Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and company; that awesome distinction belongs to Kishimoto Masashi. As usual, I'm not making any kind of financial gain in the writing of this story.

This story will contain violence, language and insinuations (possibly a little citrus, just depends on the reviewers). This is a Neji/Ten story, so if you don't like the pairing please don't read. For now the rating is Teen but may go up in a later chapter due to content. I know there'll be OOCness. That's how I write them, so please don't complain, especially when you've been forewarned. :) Enjoy....


Chapter 1: The Beginning

A couple sat resting under a tree, their chests heaving from the incredibly intensive day long sparring and training session they'd undertaken.

The girl, wearing her typical pink Chinese styled top with short green pants leaned back against the tree's trunk, sipping from her canteen. She sighed at the heat on this hot summer day. Her chocolate colored eyes slid over to her partner. His appearance appeared calm, relaxed.

"How can you manage to look so cool, so composed, Neji? Aside from the sweat, you look as if you've been sitting the entire time," she exclaimed, perplexed by the Hyuuga's unflappable manner.

"It doesn't matter." He spoke quietly. "You need to train harder so the weather, regardless of heat or cold, won't affect you so."

A delicate eyebrow shot up at his superior tone. "Don't get so high and mighty with me, Hyuuga, Neji!" She smirked as she remarked, "I know how you kept cool. It was your Hakkeshou Kaiten, wasn't it?"

"Hn." So she thought she'd figured it out. Inwardly, Neji smiled at her eager manner and inquisitive mind. That was so like her. Her brilliance and tactics easily outshone more than half the kunoichi's in the village. Her ability with weapons more than made her a match for several of the male shinobi. He attributed her accuracy, intensity and patience to his success as a shinobi. In short, she'd contributed greatly to his abilities, to the man he was today.

Silence fell as the stoic shinobi and talkative weapon's mistress enjoyed their small break. A small breeze blew through the trees and the grass, invisible currents brushing aside leaves and blades of grass. Tenten reached down with her left hand, running her fingers lightly over the dancing blades.

Suddenly she winced as the inside of her left wrist began to throb in pain and heat. Early this morning she'd placed a black leather band around that portion of her pale, ivory-toned skin. She massaged it slightly, wishing the pain would disappear; she was hoping that Neji had overlooked it, yet the hope was futile. Neji noticed everything. He always did. The Hyuuga wasn't a genius and an ANBU captain for nothing. His team's continued existence depended on his instincts and perception, just as she did.

Neji's stoic countenance faltered for a moment as he witnessed her movement, seeing a flash of pain cross her face, rubbing her wrist. What had she done? Had she injured herself during their spar? If so, she should be more cautious as they trained. If she couldn't spar or go on missions, then she was useless.

The second he'd noticed the leather wrap on her skin he'd wanted to question her. The Hyuuga prodigy knew damned well it wasn't to make a foolish fashion statement. Tenten could care less about fashion. Her friend and fellow kunoichi, Yamanaka, Ino, on the other hand, lived for it.

Believing he'd stayed silent long enough in regards to her injury, he asked, "Tenten, did you hurt yourself?" His pale eyes fell to her wrist, where she was still stroking it. He believed that it was subconcious as much as pain. The pattern of her strokes suggested this. He watched as her fingers gently ran across the leather surrounding the skin.

White orbs stared into brown; her eyes appearing guilt-stricken, their direction shifting, refusing to look at him. "It's nothing, Neji. I'll be fine," she insisted.

"Obviously not since it was bothering you as we fought."

She sighed heavily, knowing she couldn't reveal the truth. There was so much he didn't know, didn't understand. Now wasn't the time for explanations. She was forbidden; not just by Hiashi, but by the Hyuuga elders, themselves. It was the elders decree that Neji remain ignorant for the time being. Tenten disagreed with their motive, their action, yet she was forced to comply. Not by any physical means, but purely by her feelings, her heart.

"It's just a little sprain; nothing big," she protested. "The pain will be gone soon enough." Smiling a vibrant smile she said eagerly, "Everything will be fine, I promise." She hated deceiving him, but he couldn't be allowed to find out the path she'd begun to transverse the night previous. He'd despise her and many others, and she couldn't live with that. He couldn't discover her sin, her dance with the devil. But no matter what.....she'd done it all for him.

Tenten had sacrificed everything for him. Her blood, sweat, tears, and most importantly- her love. She recalled with sadness the events that led up to this, to her voluntary imprisonment.


Sitting with Sakura, Ino and Hinata at Ichiraku's, Tenten had just finished her ramen when she noticed fear in Hinata's pale eyes. Turning to view the culprit and give them a look worthy of fear itself, she blinked as she saw one of the Hyuuga elder's messengers.

"Hinata-sama, you and your friend Tenten-san are required for a meeting," the dark haired male respectfully uttered and bowed.

"What kind of meeting?" Tenten couldn't help but blurt out the first question on her mind.

"I'm unaware of the subject matter," he spoke honestly, his posture relaxed.

Hinata sighed. "Will Neji nii-san be attending?" Her shy voice barely carried to the messenger's ears.

"No, Hinata-sama, his presence isn't required. He is currently preoccupied with another meeting." The man glanced nervously at his mistress and her friend. "What shall I tell the elders, Hinata-sama?"

"We'll be there. What time?" The heiress asked.

"Immediately," he replied and left.

Hinata grabbed Tenten's arm, pulling her in the direction of the Hyuuga compound; all the while her anxiety was apparent in every gesture and expression. "We mustn't be late," she whispered.

"Why, Hinata?" Tenten's previous smile now a thoughtful frown. "I know they can punish you, but what exactly can they do to me? I'm not family, nor will I ever be."

Hinata abruptly stopped. Her light eyes swimming in fear, she stuttered, "Y-You d-d-don't mean t-that," she cried out. "The elders are capable of punishing you through Neji nii-san, don't you know? You have no idea of the atrocities they've enacted in the past, and who knows of the future! You have no idea of the pain they'd inflict on him for your recalcitrant behavior!"

"Ok, Hinata. I'll be good," she promised. Anything to calm her sweet, sensible friend. Tenten would promise her mostly anything to prevent the female Byakugan user from having a fit right here in the street. That and the thought of Neji being punished for her deeds made her sick. Just knowing the elders cruelty, knowing they'd activate Neji's curse mark and torture him, only increased what spite she felt towards them. It seemed one of Neji's characteristics had finally rubbed off on her. She smiled sweetly at Hinata and offered her hand.

Hinata took her hand and smiled her thanks.

Later, as the female duo entered the compound, they were directly escorted before the heiress' father, Hyuuga Hiashi, and the elders. They were seated and the door quietly slid closed behind them.

The silence was loud, eerie. Everyone wore somber expressions worthy of a funeral.

'So...who died?' Tenten wondered and snickered to herself at the pun. Glancing at Hinata, she saw that her friend sat still, her head bowed, respectfully awaiting for the elders to begin.

Tenten glanced around at the members who made up the Hyuuga elder council, feeling the chill emitting from their icy eyes, their expressions revealing nothing. 'I hope Neji doesn't end up like these emotionally blank bastards!' she thought. It'd be unbearable. They're so pretentious it's sickening, she stated to herself.

Hinata sat silently at her side, her body trembling slightly, awaiting the purpose of their presence.

"So, Tenten-san, it's come to our attention that you've been training with Neji-san for some time now, correct," the eldest questioned. His gray hair hanging halfway down his back, the trademark Hyuuga eyes focusing on her, and her relationship with Neji.

"Hai," she verified, yet curious to the reasoning behind the question.

"Hiashi-sama has debriefed us regarding your strengths and kunoichi status , conveying the need that no one else will do for this mission."

Glaring at the elder, her attention turned towards the head of the clan and she said neutrally, "Arigatou, Hiashi-sama, but what is the mission?"

Tenten had a horrible feeling it wouldn't be a good one. She had this powerful feeling in her gut that told her so. Time and time again, she'd learned to trust in it, as she had Neji.

"Neji will be getting married soon to a young woman of financial means and social status, obviously from our clan, here, in Konoha. We must preserve the bloodline. Despite her status, and the fact that she's Hyuuga, she isn't a kunoichi; she's currently unable to protect herself."

Her heart dropped into her stomach. Neji. Married. Her chance for him soon to be extinct. Her best friend gone from her forever. Her chest burned with a stinging ache. One not easily assuaged. Her eyes felt the prick of unshed tears, but she refused to shed them in front of these assholes. 'I refuse to let them see me cry,' she told herself. 'They're not worthy of my tears.'

"Just what is it you want, Hyuuga-sama?"

She just wished he'd get to the damned point. Tenten wanted nothing more than to leave this place. Without Neji, the compound felt more like a threat than a place of safety. She sighed inwardly while awaiting out the sluggish verbal pace, grating on every last nerve. Hell, she might even be old and gray before the point was revealed. Like Shikamaru always said, 'This was troublesome'. Of course, the genius was usually referring to females. And usually the lazy ass was right.

His pale eyes glared unflinchingly at her. "It is my wish that you protect her, and that you assist Neji in whatever means seems fit to do so. It will also be your job to watch over Neji. Continue training with him, but only while his affianced is, here, safe within the Hyuuga compound."

A spurt of anger prompted her forward, "What if I refuse? Would you recruit someone else? If so, and they agree, what would you do if I interfered?"

"Tenten," Hinata cried out in shock. "No one dares to threaten the elders and live."

"I could care less, Hina. I want an answer," she threw a glance towards the clan's head who's eyes were narrowed at her rebelliousness. "What would you do if I became disruptive? Would you kill me? I think not," she scoffed, her bravado larger than her brains for the moment.

His eyes, if possible, seemed to turn harder, colder. "Should you refuse...that's your business. Should someone else accept and you get in their way....you'll suffer as no other, and you won't be alone. Neji will suffer, as well, for your foolish and thoughtless actions."

Sighing hard, she knew there was no other choice. She refused to allow Neji to suffer for her petulance. Placing a hand over her chest, she could feel her heart breaking, and said, "If I agree to this then Neji will be left in peace?"

"Yes. Will you accept?" Hiashi hoped for his nephew's sake, and for his, that she accepted. It was crucial for her to agree. She was one of the important variables in his plan. She had to accept.

"If I do what else will I have to do? What kind of control will you exact over me? I refuse to be a slave," she uttered angrily.

Hiashi smirked. He looked every bit like his nephew at that very instant. This girl was so astute, unlike any other he'd ever met with the exception of his late wife. She was strong and intelligent. She was perfect, as was expected. His plan would succeed and it would be due to her.

"You would promise yourself to our family- swear to us in blood that you will perform these duties-"

"You would receive our acceptance of you, girl. What more is there to know or hope for?" One of the elders spoke up, his eyes frigid.

Her eyes, a fire burning in response, stared back as she replied, "My apologies, elder. I merely wish to know what I'm getting myself into. Knowledge, training and preparation are the key to the success of any mission, and this one is no different."

"Is it really, Tenten?"

She turned in shock first towards Hinata, then her father. "What do you mean?" The feeling this question induced didn't bode well. She felt somewhat nauseated while awaiting the answer.

"They are aware of your feelings for my cousin, Tenten. They know you'd do anything to help him, to protect him." The sadness in Hinata's voice seemed to deepen, "They've known of your love for him for some time, actually. It was just a matter of finding the right time and situation to exploit it."

The weapon's mistress momentarily harbored very dark thoughts. She wished she could whip out her scroll and pin every last one of the Hyuuga elders to the wall. The violent thoughts reverberated until she pictured Neji suffering as a consequence; his handsome visage penetrated the anger she felt and quickly the thoughts were dismissed. It couldn't be done, not that she didn't want to try. She thirsted to teach all these bastards just how powerful a female could be when her fury's roused.

Their day would come, and she wished for nothing more but to see them roast. Hell, she'd love to be the cause of their pain, their suffering. She would retaliate for herself, for Neji, his father. Anyone who'd been abused or used as a pawn would be the source of her righteous vengeance. But it was nothing more than a wish.

Tenten turned to Hinata. "Don't worry, Hina. I won't react brashly, and without thought. Although I really want to. They're just making it that much easier for me." She seethed under her breath.

"What are you talking about, Ten?"

Hinata felt uneasy. The smirk across her friend's face reminded her so much of her cousin. It was dangerous and filled with the promise of payback. She ought to know, being the victim of it on several occasions. She swallowed hard, wishing that Naruto could be here. He'd know what to say, although he'd certainly be the one to act impulsively. He'd also disrespect the elders and wouldn't give a damn. That was Naruto. That was the man she loved.

With a devil-may-care grin stretched wide she stated confidently, "I'll do it."

Though her heart was dying, she knew this would be the only way Neji's clan would allow them to keep training together. If this was the only way to stay close to him, then so be it. She'd sacrifice everything for him, even walk the fires of Hell, itself, if it meant saving him. She realized in that moment just how much the Byakugan wielder meant to her; just how far the depths of her love went. Far enough for her to let him go, yet pray he returned. She loved him enough to open his cage, release him, and take his place. That's how much she really and truly loved him.

Hiashi smiled darkly. "Perfect." Glancing around the room he said, "Everyone but my daughter and Tenten leave. Now," he barked.

As if connected to a puppeteer's numerous strings, all of the elders rose together and calmly exited the room; the door once again slid shut quietly.

"Prepare yourself, Tenten."

"Prepare myself for what, Hiashi-sama?" She wondered exactly what he was referring to. She'd never heard of anything like this occurring in the Hyuuga family. The only ceremony she was aware of was the cursed seal, and that she knew she was exempt from, being she wasn't from the Branch family.

"For the swearing ceremony, of course. Just know there'll be another ceremony later to complete the swearing. It must be done in two parts."

Hinata gasped and fought back tears. She hoped Tenten wouldn't hate her for this. Now she knew why her father wanted her to stay. This ceremony, like a few others, required not only the clan head, but a very close blood relative, such as a son or daughter, to complete the blood oath. This was a difficult ceremony to perform, which was why it required two of the Main house family members to perform it.

Fighting back feelings better left alone, Tenten smiled brightly and breathed, "Well, let's get to it, then."

With those words Tenten sealed her fate, and the cage began to descend.

End flashback...........................................................................................................................................

Once again silence had fallen and it was driving Tenten crazy. She could tell Neji was distracted, so she did the only other thing she could think of. "What's her name, Neji?"


"Damn!" She whispered, "I forgot I'm not supposed to know." She shook her head. 'Might as well keep going. The cat's out of the bag now.' She inhaled quickly and smiled brightly. "The girl you're supposed to be marrying soon. Her name- what is it?"

"You know?"

The look of perplexity on his face-priceless. It was rare to see an emotive expression on his face instead of the practiced calm, cool exterior that was usually tightly in place. "Of course, I know. I've known since yesterday." She smiled sadly.

"Yumi. How'd you find out?" Neji couldn't believe his teammate had found out so quickly. Very few outside the clan and the Hokage was aware.

Tenten rolled her eyes. "Well, at least she has a pretty name. How I discovered it doesn't matter." A mischievous smirk crossed her face. "The issue with you Hyuuga's, no offense, Neji, is that you all are so prideful and you look alike. A lot of the males in your family could seriously be mistaken for females."

Neji flashed her a rather dirty look for her impertinence. She knew he hated that comparison. It always enraged him to be mistaken for a woman. Male pride was at stake, so what male wouldn't be angry?

"I said, no offense, Neji. Jeez, calm down. I meant nothing by it." She felt a twinge of annoyance. The man definitely needed to get a sense of humor.


Neji and Tenten glared at the intruder. It was the same messenger that had been sent for her yesterday.

"Yes," she asked.

"I must speak privately with you for a moment." He bowed to Neji, feeling the heaviness of his white gaze. "Neji-sama." The messenger looked uneasy to the young prodigy, his movements shifting, almost like a bird preparing to take flight.

"I'll be back in a minute, Neji."

She immediately joined the messenger and the two began to walk. "Tenten-san, Hiashi-sama sent me to tell you that Neji-sama will be meeting his and Yumi-sama's new bodyguard this afternoon." The messenger's eyes were apologetic. "He wanted you forewarned. He seemed rather certain that Neji-sama would mention it during your training session and didn't want you caught off-guard."

"I appreciate that. Tell Hiashi-sama that I'll handle it. Also, if you don't mind, tell him thank you for me." Chocolate orbs shone with the greatest of sincerity and appreciation. She patted his arm before sending him on his way.

She glanced back at Neji, surprised to see the hostility radiating there. "Neji?" Her teammate looked every inch a jealous, pissed-off male. His eyes narrowed, lips pressed tightly together, his form tense; all signs of meditation and relaxation gone. "What's wrong, Neji?"

Just as quickly as it had appeared, the harsh expression vanished. "It's nothing."

Rejoining him under the tree, she sighed. "Ready to get back to training?"

"Unfortunately, I can't, Tenten. I'm due at the compound very soon."

Curious as to what he'd say, she asked, "What's going on?"

"My future bride and I will be introduced to our new bodyguard, although I don't need one. Hiashi-sama insisted, though," he added reluctantly. Crossing his arms over his chest, he represented a child sulking, angry because he hadn't been allowed to have his way.

"Oh," she answered quietly. "Well, good luck, then. Hope you like......her," she added the last part so softly so he wouldn't discern it. This was so hard on her pretending to be cheerful and supportive; all the while it's killing her. She was smiling so hard that her face felt like it had cracks in it. For the first time in a long time.....her smile hurt. It hurt almost as much as her heart, which beat hollowly in her chest, shards of pain slicing with every beat.

One of his eyebrows rose elegantly, his face questioning, "Her? Tenten, do you know who it is?" He had a sinking feeling. He hoped and prayed that it wasn't someone he knew. More specifically, he hoped it wasn't a special someone he knew, cared for. Everything would be that much more difficult to bear.

"No, no...." she laughed. "I guess I should've added a him in there for good measure. Your new guard could be of either gender orientation. I should've been more specific. Sorry, Neji."

"Hn." Neji knew from the way her eyes avoided his that she knew something she wasn't telling. She'd never been able to look him in the eye and lie convincingly. Besides, he possessed the Byakugan, which enabled him to see through lies. Neji knew he'd derive the truth from her in time. He always did. This time would be no different.

He stood to his feet. "I must go, Tenten, it's time." He turned and walked away, his long, dark hair swinging gently in the breeze.

As she watched him go, she felt something between them change, possibly irrevocably. Things wouldn't be the same between them ever again. He'd never be hers to hold, to love. They would no longer be friends. The closeness, the feelings, the ties between them would sever, falling into a void along with her hopes, her dreams. Everything that happens between them, now and in the future, would have to be impersonal, cold, like his family; like he could be. From this day forward she would have to bear the brunt of his hate, the force of his anger, the hostility in his eyes and knowing he would forever be out of her reach.

And for the first time in a very long time, Tenten lay her head upon her knees and cried, her tears watering the blades of grass beneath her.

Her tears, the sound of her crying, fell on listening ears. A pair of watchful, suspicious eyes observed the emotionally torn kunoichi.

If only, the owner of the eyes pondered. If it was within his ability she'd never cry again. He'd save her from everything, including herself. 'If only,' he wished. Even he knew that wishes were foolish. They never came true, so why wish for something out of his reach, someone that wasn't attainable.

Without a word or noise, the eavesdropper departed, leaving Tenten to her tears and the heartbreak of a love never to be.

A/N: Okay, that's it for chapter one. Chapter two....Neji will discover the identity of his new bodyguard. What will his reaction be? Will he discover the secret behind the leather covering her wrist? What will happen once Neji finds out the type of ceremony that Tenten participated in? The shit will certainly hit the fan next chapter : Dance With the Devil. By the way, I'd like you guys to guess who the unnamed eavesdropper was. Whoever guesses right first gets the next chapter dedicated to them. :) So, let's get to reviewing folks.

Also, I wanted to say that for those of you reading my story "Torn".....I'll be putting out an update later tonight- tomorrow at the latest. I apologize for the length of time between updates. Thanks!

For those of you who might be curious as to the music I listen to as I write, here's a list:

Running Up That Hill by Placebo

Evil Angel, Dance With the Devil, The Diary of Jane (acoustic), Forget It by Breaking Benjamin

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps by Doris Day

Angel by Massive Attack

Remember Me, To Where You Are by Josh Groban

Broken, Careless Whisper, Waste, Remedy (acoustic) by Seether

Stand My Ground, Pale, Somewhere, What Have You Done Now by Within Temptation

Hear Me, Beautiful Disaster, Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson

Gunboat by Vixtrola

I Wish I Had An Angel by Nightwish

This is just a sample for what I listened to as I wrote and contemplated this story, so far. I know it seems like a lot, but it's really not.