Invitation X

Unohana introduced Hiyori to a tall woman with long braids growing out of her short grey hair as her Lieutenant Isane Kotetsu. Isane was the opposite of what she appeared to be. Her stature led one to believe that she would be a fearless warrior but it seemed she was more of a worrier than warrior and could in a matter of moments work herself into a lather of panic. That being said Unohana waxed poetic about what a great lieutenant she was and how excellent she was in battle. As they reached the doors to the 4th division Isane moved forward to open the doors and Hiyori noticed the blush straining across her cheeks and smiled. Apparently some things never changed, Unohana Retsu had always had a way about her that calmed people as well as made them feel as if they were invincible… and when that didn't work she would scare them into doing what she told them to... Apparently that had not changed either. Hiyori noticed when Isane dared to disagree with Unohana about her usefulness to her peers both on and off the battlefield, Unohana only had to say her name to scare Isane into agreeing that, yes in fact she was extremely useful.

Unohana led Hiyori through the fourth division. The hospital or wellness center was the first building and Hiyori could tell that there had been extensive work on the building. Unohana smiled when she noticed Hiyori's attention on the building, "We built on 50 years ago, we had had so many years of peace but we understood the need for a bigger hospital." They walked into the building; Unohana led them passed many doors, apparently the fourth was housed in the building as well. At the end of the main hall there were two doors spaced farther apart from one another than the other rooms and Hiyori guessed one was Unohana's and the other would be Isane's. "Please, come in," she said walking in after Isane hurriedly opened the door on the left and gently put her captain's Zanpakuto, Minazuki down on the Captain's desk and after a nod from Unohana, she left and the door to the room next door could be heard gently shutting. Hiyori looked around; Unohana had a plush rug and functional furniture, nothing boastful but one could tell that she had been here a long time simply from the décor of the room. Unohana gestured to a well padded chair, "Please, rest yourself, Hiyori."

Hiyori gratefully sank into the chair, her body ached, even her face hurt, she closed her eyes and relaxed while Unohana went about her business. Unohana's sweet monotone, relaxed and lulled Hiyori into a restful but light sleep.

Unohana walked to the right side of her office where powders, leaves, and vials of different liquids sat. She placed four Betel leaves roughly the size of her palm down on the board then reached for various powders and added them to the leaves. When she finished she folded the leaves and added a strip of calcium hydroxide and rose water to make a paste for the leaves to stay folded into pouches then gently rapped on the wall in front of her.

Isane stood in the open door way.

"Isane, I want you to take these to the thirteenth division to captain Ukitake," Unohana said while putting the pouches in a bag.

Isane nodded, and picked up the bag and turned to walk out the door.

Retsu stopped her, "Isane, you're off duty for the rest of the day, if you want you can spend it with Kiyone."

Isane, who had turned back smiled and nodded happily, "Thank you Captain!"

Unohana walked over to where Hiyori sat and looked at her, she was grimacing in pain in her sleep, Retsu silently clucked to herself and walked over to some drawers to get some towels which she placed on her desk then walked back to the board where all her medicines sat and proceeded to make Hiyori a paste for the pain.

As she was putting the paste in a bowl she heard Hiyori stir, "Are you feeling any better, Hiyori?"

Hiyori frowned, no actually she felt worse. "Ah…"

"No? Well, I've just finished a poultice for when we come out of the spring, for the pain. The towel in front of you is yours; would you like to sit in the spring?"

Hiyori nodded, "Yes, please."

Yosh! I did it! I'm sorry it took so long but if it makes you feel any better my homework isn't done but I finished this chapter! I really appreciated the words of encouragement, thank you!! What took me so long was that I couldn't remember what the 4th division looked like and time. Please remember that it actually took me a long time to write all the previous chapters I just uploaded them all at the same time. Please, bear with me :)