Disclaimer: Do I look like Joanne Kathleen Rowling? NO. Do I own her material? NO. And Potter Puppet Pals belongs to the one and only Neil Cicierega… not me!

A/N: I really hope you love this story:]. The idea just kind of slapped me in the face and I was like "OH! That would be cool!"

I took the time to type out the entire Potter Puppet Pals: Wizard Swears script, so I would hope you could take the 30 seconds to review my story:].


"Now, boy," hissed Mr. Dursley, "you touch, ruin, steal, scratch, or deface any object in this house and you'll be in the cupboard for a week with no meals!" He stroked his dark mustache and turned back to the car. "Come on, Dudley, get in the car. Oh, stop your whining… the amusement park isn't that long of a car ride."

Harry stared after the car that left the Dursley's perfectly paved driveway. They had actually left him alone in their pristine, precious home. Though they had gone to the amusement park without him, he didn't really mind. Being unaccompanied by the Dursleys, he could do whatever he wanted. Well, except 'touch, ruin, scratch, or deface any object in the house'. He should be lucky that Mrs. Figg was in the hospital with two broken arms again. Even if the Dursleys had given him Dudley's second room, with much complaint from the pig-tailed boy himself, they didn't have to let him keep it. Harry definitely did not have an eye for the tiny, dust infested cupboard.

Harry turned when the car disappeared around the corner of Privet Drive. He smiled as he walked into the house. It was so silent; you could hear a pin drop. There was no scoff coming from a Mr. Dursley as he read the morning paper. You couldn't hear a whine or cry coming from a Dudley. And it wasn't even possible to hear a Mrs. Dursley click her skinny little tongue at her favorite soap opera.

Harry flopped onto the couch face down and sighed into a pillow. Things hadn't been this great since two months ago at Hogwarts. He jolted up on the couch, realizing that there was much more that he could do while the Dursleys were out than just lie on the couch all day. He turned on the television and flipped through channels like lightning. There wasn't anything interesting on so he marched up to Dudley's room, high and proud.

He opened the door to a room so full of toys, gadgets, and games, that it took him several minutes to find the bed. The windup action figures and jack-in-the-boxes had never really appealed to him. He glanced at the pile of endless video games that were sprawled carelessly along the floor. He'd have been lying if he said Dudley deserved any of his trinkets. There was a mountain of broken parts on the ground. Harry looked closer, seeing melted arms of action figures and the soft heads of the neighbor's cloth doll collection. He kicked the mess aside.

"OUCH!" Harry bent down, clutching his foot, to examine what he stubbed his toe on.

He rummaged through the heap, scared he'd find something like a dead toe from the dog Dudley had once when he was four. He saw a gleam of clean silver and jumped. Well, it wasn't that surprising. What else was Dudley going to use to chop the heads off of Gloria's dolls? Harry glided his hand slowly over the silver. It didn't feel much like the blade of a knife. He pulled the object carefully out of its place in the pile.

Cliffhanger! I really really really hope you review:]. Come on, it's not that hard!

There will be a total of 3 or 4 chapters, I think. Updates coming soon; add this story to your alerts!