Hey people! How's it shaken? Okay, so I have this thing where I get really cocky when I'm writing a story and start treating people like ants. And I'm going "What are you saying? I didn't do anything wrong! Oh stop whining. I don't like this. You need to fix that. Please don't burn my house down! Sissies. You just can't see my genius! Bask in my glory! Muwahahaha! -squish-" and it can get pretty violent. So I apologize now for anything I might do. I'm just a drama queen, please ignore my Everyone Sucks But Me speeches. They mean nothing I swear! I just need to get over all the sucky things that happen to me. Like how my parents just decided they were going to be slow on getting my passport and I miss my chance to go to NEW YORK CITY with my BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD for a week and go see THE LION KING ON BROADWAY! -hyperventilates and passes out- Life hates me. That or my parents are out to get me. Aaaaaaaaanyway. I've decided to update this story instead of Little Miss Mustang which requires so much more attention right now but I'm doing this one because I have no idea where that one is going right now and I wanted to update this one because frankly, I like it more. So here you have it folks. Chapter 6. Wow, chapter 6 already? I really must like this one more. I took me so long to get to chapter 6 when I was writing You Get Me and that one...well let's just say I am so sick of Twilight. I don't think I can stomach writing the sequel. Again, here is chapter 6.

Note: The song that has been in the last two chapters will be used throughout this story as well as the song I'm adding in this chapter. Just so you know.

Warning: This one has a few graphic mental images. You know, the kind that make you go, "oh, wow, that's kinda, oh god!" And needles. -shudder- I hate needles. I can watch any horror movie you throw at me and needles make me have to look away. House is scarier then Nightmare On Elm St.

Note: Okay, just so everyone knows. Neji and Yuuki DO NOT get together! She sees him as a brother or a son. Just had to clear that up.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but some of the plot and a few of the characters.

Chapter 6


Amu woke up with a smile on her face. The bond she had made with Sasuke allowed her to talk to him while they slept. She had just finished singing him the lullaby her father always sung when a very annoying sun decided it was going to come up. She looked at the bed on the other side of the room and her face fell. Yuuki hadn't come home last night. She was getting worried. There was no way she would let herself get caught. Was there?

She jumped out of bed and pulled on some clothes. She slipped on her black Akatsuki jacket and went to breakfast. Their hideout had moved since the Leaf had found their old one and she like this one much better. It had an actually floor instead of dirt and there was a lot more space. They even had a kitchen.

She sat down beside Tobi who was talking extra fast today, and it was evident on Deidara's face that he was going to punch in soon. Amu smiled to herself as her brother pulled on her sleeve and she picked him up and sat him on her lap. He was really small and childish for his age. He was almost 8 for god sake. He had his thumb in his mouth and was reaching for the slice of apple on a plate in the middle of the table. Amu picked it up and handed it to him as her father looked up from his book in the corner of the room and asked her, "Amu? Where's your sister?"

Amu picked up another piece of the fruit and handed it to Kira. "Uh, I don't know. She wasn't there when I woke up. I figured she just when out for a walk." She looked down at her brother's face and whipped the corner of his mouth with a napkin, causing her bangs to hide her face. "Huh," Itachi breathed. "Could you go find her? She's missing breakfast." Amu bit her lip. "Sure. I know where she usually hangs out when she wanders away, but it might take some time." She handed her little brother to Tobi who took him gladly and walked swiftly out of the front door and immediately started running. She had to find her sister before something bad happened.


Neji sat in the Hokage's office rubbing his eyes. He couldn't take this. He hadn't gotten a decent night's sleep in over a week and now he wasn't even sleeping at all. Tsunade was giving him some lecture on how he's 'Lost his touch'. Whatever. He didn't care anymore. There was a knock at the door and the exhausted Sanin called a weak "Come in." Two bodies entered the room, but Neji didn't turn around. He didn't care, even if they were looking for him, which he was almost certain they weren't.

"Lady Tsunade," one of them said. "We have something we'd like to show you. We found someone hiding in the forest and we believe she has some connection to the Akatsuki." Tsunade stood up and walked to the door, but she stopped beside Neji and put a hand on his shoulder. "Just relax. Go home and get some sleep." And with that, she was gone and the door made a soft click as it closed.

Neji sighed and stared out the window. There was no way he was going to get any sleep. He was about to leave when he heard a girl scream and his hand started burning. He hissed in pain and looked down at his palm. His blood was seeping through the material on the glove he had used to cover his new tattoo. He pulled off the white fabric and grimaced. His flesh was ripped and torn, like someone had taken a knife to it. There was a giant X through the mark the girl in his dream had left. His eyes widened as another scream pierced the air. He ran to the window and saw four Anbu holding a girl in a black cloak with hair to match. It was her. He knew it. He bolted down the stairs as one man took a thing that looked like a huge syringe out of a silver case. He reached the ground just in time to hear the man say to the Hokage, "...person around his age to test this out on, and it looks like now's as good a time as any. Besides, she might be easier to question after the venom has time to work it's magic."

Neji frowned. What were they talking about? Around whose age? He looked around for the girl and spotted her struggling against her captors. It was her. He was right. She looked up and stared at him with a pained look on her face, as if she had sensed his presence. Neji bit his lip and looked a the needle filled with a strange gold liquid. It wasn't a syringe really. It looked like it was set to release what was inside of it as soon as it entered the body. But the look of it made Neji cringe. It was gigantic! The metal needle was only slightly thinner then his pinky. Neji got a flash of what that would feel like and felt the bile rise in his throat. He closed his eyes and looked away.

The man walked up to the girl and ordered the men to keep her steady. Neji's eyes widened. They were going to inject her with that? The man pulled back his arm, aiming for her chest. Neji had to do something. He couldn't let them do that to her. But what could he do? The man's arm came down and Neji's body moved on it's own.

There was a collection of horrified screams and gasps. Pain surged through his body and Neji fell to his knees with a pathetic whimper. He was shaking. He moved his head slowly to look at his chest and chocked on the bile that rose again. He watched as the gold liquid entered his body. A shaking hand wrapped around the needle and tugged lightly. Neji gasped in pain. He closed his eyes and dug his nails into the wound on his palm. He bit his lip and pulled the metal all the way out of his chest. He let out a sickening scream and his eyes flared open. He had heard the metal scrap against his breast bone on it's way out.

His head fell back and the syringe fell out of his hand and clattered on the hard ground. He shifted his eyes to stared blankly as the girl from his dreams. She had her mouth wide open and looked like she was about to cry. He gave her a small smiled before he fell backwards and went in convolutions.


"NEJI!" Yuuki scream as she struggled against the people who held her. He was having a fit. Blood was pouring from his wounds and the corners of his mouth. She couldn't watch this. She had to do something. Only when she noticed Neji's body was changing did she finally break free. She ran up to the boy and put her hands on his cheeks. She called his name over and over again. He was...shrinking? His body was growing smaller and his features more childlike. She was surprised no one had tried to pull her off of him yet. She turned around and saw her sister holding a force field around them.

"What the hell are you doing?! How could you get caught?! And who is he?" Yuuki opened her mouth to answer but she was pulled back to Neji when he suddenly stopped...everything. He even stopped breathing. He had pulled himself into the fettle position and was laying on his side. Yuuki gritted her teeth. Because of the bond they shared she knew he wasn't dead, but he was almost there. She put a hand on his cheek and whipped away the tears that had collected there. "Neji?" she whispered. "Neji please open your eyes. Look at me. Please." She was crying now. On the verge of sobbing. She was about to break down when she saw his shoulders raise and fall. She sighed in relief. Wrapping her arms around his she pulled him into a hug. She cradled him in her arms. She rocked him and started to sing.

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up, to more than I can be

Everything was silent. It was like everyone was listening to her song. Like the world was listening. She could feel Neji relax in her arms as sleep took him.

There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up, to more than I can be

Amu lowered her shield and turned to look at her sister and the boy she had cradled in her arms. Yuuki stood and pulled the child closer as her song became more passionate. Her voice rose and she sung to she heavens.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up, to more than I can be

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up, to more than I can be

You raise me up, to more then

She looked at her sister then back down at the boy.

I can be(1)

A lull went through the crowd of people they had attracted. "Who are you?" a girl a little younger when them asked. Yuuki looked at her and then turned to her sister. "He's shivering, can you hold him for a second so I can take off my cloak?" Amu nodded and held out her arms for the boy. When Yuuki's arms were free she unzipped her coat and pulled it off. She wrapped hit around Neji's shaking body and pulled him back against her chest. She smiled down at his sleeping face.

"Yuuki, we should get back. I told dad I was going to get you but we've been gone all day and I know he can trail me and he will. So we need to leave, like now. Because he's not very liked in this town." Yuuki nodded but didn't take her eyes off of the boy. Just then someone came running calling for the Hokage. "He's here! In the village! It's Itachi! He's back!" Yuuki and Amu looked at the man and then at each other. "Shit," they both said at the same time.

The messenger was thrown to the side as their father came out of nowhere with a very unhappy look on his face. "Hi dad," the twins murmured in unison.

Okay! I'm stopping there. I hope you liked it! You know what would make me happy? If you reviewed!

(1) You Raise Me Up by Lena Park from Romeo x Juliet