Season 4 bugged the hell out of me. They had total potential to wrap up the show properly, but so many storylines were left to dangle in the wind.
But it did bring a crazy idea to this strange mind of mine.
I haven't written anything in almost a year, but I decided to ease back into this.
So here's a very small taste of what I'm working on.
Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. If I did, the O.C. would still be on the air, and Seth Cohen would be my real-life boyfriend.


Summer sat on the bathroom counter, kicking her legs impatiently. Sighing, she checked her cell phone for the time: 6:22 PM. Only 8 minutes until Cohen got home from work. Cohen. She sighed again. She really needed to stop calling him that. He wasn't the only one who bore that name now.

As Summer looked down at the rings on her finger, she tried out Seth's patented worry-banishing list-making technique.

Reasons I Fell in Love with Cohen

Summer let out yet another sigh. There was no way she could make a list like that. There were simply too many reasons, too many things that had helped him sweep her off of her feet. Hmmm. She smiled, remembering the time she and Cohen slow danced in his room. He claimed he was sweeping her off of her feet. Indeed, he had. From then on out, the ups and downs of their relationship took over Summer's life. Try as she might, Summer just could not get over Seth. Even during her little rendezvous with Zach Stephens, gorgeous, athletic Zach, she had been head-over-heels for Seth Cohen. Dorky, gangly-limbed Cohen.

Summer started to recall how shallow she'd been back in the old days. She was too concerned about her image too realize that Seth Cohen was her destiny. Self-absorbed, immature, loving, sentimental, irresistible Cohen. If only she had known what she knew now…

She snapped back to reality when she heard the front door of the apartment shut. Cohen was home. Suddenly, she was reminded of what she had to do.

Seth hung up his coat and grabbed two beers from the fridge, popping the tops off with ease and taking a swig before calling out. "Summer?"

"In here."

As soon as Seth figured out just where "here" was, he appeared in the bathroom.

"Hey, babe." He crossed the room to his wife and planted a quick kiss on her lips. He handed her the beer. "How was your day?"

Summer set the bottle down next to her and gave a half-smile before saying, "Fine."

Seth nodded, hopping up to join Summer on the counter. "That's descriptive. The image you've painted in my mind is so damn vivid." The sarcasm in his voice was apparent, but he continued to make his point anyways. "You, my love, are giving Dickens a run for his money. Write that down. You could..."

The rambling stopped when Seth noticed the tiny little stick that Summer was clutching.

"Wh- What is that?"

Silence filled the room as Summer caught her breath. She gathered her thoughts and decided on a response.

"Proof that you're not sterile, Cohen."

Seth stared at the stick, then at Summer, then at the stick once more. "For reals?"

"For reals."