Disclaimer: Star Trek, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Star Gate SG-1 (Atlantis by extension). Belong to their respective owners. I am not making any proceeds from this story, or the use of characters or concepts. I'm simply borrowing them for a bit.
Please don't sue me.
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. 9:55 AM. NX-01 Enterprise.
Jonathan Archer frowned as Malcolm quickly distributed Phase Pistols to the entire bridge crew. Then double checked with the security detachment they had sent to double check with Trip down at the Transporter controls.
"Captain, Security has Commander Tucker and Doctor Frasier. They're both alive but unconscious. They're moving them to sickbay" he reported.
Jon nodded "Lieutenant Thayer?".
"Already moved to sickbay before Doctor Fraiser was beamed aboard. The intruder likely beamed up with her" Malcolm nodded "Sir, I request permission to join the search teams".
"Denied, Malcolm. I'll need you at Tactical" Jon replied.
Malcolm nodded, but it was clear he wasn't happy.
His face changed a moment later as he scanned his console "Sir, I'm detecting multiple launches from the two lead ships. Sensors aren't clear, but I'm picking up nearly two hundred small vessels. The size of shuttle pods".
Jon frowned as he looked towards the view screen "Fighters".
"Quite likely sir" Malcolm responded.
"Open a hailing frequency" he nodded to Hoshi.
She sighed a moment later "No response sir, they aren't responding".
"Wide frequency" he nodded, then sat forward "Attention unidentified vessels, you have entered Earth space. Be aware that we will defend this system with everything we have at our disposal. If your intentions are not hostile, I ask that you pull back immediately and engage in communications".
Hoshi shook her head, but said nothing.
He made a cutting motion "Malcolm, bring all weapons and defences online. Travis, full ahead. Let's put some distance between us and Earth".
No one said a word as they turned to they're duties, and soon enough the imagines on screen cleared up as they put some distance behind them, and drew closer to the three advancing vessels.
Sure enough, nearly two hundred tiny fighter craft advanced towards them. He looked to Malcolm who was studying his console intently.
"No shields can be detected, armaments are high yield plasma cannons. Equal to the Mark four system in use on the Intrepid Class" Malcolm called out "I'm detecting two life signs per vessel".
Jon looked back to the screen "Defences to full. As much as I hate to say it, let them make the first shot. Phase Cannons only".
Malcolm nodded and settled into his stool. Like everyone else on the bridge, his face a mask of concentration.
Jon brought his own command interface online, and settled back in his chair. Knowing that his ship, had to buy enough time for Columbia to slip in from the rear.
And the teams still onboard to do whatever they could to stop this fleet.
In the end, it all came down to prayers.
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. NX-01 Enterprise.
Buffy, Ensign Campbell and MACO Lieutenant Carl Black moved carefully down the corridor towards Sickbay. Already an additional ten crewmen had been recruited, and currently sweeping out in two groups of five. Most other personnel were already at their stations, so the teams were now heading towards Engineering and other key area's to alert the crews quietly.
Buffy stopped as she turned the last corner, and gasped upon seeing the glass doors to sickbay literally shattered outwards. The metal frames bent and the glass literally laying everywhere.
Carl slipped to the other side of the corridor and together they advanced. Buffy feeling an incredible urge to break rank and just burst forward, as Willow, Xander and possibly even her mother and sister had been inside, she just didn't know.
Ensign Campbell, carrying a Phase Pistol as well as a stake covered the corridor from the rear, even being a Scientist she still had basic training which gave Buffy some sense of security.
Together the Slayer and Soldier entered sickbay, only to find it a mess. A dull banging echoed from a side door. Carl motioned for Buffy to move towards the door. Even as she glanced towards the other side of the room, and noticed that both Willow and Xanders beds were empty.
She couldn't see any blood however, which was the only thing that kept her from panicking.
She inhaled deeply before nodding at the soldier, and moved towards the door. Watching as Carl took a position right in front, back a few feet while she moved to the door release.
He nodded and she hit the button, and it slid open just as Doctor Phlox stepped out, brandishing a long aluminium pole.
Buffy didn't even give him time to think, she simply took it away from his and pushed him gently against the wall "Doctor, relax!".
The Denobulan looked absolutely terrified, especially being pushed against the wall, but nodded a moment later "He came in, I barely had time to get lieutenant Thayer into the morgue before he started tearing the place apart, I'm not sure how, but he's knocked out internal communications on this deck".
"What?" she asked "How?".
"I don't know, but I can't reach the bridge, or security" Phlox quickly replied, then looked around the room "Oh no…he took them!".
Buffy grabbed his face "Doctor, who was here?".
"Your mother and sister were visiting Miss Rosenberg and Mr Harris" Phlox said "We need to find them, Miss Rosenberg's injuries are severe enough that she shouldn't be moved!".
Buffy dropped the doctor and stumbled back, feeling a growing sense of darkness within her chest "Carl…is there anyway we can track them" she asked quietly, trying to fight through the fear.
He shook his head "Doubtful, Vampires won't show up on internal scans".
Phlox however perked up "Miss Rosenberg will however!. I was treating her with the Osmotic Eel for the bullet wound, the Isotopes from the Eel should still be present in her system, if we can scan for a specific bio-signature we can at least find Miss Rosenberg".
Buffy smiled "Do it!".
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. Klorel's Mothership.
Klorel scowled as he watched the life drain from the Jaffa beneath his hand. The Hand device rupturing every blood vessel in his brain.
His anger spent, he released the hapless Jaffa and spun towards his First Prime "Round up every Jaffa not assigned to the invasion, and find these intruders. They must not be able to take control of this ship, or disable any of the systems, far too much depends upon destroying this world".
The First Prime, technically the second in overall command under his Fathers First Prime bowed and silently stalked from the room, only for an unfamiliar sound to echo through the corridor.
He spun back to the door just in time to see the First Prime and three other Jaffa collapse under strange energy blasts. The pilot of the Ha'tak spun, pulling his Zat'nikitel, only to catch another blue energy blast.
Three men clad in strange black uniforms, streaked in silver entered. Weapons raised. Behind them three Jaffa, one of them Master Bre'Tac.
Klorel scowled as he made eye contact.
One of the black clad soldiers moved towards him, only to be stopped by Bre'Tac "Do not harm him, the host is very close with Colonel O'niell".
The tall bald man scowled, but nodded. Tapped something on his rifle before shooting him once. Darkness descended upon Klorel instantly. He didn't even feel his head bounce off the floor.
Major Foyle nodded to his two remaining team members, who split up and joined the two Jaffa who had accompanied Bre'Tac by the two entrances. The doors closed moments later, and Zat blasts to the controls ensured they were locked in.
He quickly secured the boy Goa'uld with Zip-ties, and pulled the hand jewellery from his right hand, then moved towards Bre'Tac "You sure you can fly this thing?".
Bre'Tac smirked "I can try".
Foyle nodded "Once we start shooting at Apophis, we won't have much time before more Jaffa come banging on the door" he said as he pulled his communicator.
Bre'Tac nodded as he did his best to familiarize himself with the controls.
"This is MACO Alpha, bridge is secure. I repeat, bridge is secure" he said into the communicator.
No one responded, but he wasn't expecting anyone too. At least not yet, if everything was going to plan the rest of the teams were far too busy dealing with Jaffa. He tried to ignore the thought of how many of them weren't going to live through this.
Bre'Tac smiled "Flight controls, shields and weapons are now under our control. I am also detecting one smaller vessel near the third planet, accelerating towards the combined compliment of both Motherships death gliders".
Foyle nodded "Enterprise no doubt. Let's just hope Columbia is either hiding, or arriving soon".
The old Jaffa didn't look away "One vessel against two hundred fighters. You are not concerned?".
Foyle smirked "Enterprise is a tough ship".
"Shall I begin firing?" Bre'Tac asked, finally looking up.
Foyle nodded "Let's draw some attention from Enterprise. And pray Eris really is on our side".
The old Jaffa frowned at the mention of the Goa'uld. He only nodded and turned back to the console "Bringing all weapons online, targeting Apophis flagship".
A moment later, the viewer was filled with heavy weapons fire from the Ha'tak, a half dozen slammed into the ship before they could raise shields. Minor damage and small explosions covered the lower support structures.
Bre'Tac smiled "True to form, Apophis displays his arrogance".
Foyle smiled as he adjusted his communicator "Hopper, you're a go. Blow it and get out".
No response was issued, but a moment later several internal detonations could be seen from three different area's onboard Apophis's ship. And a bright white light shot out from the underside.
Bre'Tac nodded "Ring transporters have been activated. We have taken them on, I cannot be certain of how many or if they were indeed your people".
"We'll find out soon enough" Foyle replied.
MACO Alpha, this is Motaki. We're onboard but pinned down. We won't make it, there's too many Jaffa in this section!. Echoed from his communicator, weapons fire echoing in the back ground.
Foyle growled "Motaki, can you transport to Hera's ship?".
Negative, were completely pinned down, we'll be lucky ….
That was it, the transmission was dead.
Foyle looked up upon feeling a hand on his shoulder "They died well" Bre'Tac said quietly.
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. NX-01 Enterprise.
Malcolm Reed smiled as his sensors flashed, showing that the lead ships weapons and shields were fluctuating. The fighters baring down on them seemed to halt their advance, or most of them did. As if they were torn between turning back.
Combined with weapons fire from the second ship, scoring several direct hits on the lead ship. Confusion in the enemy ranks was almost guaranteed.
"Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing Malcolm?" Jon asked from is chair.
"I believe so sir, the second ship is firing on the first, and I'm registering several internal detonations. The insertion teams were successful" he replied.
Jon smiled "Full speed ahead, my last order is rescinded. Target those fighters and give them everything we have".
Malcolm nodded and set the targeting computers to automatic. Two hundred targets would be nearly impossible for him to track accurately. And at Ten thousand kilometres the top and bottom Phase Cannons opened up.
Six cannons, each capable of independent targeting flashed to life repeatedly. The first few volleys vaporized several fighters instantly, cutting through the initial formations like they were nothing.
The pilots reacted quickly however, and soon evasive manoeuvres ensured that maybe one or two fighters could only be hit with every shot.
Still, in only ten seconds, nearly twenty of the small craft had been reduced to dust.
Malcolm's sensors flashed again, and his smile widened "Captain, the third vessel is also firing on the lead ship. Shields won't hold out under the strain for long, not with the damage they've already taken".
Jon nodded "Then let's keep the fighters occupied".
Another three second passed, when the fighters started to open fire. Over one hundred and fifty small attack craft opened up almost as one. And space ahead of them was instantly filled with burning blasts of plasma.
Malcolm frowned, and along with everyone else grabbed for something to hold onto as they flew into the maelstrom. Vulcan shields barely holding up under the onslaught.
It only lasted a few moments, as Enterprise flashed through the initial formation and spun quickly around to re-engage. But it was more than enough to reduce their defences.
"Shields are down to Eighty Percent Captain" Malcolm reported.
"And with their formation broken they shouldn't be able to concentrate fire. Keep up the pressure" Jon replied coolly.
Malcolm nodded and turned back to his console, keeping a close eye on the targeting computer, just to make sure nothing goes wrong.
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. Hera's Mothership.
Eris, or Hera as she was once known as. Smiled from her throne at the damage being inflicted upon Apophis. She looked down to her throne's chair, and activated the small display. The sensor readings being taken from the sun and overall gravitation effects in this exact sector were so far a perfect match for the readings she had, from the last time this happened.
Taken while she was the one inside the Sarcophagus. Such irony, she mused. That she would be the instrument of her own betrayal, only to return and ensure the events occurred exactly as they happened before.
All to make sure nothing could stand in her way of taking over this Galaxy.
And this Ha'tak itself would be the key to that destiny becoming reality.
She tapped the shipwide communications "This is Hera, all Jaffa will now evacuate. Proceed to the Al'kesh and prepare for departure" she stated calmly, even as she brought up another system and typed in a command access "The device is now active, we now have less than ten minutes before the reactor goes critical".
Closing the communications, she leaned forward. And watched the battle for a brief moment. Revelling in the destruction being wrought in space before her.
Standing slowly she approached the single Jaffa at the controls "It is time" was all she said.
The young Jaffa nodded and set the automatic systems, pre-programmed flight and fire controls. Then turned to her, bowed and then headed for the side entrance to the bridge.
The door opened just as she turned to follow, and she watched in momentary shock as a human male wearing glasses gunned down her servant.
She took a deep breath and smiled as he entered, with two Starfleet soldiers right behind him.
"Hi" he smiled "I'm Daniel Jackson. Thought I'd drop in and ask you a few questions".
Hera shook her head, smiling in amusement at the turn of events "I'm terribly sorry to disappoint you Doctor Jackson, you see I have a schedule to keep. And I do not have time to indulge you".
With that she activated a specific crystal on her hand device, and felt the Site to Site Transporters take hold. The bridge vanished before any of them could even pull the trigger of their weapons.
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. NX-01 Enterprise.
Buffy slipped quietly through the hatch into the shuttle bay, and paused as both Lieutenant Black and Ensign Campbell moved in behind her.
She instantly spotted the shuttle bay control room on the other side of the walkway. The window literally covered in blood. As if someone had either exploded within, or been torn apart.
Looking down at the shuttle bay itself, she could see bloody footprints on the tops of both shuttles. And on the floor around them.
Black motioned for the control room, and then looked to Campbell "Watch the hatch" he whispered.
She nodded, stake and phase pistol at the ready. And still looking terrified.
Buffy had to give her credit, the woman had been literally shoved into a truly terrifying situation, but not once had she complained or choked up.
Shaking her head, and coming back to the now. Buffy nodded to Black and quickly headed for the control room. Absently she wondered if Phlox had managed to notify any of the other teams roaming the bottom two decks of the ship, she hoped he had. She didn't relish the thought of dealing with this monster when the lives of her friends and family on the line, not by herself at any rate.
She didn't need to open the door to the control room, it was already open. The interior lighting flickered from obvious damage to the light fixture. Revealing nothing but more blood. No body however.
She shook her head at Black and nodded towards the shuttles. He gritted his teeth and nodded back. "I'll take the far one, you take this one. Together".
She nodded and moved to the ladder that lead to the first one, moving down quietly. And took even more care as she crossed over to the roof hatch.
Black quickly moved back over to the other side, and moved down the ladder as well. Buffy examined the roof access, and frowned. There was no lights within, and the key pad under the bent panel was shattered.
She looked up and spotted a similar look of defeat on Carl's face. He shook his head, confirming her fear. He did pull a small hand light however and moved towards the forward bubble. Leaning over he took a quick look.
It only took a moment, but it was all it took.
The moment he leaned down, a shadow detached itself from the ceiling above Ensign Campbell. Literally slamming her down into the metal walkway. And easily disarmed her. Leaving her laying their, possibly dead, or at least unconscious.
The shadow stepped forward, and before Buffy could even breath. Levelled the young woman's weapon towards Carl, and fired once.
The MACO still slumped over the edge, collapsed forward and tumbled to the floor.
Buffy stared at the shadow in horror, knowing without a doubt that she faced her worst fear.
The shadow stepped forward, smiling with a normal human face. Phase Pistol aimed right at her.
"Hey lover" Angelus smirked "Miss me?".
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. NX-02 Columbia.
Erika was aware of the sensor readings coming from the third Ha'tak even before Russ Hexter called out from tactical.
"Captain, the third ship..".
"I see it" she cut him off "Helm, time to go in. Full power to shields and weapons, I've got a bad feeling about this".
No sooner had they brought full power online when Doug Hunter turned in his seat "Sir, communications from the third ship. Doctor Jackson".
"Patch it through" she nodded.
Columbia, do you read?.
"Go ahead Doctor Jackson, what's happening over there?" she responded.
To be honest, I'm not sure captain. Those sensor readings I took earlier, we couldn't make sense of them because the internal systems are of Starfleet manufacture. But it gets worse, I think this ship is about to blow up, Eris rigged the primary power core to overload, I'm not sure why though.
Erika gasped as she sat forward "Starfleet?".
Yes, but more advanced. I managed to access unrestricted logs. This ship was heavily modified using scavenged and replicated parts from another Starfleet vessel over twenty years ago. This other ship is incredibly advanced captain, I downloaded as much as I could but most of it's encrypted. What little I could decipher was logged in Goa'uld. All I can access right now are the shields. But I think those were meant to be dropped anyways.
Erika scowled "Hold tight Doctor, we're pulling you out".
Captain, we need to stop this overload. We have no idea what Eris was intending to do.
"If you have any idea's Doctor, tell me now. If not I'm pulling you out" she stated.
He didn't respond, she didn't expect him too. He had already stated the systems were encrypted.
"Drop shields Doctor, and prepare to beam out" she finally ordered.
Understood Columbia.
He really didn't sound happy.
Hexter growled from Tactical "Captain, we've got weapons targeting from that Mothership. Four cannons are attempting to gain a targeting lock".
She nodded "Grab the team and bring all defenses to full. Hunter try to raise the teams on the second Mothership. And try to raise Enterprise as well, inform them of Doctor Jackson discovery and have everyone prepare to evacuate. We don't know how large that explosion will be".
Second later the ship started to rock, the main view screen displaying the incoming weapons fire. Most missing by mere feet, but a few slammed solidly into their shields.
"Those cannons pack a big punch Captain!" Hexter called out over the sound of damage alarms.
A few coolant conduits at the back of the bridge broke free. Spewing their contents across the tactical stations in the back. Thankfully no one was standing back their.
"Evasive maneuvers!" she barked, and barely held tight as the ship rocked from a third weapon strike. This one heavy enough to rupture something in the ceiling, and allowing a support beam to crash down, missing her command chair by inches.
She ignored it and focused on both the main display and tactical readout on the arm of her chair.
Akagi, sitting at the helm deftly managed to avoid most of the weapons fire, and brought them close enough to the Mothership that the cannons couldn't target accurately.
Hexter realized the tactic and took the initiative to beam the three men out of the bridge without being told "Captain, Doctor Jackson and the MACO's are secure, raising shields. Output is sixty one percent".
She scowled "And we only took three hits. Akagi, make sure we don't take too many more of those please".
"I'll do my best sir" he replied even as he guided the ship towards the second vessel. Watching two different directions now, and piloting the ship wildly to avoid weapons fire from two different direction.
"Captain, Eris's ship is now firing at anything in range. They must be set to auto targeting, sensors have picked up a two second pause between lock and fire" Hexter called out.
"I can use that" Akagi called out from the Helm.
Erika just held on "Can you raise the teams on the second ship?".
Doug Hunter looked up with only a seconds hesitation "No sir, I can't raise anyone".
"Then how could we contact Doctor Jackson?" she asked, even as she felt the ship rock violently a fourth time.
No one responded. Leaving her to try and think of something else. She just hoped she could come up with something in time.
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. NX-01 Enterprise.
Malcolm Reed knew that something was wrong, only seconds before the third ship started firing at the incoming Columbia. And the started to target them.
"Captain, Columbia is being targeted by the third ship, and they're targeting us as well" he said, even as he watched the rest of the tactical systems "Shields are down another four percent sir".
Archer nodded and checked his own display "Can we reach anyone on the second ship?".
Hoshi slammed her good hand into the console "Sorry sir, subspace is being flooded by a full spectrum of interference. It's being generated by the third ship".
Archer glared at the view screen, everything he knew flashed through his mind. One ship under there control. Two ships of hostile intent. Fighters still numbering just over a hundred.
Twenty odd personnel trapped on at least one of those ships. And a hostile Vampire loose on his own ship. Things couldn't get much worse than this.
"Captain, I'm picking up a power core overload on the third ship. Sublight engines are also coming online, their moving towards the lead Mothership" Malcolm called out.
He sat up "Any indication from the captured Mothership that they can see that?".
Reed checked his console and then shook his head "No sir, they're still splitting fire between the two Motherships. And remaining stationary".
Archer mentally swore "And no contact from Columbia?".
Hoshi shook her head "I can't cut through the interference".
He growled "Take us in. Ignore the fighters, prepare all Torpedoes. Target that third ship and hit her with everything we have".
Malcolm nodded even as Travis at the Conn adjusted the ships course. He could only watch as the third ship moved to fill the view screen, and slowly grow closer.
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. Klorel's Mothership.
Major Stephen Foyle knew something was up before Bre'Tac could even look up from the console. The shaking of the ship intensified considerably in only a second, meaning they were being targeted by a lot more than one ship.
"Eris has targeted us, specifically engines and weapons. Shields are holding but they will not last very long" the old Jaffa commented.
"Can we move?" he asked.
Bre'Tac nodded "Eris is also moving, a direct course for Apophis. I believe she intends to ram".
Foyle blinked "Ram?".
"There is also a build up of power within the main reactor. This makes no sense, Eris would not destroy herself" he commented.
Foyle looked over to the view screen, and watched as Enterprise changed course. It wasn't an easy thing to determine, but the trajectory change was dramatic enough.
"Enterprise, where is it going?" he asked.
Bre'tac checked the sensors "A direct course for Eris, they are increasing weapons fire. Ignoring the death gliders".
"And Columbia?" he asked.
"The other ship has taken several hits, and are attempting to evade" the old Jaffa replied "A wise precaution. Eris weapons are significantly more powerful than standard Ha'tak cannons".
MACO Alpha, this is Carter. Come in.
Foyle sighed in relief as he grabbed the communicator "Go ahead Captain".
We've managed to push the Jaffa back. And are making our way to the bridge, we've got wounded.
"Negative Captain, we're sealed in. Your going to have to find somewhere to hole up. There's no way in" he sent back.
Understood, how are things up there?.
"Not so good Captain, Eris betrayed us. She's firing on everyone and is preparing her ship for self destruct, probably just as she rams into Apophis. At least that's what it looks like" he replied coldly. She was the one who convinced them to follow her plan as it was.
I understand Major. She replied hesitantly I'm turning command over to Major Coburn. Do you copy?.
He scowled over the line. Knowing exactly what she was doing, she made the call and now she was taking responsibility for it.
"Copy that. Major Coburn has command" he replied, then looked to Bre'tac.
The old Jaffa shared his displeasure at the new developments, the look in his eyes told him as much. He didn't say anything however, and simply focused on the console before him.
Foyle then caught something different, Bre'tac was adjusting the ships heading and engaging the engines. "What are you doing?".
"We are taking fire from two directions, the shields cannot take much more. I will attempt to move us around Apophis, and catch him in a crossfire between us and Eris" he stated "Our best option I believe".
Foyle relaxed slightly, still unsure of the old Jaffa's allegiance. But willing to give him the benefit for now. He was the only one who could pilot the ship as it was.
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. NX-01 Enterprise.
Buffy hit the walkway hard, her head spinning from the roundhouse kick. She barely managed to roll to the side as a heavy stomp slammed into the walkway, right where her head was. And snapped her own foot up into Angelus's ribs.
He stumbled back just enough to allow her room to stand, she rolled backwards, and barely regained her footing before the master Vampire rushed back in.
A flurry of punches and kicks were exchanged between the two of them. Buffy barely managed to parry or block most, but a few slipped past. Rocking her body heavily, each blow hammering with incredible force.
She spotted an opening after three more blocked hits and took it, grasping an over-stretch punch and tossing him over her shoulder.
Angelus tried to grasp the railing, but missed. And landed heavily on his back. Right on top of one of the shuttles.
Buffy didn't waste a second, she leapt down intending to crush his skull with her knee. Only he moved at the last moment, she landed hard. The impact vibrated through her upper leg. The pain in her knee was almost unbearable.
A spinning roll brought Angelus back to his feet, and in one smooth motion followed up with a low spin kick. Catching Buffy right in the side of the head. She didn't even have time to grunt from the painful impact with the shuttle before she found herself spinning through the air.
She landed on the floor of the bay hard, the metal floor drove all the air from her lungs. It was all she could do to even try and stand.
Angelus stood above her, a sick smile etched firmly on his face "Oh c'mon lover, you can do better than that" he snarked, then jumped down to the floor. Grabbing her hair he lifted her to her feet, only to send her back to the floor with a powerful downwards punch.
He stared at her, then kicked her hard in the stomach. The force picked her up and sent her slamming into the nearby shuttle. She felt at least one rib break from the impact, only compounding her breathing problem.
He sighed and looked up. Grabbed the upper walkway and easily pulled himself up. And moved to a control console. Even in serious pain, Buffy wondered how he knew how to operate Starfleet technology. Angelus however just started to whistle.
"Lover, your not really trying" he started to speak, shaking his head in disappointment "So I'm going to give you some incentive. Your friends and family, their locked in the shuttles. And in less than a minute, the shuttle bay doors are going to open. And both shuttles will be sucked out into the void of space".
Buffy felt the anger surge within, and she pushed herself up "Why?" she gasped "How?".
He smiled as he leaned over the railing, staring down at her with that same sick grin "Why?. Because I want you to suffer. I can't get you out of my head" he growled "Something left over from that fuck-up of a soul I bet. And as for how?. Let's just say the crewman who was working in here when I arrived didn't have much of a pain tolerance. He told me everything I needed to know about how to operate the systems here. Of course it took some persuasion. Hence all the blood".
The lighting changed to red a moment later, and an alarm echoed once, just as a loud thumping noise echoed from the hatch only a few meters from her.
Buffy looked up, and then over her shoulder at the shuttle she was braced against.
"No" was all she said, and leveled one powerful kick at the walkway support beam. A thin metal pole that helped to hold up the walkway.
It collapsed easily under the power of her kick, but it was far stronger than common materials. She felt her leg shatter under the blow.
It had the affect she wanted however, the walkway literally collapsed several feet, and Angelus flew forward. Again unable to grasp the railing.
He landed half on the shuttle, and fell to the floor hard. Landing on his head. Buffy pulled herself towards the fallen Vampire, even as he coughed up blood. Unable to move.
The impact probably broke his neck.
She grabbed him hard "How do I stop it?" she growled.
He smiled through bloody lips "Sorry lover" he choked "You can't, I wanted you to suffer. What better way than to make you choose".
"Choose?" she asked "No more games!" she growled as she slammed him into the floor.
He chuckled, spraying blood with every gasp "You can maybe save two of them. But not all of them" he gasped out. "Your mother and Willow?. Or Your sister and Xander".
"What?" she cried out "You can't be serious!".
He laughed, "Choose who lives Buffy. And choose who dies!".
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. 10:10 AM. NX-01 Enterprise.
Hoshi Sato couldn't believe what the console was telling her. It took a second for it to register "Captain, someone in the shuttle bay has locked out bridge control. The doors are on a timed deployment!".
Archer didn't move, "Security?".
"MACO's are already on site sir, they can't get in. They're trying to cut through the hatch, but it'll take too long" she replied.
"What's the timer at?" he demanded.
"Twenty four seconds" she replied, and then checked something else on her console "I've got seven life signs. Four are in the shuttles, but I'm not picking up any power In the shuttles".
"Grapples!" Jon barked "The moment those doors open, prepare the grapples, and get someone to transporter control. Have someone ready to beam out any life signs, in and out of those shuttles!".
Seconds later the entire ship jolted, everyone knew that the shuttle bay had rapidly decompressed when the doors opened. More than a few members of the bridge crew gripped their consoles tightly as they realized what had happened.
"Sir, grapples aren't responding!" Hoshi called out.
"Transporters!" Jon barked, even as the turbo-lift doors opened.
He turned just in time to see Jack O'niell step out, followed by Rupert Giles. Both looked concerned and armed with both Phase Pistols and wooden stakes.
Hoshi nodded as she received word from transporter control "Transporter control has several locks, they're transporting now".
Malcolm cut in "Sir!. The third Mothership is accelerating towards the lead vessel!".
Jon turned just in time to see the scene play out on the main screen "Time to impact?".
"Fifteen seconds!" Malcolm replied.
"C'mon" Jon growled "Travis, be ready to get us out of here" he ordered a moment later.
The seconds ticked by for everyone on the bridge. Their prayers with whoever it was that had been in the shuttle bay. And with those still onboard the second Mothership.
Wednesday March 4th, 1998. 9:55 AM. NX-02 Columbia.
Russ Hexter gasped, not something he would normally do. But seeing two shuttles tumbling through space, and picking up several life signs inside and outside said shuttles was not something he expected to see.
"Enterprise lost their shuttle bay!" he called out "I've got seven life signs…wait. Make that four. Inside the shuttles".
The sensors beeped at him, drawing his eyes to the primary tactical display "Third ship is accelerating towards the lead ship, impact in fifteen seconds!".
Erika leaned forward "Are we in range to render assistance?".
"Grapples are a no go. Transporters can reach one of the shuttles" he replied and was already giving the orders "Enterprise won't be able to grab them all, the system needs a five second cycle to purge the buffers".
"Grab them!" Erika ordered.
He was already done, and smiled upon seeing two life signs in one shuttle vanish from the sensors. A moment later a text flashed across his screen from Transporter control "We've got two survivors!".
"The third ship?" Erika called out.
"Impact in five.." he replied.
Erika cut him off "Helm, get us out of here. Full impulse!".
The ship jerked heavily as the ship accelerated to full sublight. Reaching full speed just as the two mother ships collided.
The only people to witness the actual event where those on board Apophis ship itself. And by both Starfleet vessels sensors.
The Mothership once belonging to Eris, had barely begun to collide with the heavily damaged Mothership of Apophis, when a bright light seemed to appear at the very top of Eris's ship. A heartbeat later, an arch of powerful energy flashed out in every direction. Encompassing both Motherships.
A massive sphere of white energy seemed to form within the blink of an eye. Nothing within could be seen, or detected on sensors.
It shuddered slightly, almost as though it was trying to collapse. And then expanded rapidly. A surge of energy erupted a heartbeat later.
Columbia was already clear of the initial blast, but was caught by the shockwave. It tumbled end over end through space.
Enterprise was much closer, still trying to recover the two life signs within the last shuttle. Both went tumbling through space from the initial blast.
The Mothership formerly under the control of the Goa'uld Klorel was shielded somewhat by the bulk of Apophis's ship, but it too couldn't hold up to the initial blast.
And on earth. Everyone in North and South America would see a brilliant flash of light in the daytime sky. Brighter than the sun, and lasting only three seconds.
Two seconds later, an invisible shockwave of electromagnetic energy swept across the entire face of the planet. The effect was instantaneous. Power across North and South America flickered.
And then died.
This is the end of the story. Well, this part of the story. The sequel shall be coming to a computer near you very very soon.