Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon....*sigh*

The Magic Shop

He sat in class, fiddling with his pencil. His attention was completely focused on the girl in front of him...Mimi Tachiwaka. The most popular girl in school. A perfect match for him. The only problem was that Mimi was already dating someone...A person called Joe...Whatever. What really bothered him about it though was that they were rumoured to be 'in love'. Yeah right...

Suddenly the ball rang, telling the students that school was over for the day. He watched as Mimi left the class and met Joe in the hallway, before walking hand in hand towards her locker. His expression changed from happiness that school was over to disgust. There was no such thing as 'love'. His parents had proved that to him after they had divorced.

"Hey Matt! Are you coming to the coffee shop with us?" Matt turned from where he had been watching Mimi to stare at a group of cheerleaders, 7 or 8 of them, standing a little ways down the hallway. He smirked as he remembered he could have any one of them if he wanted. It was very soothing.

"No, I think I'm gonna go straight home, work on some songs and stuff. See you guys tomorrow." They turned, disappointed, and walked back towards the girls bathroom- no doubt to touch up their make-up. Matt just began walking towards his own locker, very confidently.

He remembered, amusingly, that he had already done every girl in the cheerleading squad (except Mimi). Actually, he had already dated most girls in the school. He was always the first to end a relationship but remembered not to kill all the girls' hopes. That was how he remained in all their good books and they remained wrapped around his little finger.

"Hey man, you look a little depressed. Not still thinking about Mimi, are you?" Matt looked up to meet his friend Tai's eyes. Tai was just an inch taller than him, but it seemed more so becuase of his very-much-like-afro hair. He was the captain of Odaiba High's soccer team and without a doubt, the second most popular guy in school- after Matt of course.

"Listen Tai, I told you not to talk about that around" Matt motioned around himself "people. And I am not still thinking about Her" He stopped at his locker and began fingering the combination with one hand, holding his books in the other. Girls were giving him googly-eyes as they walked by, he made it worse by smiling his killer ladies smile their way- they practically melted.

"I can tell you're still thinking about her. Its written all across that pretty-boy face of yours. And I'll tell you once and for all- She is not gonna go out with you! She's got who she wants, and thats the end" Matt took a break from smiling to glare at his friend. He heard a 'click' and proceeded to open the locker and take out the books he needed for the night.

"It is not the end! I'll find a way around that boyfriend of her's if its the last thing I do!" He began packing his bag, trying to ignore what Tai was saying.

"Matt I will not let you hurt her! She's my friend and just another conquest for you. Can't you see that they really love each other? Or is your head that thick?" Matt got up then, and turned to face his friend. His dark blue eyes were cold with hate.

"I have worked too hard on this reputation to let it be ruined by a girl who thinks she may be 'in love'! I told you, I'll find a way around that. Now leave me alone!" Matt turned back to his books and once they were all packed, he got up and left the school- narrowly avoiding the swarm of girls that came rushing up to his locker only moments later.

Tai shook his head sadly and headed down the hall, in hopes to find Mimi and warn her before Matt did anything too drastic...

~~~~Matt's appartement, one hour later~~~~

"There has got to be something here!" yelled Matt. He was beyond frustration at this point and liable to damage anything that found itself in his path. At the moment, he was busy leafing through the yellow pages- in hopes of finding an answer to all of his problems.

He dragged his finger along all the various adds in the 'M' section until something caught his eye. It was an add for a Magic Shop, but thats not what had caught his attention, it had been the notice under it saying 'We sell anything you need from Newt's eyes to Love potions'.

A smile formed on his lips as he read it over. "Thats it! If nothing else worked, this has got to...Its my last chance" He quickly tore the page out and folded it so it could fit into his jacket's pocket. He jumped up from his position on the couch and practically ran towards the front door. He threw his shoes on and was on his way towards the Magic Shop within seconds.

~~~~20 minutes later~~~~

Matt had made two wrong turns and still couldn't find the shop. He was becoming ever the more irritated as he looked once more at the address in his hand. "How are you supposed to get business if the customers can't find the place!" he said angrily. A man walking by stopped and beckoned Matt over.

"You wouldn't happen to be looking for the Magic Shop, would you?" asked the man.

"How'd you guess? Are you looking for it too?" Matt stared at him curiously. He looked like your average middle-aged man, only his eyes were a strange crimson colour- very unusual.

"I actually know where this shop is" said the man matter-of-factly "If you like, I could take you there right now. It should be closing soon, but I'm sure Sora wouldn't mind helping one more customer before dinner. Especially one as handsome as you." He smiled to himself. He obviously didn't think Matt was told that often.

"Sure...Ummm, may I ask your name?" Matt began to follow the older man down a street that seemed to be nameless. he thought to himself.

"Oh, how forgetful of me. My name is Ohayo Mitsumi. I am a co-owner of the shop you're looking for" he chuckled lighty to himself, as if he found that being a co-owner was funny. Matt began wondering if he still held all of his sanity when they reached an old-fashioned looking door with the sign 'Closed' on it in big red letters.

Matt saw the man take out a very large key and unlock the door before opening it and walking inside, Matt following closely behind. They entered a musty smelling shop with stacks of things piled up all around them. It was dark and Matt could barely make out a figure standing behind what seemed to be a counter on the far side of the room. There was a little bit of light eminating from the glass on the door, but it was not enough to see much.

"Ohayo, fancy seeing you here. Is there anything I can help you with?" Asked a voice from behind the counter. matt looked towards it once more and realized with much eye-strain that the person talking was a thin light red-haired girl with the same crimson eyes as Ohayo. If Matt didn't know better, he'd have said the voice was dripping with sarcasm- but who would be stupid enough to speak that way to their half-boss?

"Oh Sora, always the charmer. Actually, I came for the cheque. I also brought a customer, I hope you don't mind." Ohayo sounded very pleasant, but of course who wouldn't if they were about to receive money. He paid no more attention to Matt and made his way to the back of the store where he opened a curtain and vanished from sight.

Sora gritted her teeth and let out a cry of outrage before leaving her sanctuary behind the counter and making her way towards her customer. "Please, how may I help you?" She asked thourhg gritted teeth. Matt was taken aback as he saw her face clearly for the first time. He knew this girl, well, he had seen her in the halls when Tai had pointed her out. She was nick-named the 'Witch of Odaiba'. She wasn't that bad-looking either, but who in their right mind would want to date a witch?

Sora repeated her question when Matt didn't answer. She looked at him closely and even though the light was dim, it was easy to tell that he was the most gorgeous guy she had ever laid eyes upon. He had deep blue eyes that could capture anyone and even though he was wearing a shirt, you could tell he was very well toned. Suddenly a slight recollection flashed through her mind as she said the name "Yamato Ishida?"

Her voice brought him out of his tiny trance. "Thats me. I was wondering if you could supply me with a potion..." Sora cocked her head slightly. "Yamato Ishida believes in magic when just last year he was accusing me of being a witch while pretending to fly on one of the janitor's broomsticks?"

Matt suddenly realized his mistake. he asked himself. "Listen, If you can't help me I can just take my business somewhere else" He made a move as if to turn around and walk straight out the door before Sora grabbed his arm. "No, no of course we have what you're looking for. What is it exactly?"

Matt laughed silently at Sora's forwardness before explaining that he needed a potion to make a girl fall head over heels in love with him. Sora just eyed him curiously. "What do you need with a love potion? Don't you already have every girl in school after you?" Matt just looked at her gravely before answering with a simple 'No'.

"Okay, before I give you this potion, just to make sure this isn't one of your stupid jokes, name one girl that hasn't fallen for you? If you can, I'll get the potion."

"Well...you haven't fallen for me, have you?" Sora lifted an eyebrow "Oh alright, its for Mimi." Matt felt very disgruntled. Since when had girls been able to get whatever they wanted out of him. Sora's voice broke into his thoughts. "Doesn't Mimi already have a boyfriend?"

Matt looked ready to kill. "So what?" He seethed. Sora just raised both eyebrows in answer but kept her mouth shut and turned towards one of the large piles on either side of the room. Matt found that expression very cute. She lifted a couple of boxes out of the way until she found what she was looking for and blew some dust of the lid. She then turned towards Matt once more, her eyes flashing warningly.

"This is a very concentrated spell and hard to perform. Can you be sure that your house will remain calm and quiet for a couple of weeks while the spell is taking effect? Otherwise it won't work at all." Matt thought back to the nights when he'd been lonely and called a girl over for some 'fun'. He shook his head in answer to Sora's question.

"Isn't there an easier spell? You know, like in the movies when you just have to slip the potion in a drink and the person with fall madly in love with you?" Sora laughed at this. "Don't be silly. If it really was that simple, there would be a lot of very spelled people out there."

"Well, is there anywhere you can think of that I can keep the spell? Like an abandoned building or something?" He tried to keep his voice cool but he knew he was beginning to sound desperate.

"Well, we sometimes let customers work their spells here and we help them with it, for extra cost of course" Matt quickly took out his wallet. "How much?" Sora laughed once again. Matt found himself liking the sound of it, kind of like windchimes.

Once she'd quieted down she began thinking again. "Well, a love potion costs a lot on its own in addition to the three weeks it takes to keep it here...I'm guessing you only want to keep it going long enough to get with Mimi, then dump her the next day?" Matt nodded, Sora shook her head- still smiling. "Okay, that'll equal to about $275. Can you handle that?"

Matt nodded and took out the money. His hand was shaking slightly and he was a bit nervous. It felt as if he were dealing with the dark arts. "Okay, well I'll take half the money now and you can give me the rest after the spell is over, how's that sound?" Matt divided the money and handed half to Sora. "Sounds good to me. When do we start?"

Sora frowned slightly. "How about tomorrow- after school. Meet me here, I'll explain the spell to you and we can get started. It may take a couple days to get going, but you can wait a little while, right?" She smirked, Matt knew now that he must have sounded desperate. He nodded, a bit peeved at her, and turned to leave.

"Oh, and by the way- my name's Sora" She called as he reached the antique door. "I know" was his only reply as he opened it and steeped through into the sunshine. He took one last look at the shop before turning a corner and heading home. I better not get lost tomorrow, who knows what Sora'll do to me if I'm late...

~~~~~The End of Chapter #1~~~~~

A/N: Ooooooo! How was it? I really like this idea, its just that I don't know much about witchcraft or anything so if you know anything that might be important, I'd love to know- Thanks! Remember to review and till next time - minda