Well, here I am with another Meowth story, if you don't like Meowth then you should probably just stay away from me altogether


Meowth: keep runnin pikachu,


( there's something I'll bet you never thought you'd hear out of the mouth of a member of team rocket )

Meowth: well,

We should be safe here for a while

Pikachu: how did this even happen?

Meowth: man, you're gonna start a flashback, aren't you

( screen goes into flashback )


Misty: so what does this do, random nameless character?

Random nameless character: oh,

that's a spray that whoever gets sprayed with it, pokemon within 10 miles will love them until they are hit on the head

Misty: oh,

Misty secretly slipped the spray into her bag,

If pokemon loved it maybe ash would too

( sick )

So when they (ash and misty, Brock's getting really sick of my stories because he never gets any lines) got outside misty pulled out the bottle and sprayed herself just once

Suddenly pikachu froze,

He (that's right pikachu's a dude) ran across ash's shoulders and jumped on to misty's

Ash: huh?

Pikachu, what's the matter?

Pikachu wouldn't be separated from misty

Up in the sky,

Team rocket were looking for pikachu (there's a shock), but Meowth wasn't too interested

Jessie: c'mon Meowth you've got to help

Meowth was leaning comfortably against the side of the balloon basket

Meowth: why?

We're never gonna catch dat rat anyway so why bother?

James: because that's what we do Meowth,

Its our thing

What else are we supposed to do in the show?

Meowth: well youse two can keep lookin but don't expect me ta help

J'n'J kept looking while Meowth lay back,

He was pretty sure this story wasn't gonna involve him too much,


Meowth sat forward and froze

Jessie: Y'know Meowth,

If you help us find the twerps now I'll give you some tuna later

Meowth suddenly jumped up on to the top of the balloon basket and pointed down to where the twerps were

Meowth: there!

At that he jumped out of the balloon basket and once he landed, started heading to the twerps

James:………………I didn't think he liked tuna that much,

Back to the twerps,

Ash: misty, you stole that spray, didn't you?


(Oh, yeah I made ash a little smarter in this one because his dumbness was starting to bug me)

When out of nowhere Meowth came running towards them, and just as ash and misty were sure (after seeing how well he can fight when he's high and drunk) that he was going to finish them and steal the show,

Nothing happened

They both looked down to see Meowth purring and rubbing up against misty's foot

Twerps: ……………..?

James: go get em, Meowth!

Jessie: give em a scratch for me!

When they got to the twerps and had a good look at what was going on,

Well, lets just say if looks could kill, Meowth would be pushin up daisys

James: Meowth, what the heck?!

Whose side are you on?!

Misty: um, that would be this

Misty showed them the bottle

Jessie: well, isn't there any way that a pokemon wouldn't be affected, because we really can't keep coming to you twerps for the cat every time you decide to wear a little perfume

Misty: hmmm

James: what? What is it?

Misty: it says on the back of the bottle that pokemon who have been, um, fixedwon't be affected

Jessie: ………well,

I guess we could do that if it'll stop this from happening

James: but how do we snap them out of it now?

Ash: oh, I know!

Ash walked over and gave them both a good whack

Everyone else:…………..

Suddenly, Meowth and pikachu shook their heads and looked around, confused

Pikachu: pika?

Meowth: huh?

Pikachu spotted ash and jumped back on to his shoulder

Meowth spotted team rocket and ran back over to their side

Well, so far things don't look too good for the poor cat and mouse team, but maybe things will get better, or maybe they'll get worse, who knows, I do
