Disclaimer: I own nothing but my wacky imagination. The beginning of this chapter is a little reminder to us (Mostly me) on what happened on the finale of Grey's Anatomy.

First Fic pleaseeee Be nice to me :)

The pain has disappeared I feel free. I know there are people that will miss me, but not knowing if I were to live or die was just too hard. I never thought that I was going to live for very long, but dyeing so young was kind of unexpected. I suppose it was very naive of me, considering the profession I have, I see death all the time. No one gets a second change when faith is involved.

I can no longer hear Alex's pleading anymore; I can't hear my heart machine beeping indicating my heart was no longer pumping blood around my body.

I got to tell you this, I wasn't a great believer of life after death, I just thought when you've died that it, no more thinking no more memories. I can feel something pulling me from the room but I can't figure what it is exactly, maybe if I follow it, I will find out. My body is now following the metaphorical pull, everything around me has now turned into blurs but I can't seem to slow down. Moments later I find myself wearing the prom dress from the night Denny died. Why am I wearing this? I hear a 'ding' and realise I'm standing in an elevator. As the doors open a bright light makes me squint at the dark figure, when my eyes became used to the light, I hear a sob escaping my throat as I recognised the figure.

"No you can't be here" I protested.

"Hey Izzie" I hear the familiar voice and move closer, maybe it was the cancer talking, maybe after your dead the cancer still follows you.

"George__Please tell me you're a hallucination or something" I sobbed "You can't die!" I protested once again. He nods at me and caresses my cheek. Oh this is real, I thought, he is really here.

"But how? Why?" I whispered. "Never mind about that Izzie, I'm here that's all that matters, you will not go through this alone" he smiled at me.

I nod at him unable to think of anything to say. Moments of silence, I break the silence with a sigh, "So now what we do?" I ask, I gaze at George and notice him trying to grab a bottle of water. "I thought that when you've died you don't get thirsty or hungry anymore!" I say. He looks at me in confusion before smiling in understanding my comment. "I just want to see what we can and can't do. I've discovered that I can merely move the bottle but not powerful enough to tilt it" I heard him say.

I smiled at him and feeling selfishly save to be here with him. "George I'm glad to be here with you" I smiled avoiding him gaze. "What to be dead?" I heard before he started chuckling.

I rolled my eyes at him and relaxed my back on the door standing behind my body. Within seconds later I found myself falling backwards to the ground in another room, I frowned at the room and stood up. Did I just go through that wall? I asked myself. Where did George go?, just as I asked myself that question George's head literally popped up from the wall as he laughed. "Remember Izzie you are dead!" he laughed at me. "Well that's just great. I have a question, when we die aren't we suppose to go into the light?" I asked. He nodded at me and pointed towards the stairs on the far left of the corridor "That's the light, do you want to cross it?" he asked me. I bit my bottom lip and shook my head no.

"What if we stay here? We could still see the ones we love and we will have each other" I whispered, feeling a little scared of his answer. "Here?" he said as he looked at me with amusement. I nodded my head thoughtfully and smiled.