This is my first Kingdom Hearts story, so please bear with me. Thanks.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of the bolded name brands.


A dark brown kitten with a mane of brown fur sniffed the air. His collar clinked when he moved his head. The air smelled damp and heavy. It was going to rain soon. He sighed and lowered his head onto his paws.

"Roxas where are you?" He whispered quietly.


A beige kitten wandered the streets by himself. His collar clanked noisily with every step he took. He looked around himself, confused. There were people walking back and forth all looking rushed. He couldn't understand why. But he supposed that he didn't care either. Him and his twin were probably a lot like that too when they were humans.

He lowered his hunches and sighed. How was he supposed to find for him and his twin at this rate? No one looked like they were going to give him food. He raised his front paws and rubbed them against his mane of yellow fur. He had to get some food quickly. Sora was injured. He needed to be taken care of.

All of a sudden a pale girl with blonde medium length hair crouched in front of him. Her blue-gray eyes stared at him, curiously.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" She asked softly.

Roxas stared at her, not knowing what to do. 'I could get this girl to take Sora and I home…then we'd always have food. And Sora would be taken care of!' He mewed at her softly.

Instantly her eyes softened and she cooed at him. "You're so adorable! Do you have a home?" She reached out for his collar but Roxas moved quickly out of the way.

She retracted her hand and flinched. "I see. I guess you don't. Are you alone?" Roxas mewed and started walking away, slowly. "Do you want me to follow you?" When he stopped and looked at her and flicked his tail, she got up and started following him.


Sora breathed through his nose slowly. He was bored, and lonely. Not to mention his paw still hurt a lot. All of a sudden he lifted his head up and observed the area. Someone or something was here.

Roxas bounced out of nowhere and licked his face. Sora glared at him.

"You nearly scared the crap out of me!" Sora hissed. Roxas brought his paw up to his mouth and hushed him.

"Don't talk too loudly…I have a human girl with me. She might take us home with her!" Sora's eyes widened and he nodded his head.

The blonde girl finally showed up and put her hands on her knees while panting. "Wow, that was quite a distance." She huffed. Her eyes searched for the beige kitten she found to seeing another kitty.

"Aww, there's two of you." She bent down and looked at the both of them. The dark kitten had it's paw wrapped up. "Oh my. You're hurt." She pet the beige's cat head and nodded to herself. "Right, well I guess you'll have to come home with me." She smiled softly at the both of them and picked them up in her arms. While holding them in her arms she used her free hand to get her cell phone out.

"Hey James…can you bring the car to 55th street? Thanks." When the car arrived she placed the two kittens in the seat and then slide in after them. While driving Roxas kept going from one window to another. He couldn't remember the last time he looked out of the windows while riding in a car. 'Heh. It's not that bad. I guess I understand why dogs do it. Haha…'. He thought to himself.

When they got to the house, the girl stood up and picked the kittens up.

"Well, welcome to your new home." She opened the doors and the kittens both poke their heads up. The house was huge. The foyer had a couple of chairs and mirrors. There were two staircases from two different sides of the house that met at one staircase. It had a rich red carpet all the way to the doors. The rest of the house was white though. With light blue walls.

"Namine? Is that you?" A tall woman walked down the stairs. She also had blonde hair. "Oh! What is that you got there?"

Namine lifted up her arms and showed her mother the two kittens. "Aren't they cute? One of them is hurt. Can I keep them?"

The woman looked hesitant but finally agreed. "Okay, as long as you take care of them." Namine grinned and rushed upstairs to her bedroom.

She placed both of the kittens slowly onto her bed and grinned at them. "Tomorrow we are going shopping for cat supplies, but for now…let's have that paw looked at. And then we sleep." She smiled at them before she left the room.

Roxas grinned at Sora. "See? I told you we would find someone eventually."

Sora rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Too k long enough."

Roxas jumped off of the bed and looking around the white. It was white with orange and yellow swirls on the walls. Her bed was queen-sized with white draping. The headboard had little lights shaped in flowers wrapped around it. She had a nice sized desk with a white Macbook. Roxas ran to a door and pushed it open his paws. Inside was her closet.

"Boring." He ran to the next door. This one was the bathroom. It had white marble everywhere. It looked very fancy. "I guess this is where we'll go to and do our business. Heh." He ran out and looked around him. There was another door there! This one was painted with a field of flowers on it. Roxas stared at it, amazed. "Did she do this?"

Sora looked up from his cleaning and shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe she had someone do it."

Roxas looked at him quickly and then tried to open the door with his paw again. Namine stumbled into the room with a vet. Roxas moved away from the door and moved his tail back and forth.

"That's the hurt one. On the bed." She pointed to the dark kitten. The vet quickly moved to Sora and checked his paw out. Sora was loving the attention so he whatever he was told. Roxas rolled his eyes at him. 'Show off'.

Namine saw him and smiled. "Hey there." She crouched down and started to pet him. "What is your name?" She looked at his collar. There was only one tag. It had the name Roxas on it with two keys, yet not a key, entwined with each other. One was white and the other black. "Huh…those are cute. Well, Roxas, are you hungry?" All of a sudden two men came in with two bowels in each hand. One had water and the other food. Roxas almost drooled on himself. It wasn't even cat food, it was actual human food!

'Thank God,' He thought to himself. He and Sora found a nice house and a nice owner. Now all they needed to do was get her to break the curse. He smiled while he chewed his food. How hard could it be? Little did he know….


That is all for now. What do you think?