Title: Whole Again

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: Transformers is the property of Hasbro

Okay, the 3rd installment to Sunstreaker's Woe's.

Sideswipe stood looking over the vast sea of the Pacific Ocean as it stretched for miles in front of him. He had often found himself making trips out to this particular spot without any reason why. All he knew was that he had to be out here and away from the others.

It wasn't that he didn't want to be around the other autobot's stationed here on earth. It was just that he was missing someone terribly still.

It had been two weeks since he last came here, having looked up and watched the stars. Ratchet had come to find him out here, understanding that he was missing his twin brother Sunstreaker.

There was still no word as to whether or not there were other autobot's out there in the vastness of space. All Sideswipe knew was that he was empty without his brother there besides him.

The other autobot's had tried their best to cheer him up and get his mind off the twin, but none of it filled the hole in his spark. They realized that after the first few times, it was almost pointless to continue on so they left him be.

Sideswipe felt bad for the way he was acting towards the others, but they just didn't understand. They didn't know what it was like to be separated for a length of time like he and Sunstreaker were now.

His thoughts were cut off by an incoming call from Prime. "Sideswipe, you are needed back at the base immediately."

"I'm on my way Prime," he answered taking one last look at the ocean and making a small gesture over his chest.

He transformed into his Chevy Corvette Stingray Concept alt mode and took off, dirt and rocks fly up from under his tires. Even though he knew the message from Optimus was important, he couldn't bring himself to speed towards the base.

When he arrived at the base ten minutes later, Ironhide was waiting outside for him, looking a little annoyed. "When you're told to get here, you get as fast as you can."

Sideswipe didn't bother to answer him back, just followed as the weapon specialist led him inside the base. They walked to Prime's office, Ironhide ducking inside quickly followed a little more slowly by Sideswipe. He really did not want to listen to what the leader had to say, just wanted to go into recharge for the rest of the day.

"Aft-head, what took you so long," snipped a voice making him freeze in his tracks.

His head shot up from where it was looking down at the ground and focused on the sight before him.

Three mech's stood across the room from him, but his attention was locked onto the one who spoke. There was a small smirk on his face as the lights from inside the room gleamed off his yellow armor.

Sideswipe had never seen a more beautiful sight as he launched himself across the distance separating the two of them. The other two mech's who were standing behind the yellow sprang away as the two tumbled to the ground.

Groans came from the yellow one as he glared up at his brother who was smiling down at him. "What took you so long Sunny?" Sideswipe asked, not making any attempt to get off his brother.

"Who cares, I got here didn't I, besides look what you just did, and you ruined my paintjob." Shrieked Sunstreaker pointing to something on his armor.

Sideswipe shook his head. "Still as arrogant." He laughed.

"Fragger," growled Sunstreaker as he hit his brother upside the head. The silver mech continued to laugh at finally having his brother with him once again.

"Love you too Sunshine."

"Quit calling me that!" Sunstreaker growled. //Love you too bro// he spoke over their bond once again both brothers feeling whole.