Well, I hope this is a good enough chapter for you guys! ^^



Diffrent colored lights flashed and beamed at the people on the dance floor. Girls in tight dresses and mini skirts twirled and twisted, letting their short clothing dance along with them. Older woman found themselves feeling alive and cheerful. Younger men directed their attention from their aged girlfriends to the older women, earning a slap across their red highlighted faces.

Who knew root beer could do these kinds of things?

"WHOO!" Kiyoko cheered, feeling much more confident tonight. "Man, what did her horoscope TELL her?!" Cathy quired, feeling shocked at her usually shy friend's new personality. "Probably something about a club..." Sam answered slowly as she watched Kiyoko dance her way up to the counter. "I'm scared!" Cathy said shakily. Danny and Chris had left to use the rest rooms and Wendy and Marissia were gosh knows where. "Me too Cathy...me too."

The door to the kareoke place opened and revealed a blacked haired girl. She had buns in her hair and she had on a jean skirt with navy leggings underneath, accompined by a navy tank top. A white belt with holes flew over the skirt while a white half-shirt sweater covered her tank top. She wore white boots with gold chains on them. "Come on Ichigo! Don't be a baby!" The raven haired girl cheered. "Mint...have I mentioned how much I HATE you lately?" The red head asked. She was wearing the same thing the the raven haired girl was wearing except everything navy was pink. "Who are they?" Cathy whispered to Sam. "I think the blue one is Minto Iziwa. I have no idea who the pink one is..."

"Who's Minto Iziwa?"

"The richest girl in Japan."


"SHHHHH!" Sam covered her mouth. "Keep it down!"

Cathy muffled a 'fine fine' through Sam's hand. The girl pulled her hand away from her friend's mouth.

"No. You didn't! Lighten up Ichigo! This is the NIGHTLIFE! Have fun!"

"Uhhhh...no. I can't. I have a boyfriend. You would'nt understand it."

"Well sure, I would!"

"Well do YOU have a boyfriend?"

Mint blushed and turned away. "No...no...not exactly." She said slowly, pulling a hand up to her hair and brushing a strand from her face. "Sooooo......?"

"Point taken. But lighten up. Nothing's gonna' happen!" Mint assured. Ichigo sighed.



Mint pushed Ichigo onto the stage and sat down at her own table, waiting for her friend to start singing. The red head gulped. "Ummm, uh? Can someone play a song please?" Cathy got up and grabbed a song from the selection. "You're going to mess up any innocence she has too, arn't you?" Sam asked. "Maybe..." Sam raised an eyebrow. "Okay yes. But this'll be funny!" The blonde walked up and set the CD inside the kareoke player.

The music hesitated to play as Cathy took her seat next to Sam again.

(If you really want to hear the song, type in 'cuddle bunny english' into google videos or youtube. WARNING: REALLY FRECKIN' ANNOYING BUT OH SO CUTE! I do not own! ^^)

The music started to come out from the speakers. Ichigo's mouth dropped. Mint gasped and started to hold her sides, trying to keep back laughter.

You are my sweetest love,
that love I always wanna hug,
because I really love you,
the world just has to know.

I'll do anything for you,
there is nothing I wouldn't do.
snuggle, cuddle and then hug me,
with you I always want to be.


Ichigo glared at Cathy as the audience started to laugh. Mint had given up holding back her laughter and was cracking up. Cathy and Sam were back-to-back laughing their butts off.

My love is deep and true
I'd be lost if not with you
So long it would have been
If not for you and me

I'll do anything for you,
there is nothing I wouldn't do.
snuggle, cuddle and then hug me,
with you I always want to be.

I already know I'm going to hate that girl... Ichigo thought, still singing. Danny and Chris walked back from the bathrooms, their mouths dropped. "What did you DO?!" Danny asked Cathy. "Who says it was me?" She responded. "Because you already did this once to Kiyoko. Look how SHE turned out!" Chris answered for Danny, pointing at Kiyoko. She was drinking root beer. "Hit me!" Kiyoko said cheerfully. The bartender looked scared and poured her another cup. "ANOTHER!" "Miss...you've already had 10-"

"I'll drink my weight in root beer if I darn straight want! HIT ME!" She ordered.

The bartender screeched and filled her cup back up again.


Our feelings are so strong
And our hearts will beat as one
Another ending story
Is what I have with you
I'll do anything for you,
there is nothing I wouldn't do.
snuggle, cuddle and then hug me,
with you I always want to be.

Cathy and Sam continued to laugh in their seats at the blushing neko on stage. "You guys are so bad..." Chris said, watching the pink cat embaress herself on stage. "I-I-I KNOW! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sam and Cathy answered at the same time, continuing to laugh. "Oh good gosh...that poor girl." Chris said, putting a hand to his forehead. Danny stiffed back a laughter then started to crack out as much as Cathy and Sam were. "You guys are just terrible!" Chris said, stiffing back his own laughter now.


You are my sweetest love,
this love I always wanna hug, because I really love you,
the world just has to know.
I'll do anything for you,
there is nothing I wouldn't do.
snuggle, cuddle and then hug me, with you I always want to be.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Ichigo screamed, running off the stage. Mint was laughing non-stop. The blue neko was rolling on the floor, holding her sides. "AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" "Shut up..." Ichigo hissed, sitting down. The door to the bar slammed open once again. "COME ON ASHINA-SAN! LET'S PARTY!" A brunette yelled happily. "Bu-but this is naughty! We shouldn't be here!" The lighter haired brunette screamed softly. "Don't be such a downer." A purple haired girl said with no emotion. "SEE?! EVEN NAGATO-SAN'S READY TO PARTY MIKURU! AND YOU KNOW THAT SHE HAS NO PERSONALITY!" The purple haired girl's eyes narrowed slightly at this comment. "Suzumiya-san PLEASE!" The lighter brunette screeched again. "Lower it down Mikuru, we're in public." The darker brown haired girl said, bringing a finger to her lips. The lighter one began to cringe. The purple haired girl turned around and brought out a tape recorder. "P.S I...am...AWESOME!" She turned back around with the same emotionless expression on. "Let's go get a table." She said calmly again. "Oh YEAH! LET'S GO BRIGADE GALS!" The three turned around and, with the dark haired one dragging the lighter brown one by the wrist, ran to get a table.

The three rushed passed Ichigo and Mint. "Who are they?" Ichigo asked, turning back to her blue companion. The ballet dancer shrugged and looked back at the stage. "I'm gonna go up and sing a song!" The dark brown haired girl said happily. "Don't be that straight forward again, Haruhi!" Mikuru called. "Fine fine! Just shut your trap and have fun!" The girl stepped onto the stage. "I love this song! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!" Haruhi called happily on the stage.

(If you want to hear the song, type in 'Buttons' by the 'Pussycat Dolls' I do not own.)

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

Chris' and Danny's eyes widened at the song. "What..." Chris started

"Is..." Danny joined in


"SINGING?!" They both screamed.

"Buttons by the Pussycat dolls." Sam answered. The three heard a noise coming from Cathy. They turned to see Cathy singing along. "CATHY!" Danny hissed, his face turning red. I can't have any other guys trying to steal her from me!!! Cathy smiled innocently. "What?"

"Don't sing that!"


"I don't need other guys trying to-to-I'm just worried that other guys'll think you're easy!" Cathy smiled. "Danny...I don't even know what the songs TALKING about!"

The three looked at her like she was crazy. "Yet...you sing along with it?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, why? What's it about?"

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

Hardly the type I fall for
I like when the physical
Don't leave me asking for more
I'm a sexy mama (mama)
Who knows just how to get what I wanna (wanna)
What I want to do is spring this on you (on you)
Back up all of the things that I told you (told you

Cathy's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Sam pulled away from her shocked best friend. "Okay...nevermind. I won't sing that anymore."

"THANK YOU!!!" Danny screeched.

"That's terrible..." Cathy moaned. "...and I was singing along."

You've been saying all the right things all night long
But I can't seem to get you over here to help take this off
Baby, can't you see? (see)
How these clothes are fitting on me (me)
And the heat coming from this beat (beat)
I'm about to blow
I don't think you know

Two dark and light brown haired boys entered the buliding. The two walked over and sat besides Mikuru and Yuki, who was the purple haired girl. "Where's Haruhi?" The dark haired boy asked, leaning on the table. "Oh, Hi Kyon-kun, Koizumkun!" Mikuru greeted happily. "She's on stage." Yuki said in a very emotionless voice. "WHAT?!" Kyon asked, shocked that Haruhi was singing such a...hem...strange...song. The waitress walked over. "May I have your orders, sir?" Kyon calmed down and turned to the waitress. "Uhhhh-" Itsucki interupted him. (A/N: Koizumi is Itsucki's last name.) "We're not ready to order yet."

"Very well!"

The waitress skipped off happily.

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

Kyon glared at the stage.

"Why was I SINGING that?!" Cathy screeched once again.

"Maybe because you thought it had a good beat and you had no idea what the song was talking about?" Sam said in Danny's usually knowing voice.

You say you're a big boy
But I can't agree
'Cause the love you said you had
Ain't been put on me
I wonder (wonder)
If I'm just too much for you
Wonder (wonder)
If my kiss don't make you just
Wonder (wonder)
What I got next for you
What you want to do? (do)

Take a chance to recognize that this could be yours
I can see, just like most guys that your game don't please
Baby, can't you see? (see)
How these clothes are fitting on me (me)
And the heat coming from this beat (beat)
I'm about to blow
I don't think you know

Kyon twitched as he watched the stage. Mikuru and Itsucki, however, were chuckling and giggling at the poor highschool student. "What...is...WRONG WITH HER?!" Kyon screeched.

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

Come on baby, loosen up my buttons babe
Loosen up my buttons babe
Baby, won't you loosen up my buttons babe?
Loosen up my buttons babe

Come on baby, loosen up my buttons babe
Loosen up my buttons babe
Baby, won't you loosen up my buttons babe?
Loosen up my buttons babe

Ichigo and Mint were rolling around on the booth seats laughing. "Th-Th...THIS IS WORSE THEN MY SONG!"


I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

Cathy covered the top of her head and looked intently at the wooden table in front of her. "I'll never sing 'The Pussycat Dolls' ever again..." Sam looked at her troubled friend, shaking away a little bit of laughter. "Hey...at least it's not 'Beep' by them!"

"Beep?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, it's even worse then THIS!" Chris answered, poking his head up from his laptop.

"Great..." Danny hissed. He looked at his girlfriend. "Cathy?"


"Don't you dare sing THAT!"

"What makes you think I will?"

"I don't know...the fact you sang along with this one?"

"That's before I knew what it ment."

"Okay. Good. Just checking."

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

Haruhi finished the song on her last note then smiled slyly, strutting her way off the stage. Kyon was still cringing when the girl came back. "Oh, hey! Kyon, Koizumi! I didn't expect you to show! Well, proved me wrong tonight!" Haruhi chuckled to herself. "Haruhi...never sing that song or anything like it on stage again..." The brigade leader looked at her menial tasks boy and smiled seducingly. "And why not?"

"Because...it's just wrong."

"Well it's not like it was a song that wasn't to you!"


"You're the one I dedicated the song to, DUH!"

Kyon's face started to turn cherry red.

"What's the matter...afraid your girlfriend's got some play left in her?"

"I didn't know any of it left."

Haruhi laughed and took a seat next to the boy. "You're so dumb....the good kind though. You entertain me." Kyon laughed at her joke and wrapped his arm around her.

"Hey, Cathy?" Sam asked. "Yeah?" Cathy responded, setting down her glass cup. It had pink lip gloss covering a little area of the glass. "I'm gonna round up all of the girls here and sing another song by the Pussycat Dolls." The blue boy gasped and turned to the girl. "SAM!" Chris hissed. She turned to her boyfriend. "Relax. Only the beginning part's sexual." Chris went completly pale and thumped his head onto the table.

A few seconds later, Ichigo, Mint, Cathy, Sam, Haruhi, and Yuki were on stage. Mikur refused to go on.

(A/N: I'm pretty sure you guys have heard this before, but if you havn't, type in 'Pussycat Dolls, When I grow Up' in Youtube.)

Sam: Boys call you sexy
And you don't care what they say
See every time you turn around
They screaming your name

Boys call you sexy
And you don't care what they say
See every time you turn around
They screaming your name

Now I've got a confession

All other girls: Ha ha ha ha!

Sam: When I was young I wanted attention

All other girls: Ha ha ha ha!

Sam: And I promised myself that I'd do anything

All other girls: Ha ha ha ha!

Sam: Anything at all for them to notice me

All other girls: Ha ha ha ha!

Danny and Chris looked at each other and raised an eyebrow, looking back up at the stage. Kyon, Itsucki, and Mikuru watched the stage. Kyon had a 'what the heck' look on his face, Mikuru was smiling and Itsucki...well, Itsucki was in the middle.

Sam: But I ain't complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say

You don't know what its like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is
Cuz see when I was younger I would say

All: When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies

When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies

"Well...we're an unusual bunch of people..." Danny said slowly. Chris just turned and stared at him.

The door opened once again, revealing two girls again. One had Mikuru's hair color and the other had Haruhi's. "Come on Haruhi! Let's go sing!" The lighter haired one cheered. "No...Renge I'm terrible at singing."



"Good. We'll go on next."

"Say Mommy Dear?" Asked a blonde boy.

A raven haired boy his age walked up next to him, adjusting his glasses. "Yes, Daddy?"

"Why did we let them drag us here?"

"Because we owed them for spilling tea on them."


"Well, remember we distracted them and it happened...so."

"I hate rules."

All: When I grow up
Be on TV
People know me
Be on magazines

When I grow up
Fresh and clean
Number one chick
When I step out on the scene

Sam: Be careful what you wish for
Cuz you just might get it
You just might get it
You just might get it

Be careful what you wish for
Cuz you just might get it
You just might get it
You just might get it

Sam: They used to tell me I was silly

All other girls: Ha ha ha ha!

Sam: Until I popped up on the TV

All other girls: La la la la!

Sam: I always wanted to be a superstar

All other girls: (Super star)

Sam: And knew that singing songs would get me this far

All other girls: La la la la!

Sam: But I ain't complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say

You don't know what its like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is
Cuz see when I was younger I would say

"Wow...the'yre good." Haruhi said conciderably blankly. "You're right! They're awesome! I LOVE IT!" Renge cheered happily. "Tamaki? Why are you growing mushrooms in a corner?"

Kyoya asked, looking at the blonde.

"Because I feel like it."

"How long is this song?" Danny asked, leaning on the table.

"3 minuets 59 seconds." Chris answered, closing his laptop.

"Do you bring that thing with you WHEREVER you go?" He asked.

"So what if I do?"

All: When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies

When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies

All: When I grow up
Be on TV
People know me
Be on magazines

When I grow up
Fresh and clean
Number one chick
When I step out on the scene

Ichigo: Be careful what you wish for
Cuz you just might get it
You just might get it
You just might get it

Mint: Be careful what you wish for
Cuz you just might get it
You just might get it
You just might get it

The four members of the host club sat at their own booth. Renge, singing along to the song, didn't notice she was nowhere by her seat. So the obliviouse girl fell backwards and hit her head on the booth chair instead of getting in. "Are you okay, Renge?" Kyoya asked. "Maybe." The light haired brunette answered, rubbing her head. She got up and sat down in the booth.

Cathy: I see them staring at me
Ooh I'm a trendsetter
Yes this is true cuz what I do
No one can do it better

Sam: You can talk about me
Cuz I'm a hot topic
I see you watching me watching me
And I know you want it, oh

All: When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies

When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies

All: When I grow up
Be on TV
People know me
Be on magazines

When I grow up
Fresh and clean
Number one chick
When I step out on the scene

Haruhi: Be careful what you wish for
Cuz you just might get it
You just might get it
You just might get it

Yuki: Be careful what you wish for
Cuz you just might get it
You just might get it
You just might get it

"See, how does Yuki, who has no personality, sing that enthusiastically?" Kyon asked. "Kyon, be nice!" Mikuru scolded. "Yes Kyon, saying those kinds of things is very bad.

All: When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies

When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies

All: When I grow up
Be on TV
People know me
Be on magazines

When I grow up
Fresh and clean
Number one chick
When I step out on the scene

Sam: Be careful what you wish for
Cuz you just might get it
You just might get it
You just might get it

All: Be careful what you wish for
Cuz you just might get it
You just might get it
You just might get it

All of the girls got off the stage and walked towards their own tables. "So, how was it?" Sam asked. "Great!" Chris said happily. "Ehhh, I think guys can do better." Danny moaned, leaning back in his chair. "Excuse me?" Cathy asked, rasing an eyebrow. "Well, guys are naturally better singers, that's all." Danny answered, opening only one of his eyes. He crossed his arms behind his head. Sam glared at him. "Oh please, each gender can sing equally well!" Chris gulped and turned to his angered girlfriend. "Actually, Sam...it's a proven fact." Cathy gasped and turned to Chris. "Oh no! Not you too Chris!" Sam huffed and put her hands on her hips. "Fine then. I challenge you to a sing off!" Danny opened both of his eyes. "And the prize."

"Whoever wins is crowned right in this argument."

"You're on."

Cathy and Chris looked at each other then looked back at their lovers as they ran onto the stage.

(A/N: It's a classic. If you want to hear it, type in 'Anything You Can Do' into Youtube.)

Sam: Anything you can do I can do better
......I can do anything better than you
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can, yes, I can

Danny: Anything you can be I can be greater
......Sooner or later I'm greater than you
Sam: No, you're not
Danny: Yes, I am
Sam: No, you're not
Danny: Yes, I am
Sam: No, you're not
Danny: Yes, I am, yes I am

Danny: I can shoot a partridge with a single cartridge
Sam: I can get a sparrow with a bow and arrow
Danny: I can live on bread and cheese
Sam: And only on that?
Danny: Yes
Sam: So can a rat

Danny: Any note you can reach I can go higher
Sam: I can sing anything higher than you
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can

Danny: How can you...sing that high?

Sam: I'm a GIRL!


Sam: Anything you can buy I can buy cheaper
......I can buy anything cheaper than you
Danny: Fifty cents
Sam: Forty cents
Danny: Thirty cents
Sam: Twenty cents
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can, yes, I can

Danny: Anything you can say I can say softer
Sam: I can say anything softer than you
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can, yes, I can

Danny: I can drink my liquor faster than a flicker
Sam: I can do it quicker and get even sicker
Danny: I can open any safe
Sam: Without being caught?
Danny: Sure
Sam: That's what I thought (you crook)

"DANNY'S A CRIMINAL?!" Chris screeched, grabbing the sides of his head. "No...it's a part of the song Chris."

The audience were all cheering at the two on stage.

Danny: Any note you can hold I can hold longer
Sam: I can hold any note longer than you
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can, yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't


The audience gasped and everybody's jaw dropped at the girl's large breath.


Danny:- yes, you can...where do you keep all that air?


Danny: Oh, yeah, right.

Sam: Anything you can wear I can wear better
......In what you wear I'd look better than you
Danny: In my coat
Sam: In your vest
Danny: In my shoes
Sam: In your hat
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can, yes, I can

"Ewwww....even in underwear?" Cathy asked, gaining a disgusted look. Chris looked at her like she was crazy.

Danny: Anything you can say I can say faster
Sam: I can say anything faster than you
Danny: Noyoucan't
Sam: YesIcan
Danny: Noyoucan't
Sam: YesIcan
Danny: Noyoucan't
Sam: YesIcan
Danny: Noyoucan't
Sam: YesIcan

Danny: I can jump a hurdle
Sam: I can wear a girdle
Danny: I can knit a sweater
Sam: I can fill it better
Danny: I can do most anything
Sam: Can you bake a pie?
Danny: No
Sam: Neither can I

Danny: Anything you can sing I can sing sweeter
Sam: I can sing anything sweeter than you
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Oh, yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can
Danny: No, you can't, can't, can't
Sam: Yes, I can, can, can, can
Danny: No, you can't
Sam: Yes, I can

Danny stared at Sam and her abailty to sound unbeleivably sweet. "I guess you can..."

Sam glared at him.


The two walked off the stage. "Unfourtantly...Sam wins." Danny said unhappily, sitting down in his booth. Sam smiled triumphly. "I knew it." Cathy said. Chris' face dropped. "I win I win I win! ^^" Cathy cheered happily. "Why are you laughing?" Danny asked. "Because I won the bet!" Chris moaned and walked onto the stage. "What bet? Sam asked. "Yoooouuu'lll seeeee." Cathy had a very mischivouse. Chris glared at Cathy and he opened his mouth, positioning the microphone.

(A/N: This is from Family Guy when they made fun of Will Smith. Type in 'Family Guy Will Smith's Nice Clean Rap' and see what comes back! XD)

Wooo hahaha I respect women when I'm on a date. I take em to a park or maybe a museum and I only try to kiss them if there ready. Woohoo what what say what what.

Sam's eyes widened and Danny gasped. Cathy started to burst out laughing. Haruhi's gang looked like they were getting ready to loose all their breath they were laughing so hard. The host club jaws dropped as they watched the boy sing on stage. Ichigo and Mint spit out their drinks and looked at the stage.

Help out your Mom and Dad by gettin a job so you can help pay for school supplies. A woohoo say oh.

"Poor Sam..." Danny said slowly. Sam was just twitching and Cathy continued to roll on the floor laughing.

Wipe you shoes on the mat when you come in the house. Someone just cleaned that floor. Woohoo! Say what what. Hahaa.

Chris blushed unbeleivably as he walked off the stage. He sat down in the booth and glared at Cathy. "I hate you."

"I know."

Sam looked back and forth between the two. "What was the bet?"

"That if you won then Chris would go on stage and sing that and if Danny won I'd sing 'Beep' by the Pussycat Dolls." Cathy answered happily.

"You two suck." Danny hissed, drinking his soda. The waitress walked by and tripped, spilling some type of drink onto Cathy. The girl gasped as the waitress picked up the cup and left without apologizing. Chris started to burst out laughing. "AHAHAHAHA! KARMA'S A BI-"

"HEY! LANGEUGE!" Danny hissed.

Cathy moaned.

"I'm gonna go up and sing again...I'll just change before I do."

"I'll be right back." Chris said before running off in the same direction. He came back after a few seconds and sat back down. "When can Cathy hurry up, I want to really see her sing on stage right now!" Chris said excitingly. "Dude...are you falling for my girlfriend?!" Danny questioned, gaining a look of annoyance. Sam's eyes widened as she turned to Chris. "Wha-what?" She asked. "What? NO!!!"

"You...you do!" Sam gasped, tears starting to come from her eyes.

"Dude, not cool! Cathy's mine!" Danny hissed.

"I know that! I don't want her!" Chris argued.

Sam started to break out in tears as she covered her eyes and turned away in her seat.

"HIT ME!!!!!"

The bartender covered her face and filled Kiyoko's cup again. "ANOTHER!!!!"

A re-fill.


Another re-fill.


"Mam, please-"


The bartender re-filled it again.


Chris began to snicker.

"You made her dress in revealing clothing, didn't you?" Danny growled to the blue boy. Chris' eyes widened as he watched Danny's eyes narrow. Sam began to cry even louder for a few seconds before it becoming muffled. Chris stared sadly at his girlfriend. "Sam I don't love-"

"WHAT THE HECK?! IS THIS A CORSET?! I DON'T WANNA WEAR IT! STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME WEAR THAT THING!!!!" A big boom sound could be heard coming from the room.

"....................ooooooooooowwwwww. DANG YOU PEOPLE SUCK!!!"

Sam looked at Chris and her eyes started to water again. Danny was growling even deeper now and Chris was looking at the dressing room. He turned back to Sam. "Sam! I swear I didn't-"

"Oh, NOW GO GO BOOTS?! WHAT'S NEXT?!!! THEY'RE SO UNCOMFORTABLE!!! HOW CAN I DANCE IN THESE THINGS?! OH NO! NO BUNNY EARS!!!" Chris gulped as he felt Danny's aura get exceptionally dark. "Ch-Chris...?" The boy turned to his girlfriend, only earning a slight slap on the face. "You...YOU JERK!!!!!!!!! UNTIL YOU CAN MAKE UP YOUR MIND ON WHICH ONE OF US YOU WANT...WE'RE TEMPORARLY." She went back to crying. Chris grasped his cheek and looked at her. "Sam...no..." "Chris buddy...you better choose Sam." Danny hissed threatingly. Chris turned to Danny. "Trust me! Sam's the only one I want!"


Danny glared at Chris. "Yeah, sure. Whatever dude." Chris groaned and turned around as Cathy stepped onto the stage, wearing ever single thing she was screaming about in the dressingroom. She grabbed the microphone. "Um, can I have some BG dancers, please?" Renge smiled and grabbed Haruhi, pulling her onto the stage. Mint did the same thing to Ichigo, and Haruhi did the same thing to Mikuru. Tamaki hissed. "Daddy isn't happyyyyy!!!!!"

(The song I'm sure you all have heard is 'If You Seek Amy' by Britney Spears. Please type that into Youtube with some anime so you don't see the real music video.)

La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la

Oh baby, baby, have you seen Amy tonight?
Is she in the bathroom, is she smokin' up outside? (Oh!)
Oh baby, baby, does she take a piece of lime
For the drink that I'mma buy her, do you know just what she likes? (Oh!)

Oh (Oh)
Tell me have you seen her, cause I'm so (Oh)
I can't get her off of my brain
I just wanna go, to the party she gon' go
Can't somebody take me home?
Haha, hehe, haha, ho

Danny glared at the stage and mumbled something about how he told her not to sing anything like that. Chris was trying to apolagize to Sam, who was calling him a liar in return.

Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls
Are begging to if you seek Amy

Love me, hate me
But can't you see what I see?
All of the boys and all of the girls
Are begging to if you seek Amy

(Love me, hate me) La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la

The large amount of girls on stage danced to the music that came from the blonde on the stage. Danny glared daggers up at it and turned away. Chris didn't give up on winning back Sam as he continued to apolagize and tell her the truth. Sam was refusing to listen though. She started to cry even more as she declared her broken heart.

Amy told me that she's gonna meet me up
I don't know where or when and now they're closin' up the club (Oh!)
I've seen her once or twice before she knows my face
But it's hard to see with all the people standin' in the way (Oh!)

Tamaki grimaced as he watched Haruhi move on stage. "You know...you shouldn't be so angry." Tamaki glared at him. "Don't tell me you're not upset about Renge being up there, Kyoya." Kyoya stayed silent for a few minuets. "...Point taken."

Kyon glared at the stage as he watched HIS Suzumiya dance on stage. "Stupid girl..." He then mumbled something about predators and an alley. Itsucki was not very happy with Mikuru being on the stage ether. He moaned at the girl and looked down at the table. "Muhahahaha." Yuki said blantly. The two boys glared at her. She stared up at them. "Muhahahaha." Itsucki glared at her then mumbled something like 'can't hit a girl.'

Oh (Oh)
Tell me have you seen her, cause I'm so (Oh)
I can't get her off of my brain
I just wanna go, to the party she gon' go
Can't somebody take me home?
Haha, hehe, haha, ho

Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls
Are begging to if you seek Amy

Love me, hate me
But can't you see what I see?
All of the boys and all of the girls
Are begging to if you seek Amy

(Love me, hate me) Ohhhh, say what you want about me
Ohhhh, but can't you see what I see?
(Love me, hate me) Yeahh, say what you want about me
(La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la)

The audience began to clap to the beat as the lyrics slipped gently through the glossed lips of Cathy.

So tell me if you see her
(Let me know what she was wearing and what she was like)
Cause I've been waiting here forever
(Let me know where she was going I don't mind)

Oh baby, baby, if you seek Amy tonight (Oh!)
Oh baby, baby, we'll do whatever you'll like
Oh baby, baby, baby
Oh baby, baby, baby...

La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la

Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls
Are begging to if you seek Amy

Love me, hate me
But can't you see what I see?
All of the boys and all of the girls
Are begging to if you seek Amy

All seven girls danced about the stage, swaying their hips and moving their arms and legs when needed. Their movements maxed the song as lyrics still swept through Cathy's now blood-red glossed lips.

Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me (Yeaaaah)
(La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la) (Yeah)

Love me, hate me
But can't you see what I see?
All of the boys and all of the girls
Are begging to if you seek Amy

(Love me, hate me) Ohhhh, say what you want about me
Ohhhh, but can't you see what I see?
(Love me, hate me) Yeahh, say what you want about me

All of the boys and all of the girls
Are begging to if you seek Amy

Cathy finished the notes that had been hanging off her lips as her body stopped moving, due to the song ending. The audience clapped and cheered besides 3 diffrent groups. One being the SOS Brigade, another being the OHSHC, and the last one being the Monster Buster Club. Cathy stepped off the stage, and no, not leaving a glass slipper, and walked up to Danny. "Hey Danny, you okay?" Danny stared up at her.

"Oh yeah...the only things that could possibaly tick me off are the fact the you sang such a strange song, guys were howlling your name, and that it's possible Chris is interested in you." Cathy's face turned completly red. "Okay, first of all the song was not my choice, second of all the only guy I care about is you, and third of all WHAT?!!!" Cathy asked, shocked. "Chris set up that outfit for you backstage then wanted you to hurry and get on stage." Danny said glumly. Cathy sighed and hugged Danny around his neck. "Why are you so jealouse? It's not like I'd like him back." She answered. Danny looked at the red-liped girl in his arms. "If you say..."


Me: Well, that was MUCH longer then normal! Anyways, here's Cathy with 'Happy Happy Joy Joy!'

Cathy: But...A GUY SINGS THAT!


Cathy: Hello boys and girls, this is your old pal, Stinky Wizzleteats
This is a song about a whale, NO this is a song about being happy
Thats right!
Its the happy happy, joy joy song!

Danny: (Laughing his head off)


Sam: Yo'ure just cruel...

Chris: OoO


Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy joy

Me: Songs used today are

Cathy's Songs: If You Seek Amy by Britney Spears, Happy Happy Joy Joy from Ren and Stimpy

All girls' songs: When I Grow Up by the Pussycat Dolls

Ichigo's Songs: Cuddle Bunny by Unknown

Sam and Danny's Songs: Anything You Can Do by Irving Berlin

Chris' Songs: Will Smith's Clean Rap from Family Guy

Haruhi's Songs: Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls


I dont think your happy enough, thats right!
I'll teach you to be happy!
I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs!
Now boys and girls, lets try it again...

Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy joy!


Sam: (Covering head)

Chris: (Starting to hold back laughs himself)

Kiyoko: OoO....................(Joins Danny)

Me: SING!!!!!!!SIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cathy: Iff-in you ain`t the grandaddy of all liars!
The little critters of nature...they dont know that they're ugly.
Thats very funny! A fly marrying a bumble bee!
I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me!
WHY didn't you believe me?

Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy, joy joy joyyyy!

Me: I do not own ANYTHING!!!!!!!!
