Chapter 1

Run Boy Run

Whoo! It's up! Kay. Read and love this! My fav so far. I love this story. Enjoy!

Kira looked out the cave entrance of the Akatsuki hideout. His small 7-year-old body hidden behind a large bolder. He watched as His mother and father yelled at each other. "No!" his mother was shouting. "There is no way in hell I will let you do that to my son! I know you have to do as you're told, but please be reasonable! He's only 16. He's still a boy! You can't do this!" Kira didn't get it. What was his father going to do to him? Surely it was not going to be a good thing if his mother got so angry about it.

"Jayla. You've never even met him. You can hardly count him as your son." Kira gasped when a loud resounding slap echoed around the chamber. His father touched the now very red spot on his cheek. "I'm sorry Jay, but there's nothing I can do about it. It's Pain's choice. I have no say in the matter."

Kira felt tears build up in his eyes. He sniffed and tried to hold back the sobs. His parents where fighting about a brother he didn't know he had. 16 was older then his two sisters. So why didn't he know about his brother? He let out a wail and a few seconds later a warm set of arms wrapped around him. He heard his sister whisper to him that everything was going to be alright.

"Nice going guys. You could have at least tried to be a little quieter," his other sister, Yuuki, said to her parents as Amu, her twin, carried Kira inside the cave. Kira heard people come out of other parts of the cave. He couldn't stop crying so, naturally, they all flocked toward him to see what all the noise was about. "Aw. Kira, sweetie. What's wrong?" Uncle Deidara sang, swooping him out of his sister's arms. Kira hiccoughed, trying to stop the crying. "Mommy and daddy are fighting again!" he wailed.

Deidara glared at Kira's parents. "Nice job, Itachi. You made him cry." He turned on his heels and walked over to the centre of the cave. He placed Kira down on the stone floor and leaned down to talk at his eye level. "Do you want to play a game? Will that make it all better?"

Kira's mood brightened in that second. He nodded. "Wanna play Boom Boom!" he screamed. Deidara chuckled and picked him up again. "Okay, Shorty. Let's go play Boom Boom." Jayla stood in front of him with her hand inches from his nose. "Not on your life. I don't like you playing dangerous games with my son." Kira mumbled. "No fun," he whispered. Deidara smiled. "Don't worry. I'll be careful. And if I blow him up," he leaned dangerously close to her. "I'll replace him myself." He smirked.

Jayla glared and Deidara let out a painful howl. "Let go, let go, let go!" he squirmed. Itachi held him by the ear. "That's my wife you're talking to, and my son you're offering to replace. Which in the case of him needing to be replaced, I'll make sure you'll never be able to do it." He dropped him and walked away. Deidara rubbed his ear. "Ow, harsh."

He walked outside and placed Kira on the ground. He stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a piece of clay. He worked it until it looked like a small ball. He handed it to Kira and covered his ears. "Fire!" Kira swung his arm as hard as he could and the ball went flying. It blew up still in the air, and Kira clapped as the firework-like shrapnel flew to the ground a million miles away.

Jayla looked at her husband as her son threw another bomb into the air and watched it explode. Itachi glanced at her and sighed. Kira was turning out just like his sisters. Jayla tried to remember the time, 15 years ago, when she had come to live with this man.


Jayla hated Mondays. She hated them. The hustle and the bustle and the noise, noise, noise, noise. She sat on her bed, contemplating whether or not to get up and go to work. Defeated, she sighed and stood up. Her empty wallet got the say in the matter. She picked up one of her many clothes that were lying on the floor and slipped it on over her head. A loud, shrill chime coursed through her apartment. She sighed and tried to find clothes before she went to answer the door.

Coming!" she called to the person behind the door. When her clothes were finally on she opened the door. But as soon as she did she wished she hadn't. "Hello, Jay?" Jayla couldn't speak. She couldn't think. She just couldn't believe it. He couldn't be here. He promised.. "Itachi? Is that you?" she fell on her bed, hand on her head. "Why are you here?" she said, almost a whisper.

Itachi smiled. "I came for my daughter," he said, smile slowly shaping into a smirk. Jayla stared at the ground, not believing what she was hearing. "You want to what?" she practically screamed. Itachi raised an eyebrow. "I want my daughter, Jayla."

Jayla glared at him. "Temari is not yours," she almost growled. Itachi chuckled. "I know she's not. She's not who I'm talking about. It's talking about your unborn daughter." Jayla gasped and clasped her hands over her stomach. "How did you know?"

Itachi turned. "My eyes can see more then you'd think, Jay. I can almost hear her heart beating," he chuckled. "Or should I say, their hearts beating." He turned his head to smirk at her. "Plus, it's not that hard to tell. You are four months along." Jayla glared at him in silence.

She had told the teenager to leave town after she found out she was pregnant with his child. She and him had had a thing for a couple months. She already had three children. Her youngest was only a year old. The thing was, she was supposed to have died having him. After they had carted her off to the morgue, she had woken up and fled. She hadn't seen her son even once. She would give the world to hold her Gaara just once.

He sighed after a couple seconds and sat beside her. His hand slipped around her shoulder. "So, what's it going to be. Do I have to kidnap you?" he said, staring at the ceiling. "Or," he looked down at her. "Are you going to leave Suna willingly and come with me?"

Jayla stared into his eyes. She did have feelings for him, but the age difference was scary. She was almost old enough to be his mother. Almost. She sighed. She was powerless to those eyes. She truly did love him. She leaned up and kissed him quickly on the cheek. "Okay," she whispered. "I'll go with you. Just let me pack."

She stood up and started picking her things up and stuffing them into a bag. Itachi caught her arms from behind and hugged her. "Thank you," he breathed in her ear. Jayla shivered. He always made her melt when he talked into her ear. It was a strange power he had with everyone. He let go of her and opened the door. "Don't bother packing anything unless you can't bare to part with it. I'll buy you anything you want when we get to Konoha."

She looked up at his black eyes. She nodded and picked up three pictures from the dresser. The first was a small black frame that held a photo of her family when she was young, the second was a picture of herself and her two eldest children; her eldest, Konkuro. And her daughter; Temari. The last photo was the son she never knew. The small child was staring at the camera with blood red hair, green eyes like hers and pale skin, holding a teddy bear in his hands. That teddy bear was a present from none other then Itachi Uchiha.

She stood up and walked to the door. She closed it behind her and looked up at Itachi. "Okay," she said, grabbing his hand. "I'm ready. Let's go." He smiled and walked forward, never looking back. When the got out of the city they ran. They ran as fast as they could without hurting the baby. She sighed. She had secretly been longing to go away with him. She would never say it out loud, but it was true. She smiled. She was finally getting out.


So there you are folks! My first chapter. I know it's kinda shot but hey, as long as it's there.

Goodbye kidlings! R&R plez!