Chad held Sonny's small polished hand in his and walked the down the hall together ignoring everyone's staring at them like they had before many times. Sonny and had just smiled at each other contempt in their perfect bliss. Sonny's light green dress flowed around her which made every girl stare at her in complete envy. Chad walked in his crisp leather jacket. There was no doubt that they were the it couple, paparazzi followed them everywhere even on their way to work or after when they went to get dinner or a movie. It was more attention than Sonny was used to the only pictures of her had been in tween weekly, but those were saying how funny she was or in those who wore it better columns that Tawni and Emily had fawned over, but now they both were in couple watch or pictured at red carpet events and then Sonny would see the pictures later in US weekly or people. They both knew to be careful of all the attention and Sonny had learned not to trust it one time they had photo graphed Chad and his sister and they called her the mystery woman. Chad later told Sonny and the public that it was just his sister which had embarrassed everyone except Chad who was sick of all the lies.
"SONNY!!!!" Tawni called after them struggling in what she was wearing a fluffy pink gown with sparkly beads on the bodice.
"Hey Tawni you look great" Sonny gushed and Tawni smiled proudly before quickly turning serious.
"Emily is here" Tawni said.
"WHAT!" Sonny and Chad said in unison.
"Yep I heard about it first then I just saw her"
"Well why"
"Idk MR. Condor probably let her in because you know" Tawni said and they both nodded in unison.
"Well she can't ruin my night besides I have everything I want or need" Sonny said looking a Chad they both shared a smiled and her griped her hand tighter. Tawni made a face of disgust but turned and left. Sonny and Chad began walking behind her.
"You know these parties can get pretty lame" Chad whispered urgently to her but Sonny just shook her head making her perfect curls shake with her.
"No way am I missing this besides be man face Emily"
"Ugg fine" He said as they turned into a room where some people relaxed in couches while others danced on the dance floor. Sonny saw Kevin talking some guy, Zac was dancing with some girl, Nico and Grady trying to dance and flirt with two blonde girls holding lunch boxes, and Nick dancing with Michelle. Sonny smiled at that. She noticed Michelle had put a shiny gold headband with a big bow in her short black bob which matched her gold metallic lace dress and black heels. She and Nick were closely dancing, but Michelle noticed Sonny and had waved to excitedly her and Sonny waved back. Nick had also noticed Sonny he merely waved then pointed to somewhere she followed it and saw Joe and Emily talking and resting against the wall. Sonny elbowed Chad and pointed to them.
"Wow what wall flowers" Chad joked, but Sonny began to walk toward them and Chad grabbed her arm pulling her back. She looked at him with a "What are you doing look".
"You can't talk to them they will both kill you"
"No way look I just need to face my demons now" Sonny said. Chad sighed and let her go. Sonny walked over to Joe and Emily they stopped talking and stared at her awkwardly.
"Look I came to apologize to you both" she said.
"Why you have everything you want" Emily said but not in her usual mean tone this time she was confused.
"I hate the thought of people hating me" Sonny said and Joe's face softened.
"I don't hate you Sonny I was just upset" He said and Emily just rolled her eyes.
"You should I have hurt you a lot"
"Ok well being the rebound is not exactly what I wanted, but I like having you around your just like a big ball of sunshine no pun intended" Joe said and Sonny smiled.
"Well I won't do it again" She promised. Joe smiled and hugged her before excusing himself to go talk to the hot girl talking to Michelle. Sonny watched him go and laughed to herself before turning back to a snarling Emily.
"I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU" Emily said in a low whisperer.
"I never wanted to hurt you but you kinda started it" Sonny said and Emily laughed bitterly.
"Even so you and he have ruined just about everything for me"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be because karma is a bitch" Emily said.
"What are you saying" Sonny said.
"I'm saying something will happen to you and Chad eventually he will get scared and cheat"
"He would never do that" she protested.
"You know what you're right because you're the only reason he does what he does but even so no relationship is perfect" Emily said swirling her straw around her drink.
"Well our kinda is" Sonny said grinning.
"Not in Hollywood honey and certainly with me in the picture" Emily said taking the cherry in her drink and popping it in her mouth walking away from Sonny with hers eyes still on her. Sonny rolled her eyes what more could the girl do besides hurt herself. Sonny bit her lip and looked around for Chad, but Nick and Michelle caught her eye they were talking and laughing, Nick even had a supposed rare smile on his face. She watched as he pulled her in and they shared a sweet kiss. Sonny smiled at them so sweet and innocent. She wondered how much Michelle knew her life was going to change just because of who her boyfriend was or whatever small part she got on gossip girl and even if she didn't want to be famous well it was going to happen. Sonny found an urge to warn her and tell her that Miley was probably like Emily and would do anything for a boy, but she let them have their peace something told her they could make it just like her and Chad did. Emily was in the past and if she was trying to scare Sonny then she was wrong.
"Can I have this dance" Chad said and Sonny turned to face him. She smiled and nodded as he led her to the dance floor. Chad pulled her very close and she rested her head on his shoulder.
"I will remember this prom forever no matter what happens" she whispered into his ear.
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing let's just enjoy this moment right here right now" She said, taking a mental picture before lifting her head up and kissing Chad. They both stood there for what seemed like forever, but neither minded because who wouldn't want to be held by the one person you love and that loves you back.
The End
Thank you guys so much for all the support for every chapter and the sequel will be up soon I would like any ideas or titles for it and I'm gonna post the next chapter as a story playlist of songs I thought that went with the story! But again THANK YOU SOOO MUCH PLEASE REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!