? First he ogled him the whole time (which Zero was convinced was a sadistic game to torture him) and now he just up a leaves. Was something bothering him? He frowned harshly at the back window. Why did he even care? Maybe Kuran just wanted to be alone. He shrugged and gave a small smile of relief, slouching into the comfortable leather. It wasn't any skin off his nose. If the pureblood was so repulsed by him that he would risk the sunlight just to be out of his presence then he could go ahead and leave.
A small spike of pain stabbed into his heart at the thought and again he frowned, vehemently quashing the unwanted feeling and banishing it elsewhere. Then, he noticed it, sitting innocently in the corner of the door. An umbrella. He straightened in his seat and glanced out the window. Stupid pureblood! Didn't he care what would happen to him if he didn't carry an umbrella out at this time of day? An image of the pureblood's pale skin covered in red angry blisters formed in his head. Well if Kaname didn't care he certainly di-- er--- didn't want Yuki blaming him for allowing Kaname to get sunburned. Yup, that's what he told himself and that was what he was going to keep telling himself the entire time.
He snatched up the dark umbrella and climbed out of the car, striding at a slightly hurried pace in the direction of the pureblood.
Kaname shoved his hands in his pockets. Some damned mask he had. All he had to do was be shown an ounce of concern and care from the prefect and it came tumbling down like the walls of Jericho. He was a pureblood a being of power, the epitome of his species, to show any semblance of vulnerability was akin to sacrilege. He'd learned that a pureblood could not survive in the world- his world- unless they were strong. The weak became prey. That was the natural order of things in vampire society. It was social Darwinism at its most brutal,
He chuckled bitterly, unfeeling of the heat and the sun's rays screaming over his sensitive skin. That's was why he'd spent so many years constructing and reinforcing his veil of the aloof, self-confident, manipulative pureblood that so many thought him to be, but that was what he'd had to do. If he hadn't done it, he wouldn't have stayed alive and survived his young adolescent years in that house. Memories that he'd been suppressing all these years came flooding back in a flurry of sickening images- as they always did when his thinking was unguarded.
He shook his head. It'd taken him years to mold his perfect mask but in only the past few months, the prefect had found the chink in his armor. Zero could always strip his mask away and spin him about until he hardly knew which way was up no matter how many times he attempted to fortify its defenses. Pathetic. You're a pathetic excuse for a pureblood you know that, a familiar dark voice maliciously whispered in his mind. He shook his head trying to expel the voice back to its prison.
Zero's brow knitted questioningly at the pureblood's lack of reaction to his approach. He wasn't bothering to be quiet, since he knew the older vampire would hear him no matter what, but the absence of acknowledgement puzzled him. Was he that troubled or did he just want him to go away? Shaking off that last question and tiny prick of pain in his heart, he simply concerned himself with shading the pureblood.
Kaname had heard Zero quite a while ago, but he didn't dare acknowledge his presence. He didn't want the prefect to see his vulnerability; he didn't want him to know how he felt. Not yet, not when rejection was certain. So when the sweltering sunlight- which he was quite convinced was trying to fry his brain- was replaced by cool shade he was startled. He halted in mid-step and gazed down at the silver-haired beauty in stunned silence.
"What's wrong with you? Do you want to get burned?" He grasped one of the pureblood's hands with his free hand and began examining his exposed forearm for any signs of burning. He knew he sounded like a scolding mother hen- which was why he kept his head down- but the thought of the pureblood's porcelain skin discolored with stinging pink blotches just didn't sit right with him.
Kaname's heart leapt into his throat and he restrained the tremble that threatened to snake through his body. With rapt eyes, he simply gazed down at the ex-human critically examining his naked flesh with a knitted brow, his luxuriant silver locks falling into his eyes. Zero was concerned about him. That thought enshrouded him like the finest vermillion silk, caressing his heart and dispelling the dark thoughts resurfacing in his mind.
Despite the other's intense gaze upon him he continued his quest to find any blisters on the pureblood's immaculate alabaster skin. A single sweep of both of the brunette's forearms was enough to tell him that there was no damage, but he continued to look, telling himself that he was not admiring his skin he was just being thorough. He raised his searching gaze past a soft yet masculine jaw line, flawlessly sculpted lips, a perfect nose, high cheekbones, and stopped at luminous sorrel eyes that willingly melted his.
A tingle winded its way through his entire body as those spellbinding amethyst eyes met and locked with his. The eyes were indeed the windows to the soul, for as he stared into the prefect's mesmerizing lavender pits he perceived past their guarded exterior and was able to catch a glimpse of something… softer, tender even. He wanted to lose himself in this boy's gaze, freefalling until he drowned blissfully in pools of lavender. Eyes should not be so incredibly beautiful.
Zero felt like he was suffocating under that intense gaze, those sorrel eyes drawing him in and tossing him about, making him aware of the start of an emotion he did not want to understand. He was the first to break the spell and turn away, looking around as if he were finally aware of their wooded surroundings. He looked down awkwardly at his feet, attempting to control the level of heat floating to his cheeks. Not again.
Quickly mending his mask, Kaname straightened his posture and gave a small but sincere, "thank you."
Zero shrugged. "Yuki would kill me if I allowed you to get burned and plus people would stare," he answered as casual as he could muster- which wasn't much. He'd just lied. Sure he knew Yuki would be upset with him if the pureblood showed up at the onsen forearms red and inflamed, but truthfully he just couldn't sit by and not help the pureblood when he knew he could. His caretaker nature just wouldn't allow it.
Oh. His expression fell slightly. "Well I suppose we should…" He started to suggest they head back to the car but trailed off when he saw that the prefect was not listening. Zero's attention was turned in another direction, head slightly tilted up as if he were scenting something.
Peaches. He hadn't had a fresh peach in years and had developed a sudden hankering for one. He turned towards the smell and without a word started off towards the smell with the pureblood- who had no other choice but to follow because he had the umbrella- alongside him.
The forest was mostly made up of deciduous trees boasting their lush greenery after a winter's long hibernation. The canopy was not thick, thus the sun's rays had free range of the forest floor through the gaps in the treetops.
The duo walked quietly through the forest, the prefect focusing on getting to the peaches rather than the fact that he was sharing an umbrella with Kaname while the pureblood swept the entire area with his superior senses for any danger. Finally, after walking for a while longer they stopped at a peach tree in full bloom, its limbs nearly doubled over from the extra weight of its fruitage causing it to shed many of its rose pink blooms because of the added burden.
Kaname regarded the tree shortly then the prefect who stared at it with something akin to nostalgia dully gleaming in his eyes. "We walked all this way for peaches?"
Zero ignored the pureblood's less than happy comment and strode to the tree, plucking two peaches before sitting on the polished wooden bench positioned beneath it.
Kaname stayed in the same spot, -mentally more than sensory- sweeping the surrounding area. The laughter of children, tobacco from a smoking pipe, and the presence of a dog all told him one thing: they were on someone else's land. "This is someone else's peach tree."
Zero, who was gently rubbing the fleshy fruit with the bottom of his shirt, looked up at him. "I know." He knew they were trespassing, but he wanted a peach and this was just a one-time offense.
Kaname smirked, enjoying the prefect's uncommon display of mischief. "Well, this will just be our little secret." He sauntered to the bench, taking the fresh peach Zero proffered, and sat down, happy that the tree blocked out the withering sunlight. He watched the fond look that passed through the silver-haired vampire's eyes as he nuzzled the peach as if getting reacquainted with an old friend. A delicate coffee eyebrow rose. It seemed that Zero had quite the penchant for peaches, and as he watched the prefect bite into the fruit, he silently locked that fact in the vault.
Zero's eyes closed involuntarily as the ambrosial fruit's nectar entered his mouth and he began to chew, savoring the sweet-tart taste stroking his palate. A rather fond memory had started playing through his mind when he felt the pureblood move. Didn't Kaname know anything?
Growing up as a privileged child, the only peaches Kaname had encountered were either baked in pies, canned, or somehow ingrained into his favorite flavor of ice cream. So, he didn't know about the peach fuzz. He held the peach up, anticipating the taste since it was his experience that fresh fruit tasted considerably better than their processed counterparts, and opened his mouth for a bite when it was snatched out of his hand. He darted a look to the prefect who was looking at him with slight humor and mild concern.
Zero shook his head. "Haven't you ever heard of peach fuzz?" He asked-well at least tried- sternly.
Kaname looked at him enquiringly, feeling stupid because he'd heard the phrase but didn't think it was the correct answer.
"Not the fuzzy hair on a baby's head." He handed his half eaten peach to the pureblood, who took it reluctantly, cradled the fruit at the bottom of his shirt, and began to gently massage it in tender circles, careful not to bruise it. "It's the fine layer of hair on the hull of a peach and can cause throat irritation for some people, also it makes it hard to get the pesticides off without a thorough washing. So since there's no water around…" He however liked the fuzzy exterior of the peach and had only rubbed this time to get off any excess dirt. However, he knew how sensitive vampire skin was and figured Kaname may not like the prickly outside of the delicious fruit. Although he shouldn't be so presumptuous to just assume the pureblood's likes and dislikes.
"Just don't suck on the pit, it's poisonous." He said without looking up. Why did he just say that? Kaname was a vampire- a pureblood no less-, cyanide probably wouldn't even give him indigestion.
Kaname watched the prefect gently caress the peach, trying not to be jealous of a lowly fruit that had no idea that it was being so tenderly handled. He couldn't help but smile softly. This was the second time Zero displayed concern for his welfare and this time it was without consequences of being scolded. That fondled his heart, blessing it with a glow only Zero could produce. "Thank you."
Zero finished, inspected the fruit thoroughly- due to the protective streak zipping through him- and held it out to the pureblood, ready to trade peaches. When they traded peaches, Kaname's fingertips grazed tenderly over his. Zero didn't know if it was intentional or not, all he knew was that the brief contact sent goose pimples blossoming over his skin. Damn Kuran. He abruptly turned away and began to enjoy his peach, almost chuckling when he heard the tiny delightedly surprised sound the pureblood gave when he bit into the flesh of the fruit.
They both finished their fruit, Zero much earlier than the pureblood (who was taking dainty bites), and reached up for another. This time Kaname cleaned his own fruit, having caught on after watching Zero the first time. "So," he said after he swallowed another sliver of peach, "is this your first offense of stealing peaches?" He allowed himself to slouch into the bench, a sign that he was truly relaxed around the stunning teen, and continued eating his peach.
Another fond memory came to mind and- perhaps it was because he was so relaxed and being surrounded by things that created feelings of nostalgia within him- before he knew it he was talking. "Once when he was feeling better Ichiru and I sneaked onto Morimoto-san's land and---" He stopped, realizing that he'd almost divulged one of the few happy secrets he fought so hard to guard. A pained expression claimed his features and he dropped his head, silver bangs concealing his face. Stabbing pain impaled his heart, shattering his relaxed disposition.
For a few breathless seconds Kaname didn't speak, amazed that Zero would share anything about his life before 'the attack', but when he saw the prefect hurting, he snapped out of it and came to his aid. Scooting close to the prefect, he laid a hand on the other's forearm. "It's not bad to reminisce about your brother." When the smaller vampire didn't respond, he brushed back his silver bangs, revealing his face.
"Because in the end, even though it took him a while to realize it, he still loved you. And really, isn't that all that matters?" He said soothingly, wishing that he could take away Zero's pain.
His parents' faces flashed vividly through his mind as Kaname spoke, followed by a face exactly identical to his. Ichiru, his brother, his twin, his other half betrayed him. However, despite the betrayal he couldn't hate him and even when it came to it his twin had to nearly force him to consume his blood. A pureblood vampire was the reason for all of the turmoil and suffering in his life. Yet, this pureblood that was speaking to him with such gentleness in his voice and threading his fingers soothingly through his hair didn't seem like that wicked woman at all. He inclined his head so he could look into those sorrel eyes. He bit another chunk out of the peach and averted his eyes from that intense gaze.
Reluctantly, the pureblood removed his hand from those silken locks, controlling the urge to allow his fingers to slide down his spine, and unwillingly scooted away.
Zero digested the pureblood's words, finding the truth in them. Even though we have become different species, hugging you like this really calms me down. Isn't it because we were of the same egg. After he'd pleaded with Ichiru not to make him do it stating that he didn't want to lose anyone else Ichiru had only leaned against him and said, I'm so happy, I thought I was dead inside Zero's heart. He was right. In the end, Ichiru had willingly given him the last part of his life (even though death was eminent) so that he could become whole, showing that he never stopped loving him. Despite knowing that, it still whittled holes in his heart just to talk about it.
He exhaled softly, wondering why in the hell it was that he allowed this pureblood to catch a glimpse of his heart. Stupid! He leaned an arm on the armrest, looking away so Kaname couldn't see his face. A heavy silence stretched between them, with only the gay chirrups of birds and a lazy breeze rustling through the treetops piercing its iron grip. Finally after moments had ticked by Zero decided to speak. "Kuran," he said with a hint of tentativeness in his voice, his head still turned.
Kaname swallowed the last half of his peach and gave the hunter his full attention. "Yes?"
Zero faced the older vampire, meeting his eyes despite the fact that he didn't want to because he knew his guard was not sufficiently up just yet. "Thanks," he whispered sincerely.
The grateful expression etched on that striking face, the hint of a smile on full lips, and the flash of tenderness in those expressive eyes rendered the pureblood helpless. For a moment, he forgot his manners, before he remembered himself and replied in a softer tone, "You're welcome. Although it is I that should be thanking you." He felt the need to lighten the atmosphere when he smelled the faint hint of salt in the air.
Zero blinked to keep back the tears stinging his eyes. "Why?"
Kaname 'plucked' a duo of rather fat peaches from a branch just out of arm's reach and floated one to Zero- who rolled his eyes at the pureblood (but did not refuse the peach). "If not for you I would have never tasted a fresh peach." His eyes twinkled when he saw the prefect look at him as if he was some sort of bizarre creature from the fifth dimension. "It's true. Every time I saw a peach it was either in my entree, my favorite dessert, or in a tin can."
Zero, for once not wanting to spoil the light atmosphere between them merely shook his head. "Well, you're welcome." He finished cleaning his peach bit into it. "And… you should get out more," he said after swallowing.
With you of course. Kaname would not admit it, but there were many things that normal people and vampires as well had experienced that he had not. It was the punishment for being born a pureblood. Sure his strength was unmatched among others, his lifespan eternal, and regarded with godlike reverence, but he was also closely watched, kept separate from the rest of his species, and constantly reminded that he was not apart of them by not only his power but through the way he was treated. He had but express his desire for something and people tripped over their own feet to get it for him; he had but to give a command and the lower vampires followed it blindly simply because he was a pureblood. Many-male and female- adored him simply because of his pedigree.
He knew that he was not a part of them. Even among his inner circle, he was alone, for they all bent to his will, as all lower ranking vampires did, because that is what society, their upbringing, and instinct demanded. He was part of a race within a race, a prince given everything he needed, but none of what he wanted. He lived in a gilded cage.
Perhaps that was why he had come to love the prefect, because he did not simply bow down and instantly adore, blindly obey, or merely respect him purely because he was a pureblood. Zero did not conform to society; he followed his own principles and maintained his honesty and kind-hearted nature despite enduring every hell this decaying world could throw at him. He knew that if he wanted the prefect's respect and- most of all- his love he would have to work for it. But what was love if one did not have to toil for it?
Zero stood and used his shirt hem like a basket and deposited several peaches. "We should get back they might be looking for us," he stated casually, his demeanor still somewhat relaxed, although his eyes continued to dart away from the pureblood.
Kaname picked up the umbrella, opening it to shade the prefect restraining a small smile when the silver-haired vampire downcast his eyes almost shyly. "I wouldn't want Zero-kun to get sunburned," he said, sifting mild playfulness into his tone instead of the pure adoration that sought to overrule it.
Zero scowled through a blush and turned away. "Let's just go already," he replied, fake venom lacing the timbre of his voice. He plastered a frown on his face just for good measure as he fell in step with the pureblood, grateful for the shade of the umbrella (although he was more tolerable of the sunlight). His mind was a jumble right now, a virtual cornucopia of emotions and questions that he didn't dare try to iron out now. For now, he was just satisfied to- for once- enjoy the pureblood's company. He looked at the sinfully gorgeous taller vampire strolling quietly next to him, his aura emitting a pleasantness that soothed the prefect's own aura. Maybe the pureblood wasn't so bad after all. (Who'd have thunk it?)
Kaname looked over his shoulder at the dwindling peach tree as they hiked towards the car. He knew that Zero was a long way from loving him, but he'd caught a glimpse of the prefect's heart under that peach tree. And it all happened thanks to a single umbrella and because Zero loved peaches. A faint smile spread over his lips and he cast a glance at the silent prefect whose cheeks were still slightly flushed as he munched slowly on a peach, preserving this instance among the ranks of his most treasured memories.
Phew! I finally finished my first installment. Hooray! Well I hope this doesn't totally suck and isn't complete OC. If it is please forgive me *gets down on knees and begs, whimpering like a kicked puppy*. Oh and I ate a peach once with the fuzz still on it and I thought my mouth was never going to stop itching (Ah misery thy name is Peach. But I still love 'em!) Anyhow uhm… yeah. If you enjoy please Read and Review (because they are like Wheaties to my Muse and make her big and strong so she can twist my arm so I don't get lazy and keep writing).
Oh! Ohohohohohoh! One more thing, if anyone has any ideas about if I should write about the time at the onsen in the next chapter or an idea in general, I'm all ears *leaves tape recorder on desk to listen to ideas then goes to watch anime*.
Oh and an onsen is the Japanese term for natural hot springs. You must bathe yourself before getting in (not doing so is a serious offense) with a bunch of other naked strangers. Squeeeee! *Faints from mega nosebleed gotten from fantasizing about a naked Kaname and Zero.*
Erm… I hope you enjoyed it.