Danny pulled the CSI SUV next to the curb and turned off the engine. He opened his door and stepped onto the wet ground. Lindsay climbed out of the passenger seat and pulled up her hood. They walked to the back of the car and retrieved their kits. Lindsay walked right off the curb, forgetting to look for puddles. The disgusting New York water slashed up on her pants and seeped into her work shoes.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Lindsay said.

Danny looked back. He immediately started chuckling. "Nice one, Lindsay. Maybe next time you should wear rain boots."

"Keep laughing Messer. What goes around comes around in the end." Lindsay said.

They walked across the street quickly. The rain pelted down on them intensely. Lindsay reached the door first. She held onto the handle and turned, waiting for Danny. He hopped the curb, rushing toward the door. Suddenly a passing car drove straight through a large puddle. The water sprayed upward, drenching Danny's back. He cringed as the ice water seeped down his back. He looked up, dripping water from his head. Lindsay covered her mouth, shaking from laughter.

"Ugh, tell me this is not happenin'!" Danny yelled.

Lindsay opened her mouth to reply, but burst into laughter. She entered the building before she got herself into trouble with Danny. Danny rushed into the building behind Lindsay. They instantly found the guarding officer. He pointed them up the stairs, relaying the direction. Lindsay started up the stairs with Danny right behind her.

"Can you believe the rain's not supposed to let up for the rest of the week?" Lindsay asked.

"And it'll be our luck to get all the cases outside." Danny replied.

Lindsay laughed, "That could just be Messer luck, cause I know Montana luck hasn't failed me yet."

"Just you wait, Montana, it'll run out eventually." Danny joked.

At the seventh floor, another officer was posted outside the door. He pointed the two CSI to the next positioned officer. They walked down the hall and found Flack inside the room. Flack looked up as Danny and Lindsay entered the room. He took a good look at Danny and tried not to laugh. Lindsay smiled and walked from Danny.

"Forget your blow dryer there, Messer?" Flack asked.

Lindsay cracked and started laughing.

"Very funny, Don." Danny said. "Whadda we got?"

Lindsay looked down at the DB. He was tall, Flacks height. Short blonde hair just starting to gray on the side. A simple gun shot to his chest had ended everything. Lindsay pulled on her gloves and knelt next to the body.

"Name's Jonathan Miller. CEO. Secretary came in at seven-thirty to give him his morning coffee and found him like this. She's the one who called us." Flack explained. He looked up between the two. "Where's Hawkes?"

"Runnin' late." Danny replied.

"Single gunshot wound to the chest." Lindsay started. She looked up at the wall. They were bare and no strange disorder. "Doesn't look like a through and through."

"This guy's got a pretty good grip on his case." Danny mention.

Lindsay looked down to the mans left hand. His fist was wrapped around the handle of a black briefcase. She moved down to his hand and slowly began prying open his fingers. "Rigor's begun to set."

"So the guy's been dead since last night." Danny said. He snapped several pictures.

Lindsay finally released the mans grip from the case. Danny snapped another picture of the case. "Let's see what this guy was protecting."

Lindsay pressed the two brass buttons on the case. Two brass locks pop out of the holes. Lindsay lifted the lid of the case and froze. "Oh my god."

"What's wrong?" Danny asked. He walked over to her side and looked into the case. "Oh hell no."

Flack looked into the case. He practically ripped the radio from his waist and screamed into it. "Get this building clear now! We've got a bomb!"

Inside the briefcase were two pipe bombs assembled together. Beside them was a black case marked C-4. In front was an alarm clock set timer, counting down. The red numbers still held thirty seconds left. Lindsay was frozen in fear, staring down at the bomb.

Danny grabbed Lindsay arm and pulled her from the bomb, "Let's move, Monroe!"

Lindsay turned and followed Danny and Flack down the back stairwell as fast as they could. With less than thirty seconds left on the timer, though, they weren't going to make it. Lindsay practically jumped down the stairs to keep up with Danny and Flack. Her heart raced frantically, anxiously awaiting the explosion.

Danny paused and look behind, "Come on, Lindsay!"

Lindsay hurried down to meet him. The red numbers on the clock reached zero. Suddenly the air exploded in a fiery heat. The building shook with the equivalence on a 6.3 quake. Glass shattered within seconds, spraying down onto anyone who was within its reach. The stairs shook viciously with a threatening crack. Danny lost his footing and slammed his head into the railing. He stumbled down the stairs into blackness.


BOOM!!! nuf said.