I do not own The Secret Saturdays.

This is the sequel to my story "Kur." Enjoy.


Zak looked at the teen with the long brown hair and the tan jacket as they walked down the hall. Ever since he stole it from that guard at the base, he hasn't taken that dumb jacket off.

"So, what is the kur arsenal, anyway?" Nico looked at him as he swiped his keycard through the electronic lock.

"The kur arsenal is your arsenal of weapons. What else could you possibly think is was?" Zak shrugged.

"I don't know. I just want to see it."

"Well, prepare to be amazed." Nico opened the heavy door to reveal a suit of armor, a shield, and a sword. Zak looked at him.

"That's it?"

"Yeah. I know it looks like crap, but is actually pretty cool. The armor is impervious to everything."


"And I mean everything; bullets, bombs, nuclear missiles." Zak raised an eyebrow.

"Nuclear missiles?" Nico shook his head.

"Yeah. I don't even know why there is a shield. The sword is really cool. It can shoot ice, fire, and lightning." Zak walked over to the sword and yanked it off of the wall.

"It's kinda heavy." Nico nodded.

"If you can lift it, you should try it out." Zak lifted the sword with both hands and pointed it at the wall. Suddenly, a burst of lightning shot out of the sword and into the wall. Zak flew back and hit the other wall hard. Nico started to laugh.

"Why the heck are you laughing?" He asked in between breaths. Nico smiled.

"I don't know. I just thought it was funny that the almighty kur can't even use a sword without flying into a wall."

"Hey! I'm new at this whole kur thing!" He pointed the sword at Nico.

"Fine! Fine! I get it! No more jokes! Just don't shoot me!" Zak lowered the sword. Then, Sarah burst through the doors and sat down in a chair in the corner hard. Then she cross her arms. Nico looked at her. "What's with you?" She looked at him with flaming eyes.

"My sister is coming over."

"Why is that such a big deal?" Zak asked. Sarah pointed at Nico.

"Him!" Zak looked at Nico.

"What does she mean?" Nico shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Yes you do! How could you not?" Sarah looked at Zak. "She's always trying to control him. She get's what he likes and makes him do her bidding."

"Hey! You do the same thing! You're the one always making me get pieces of the kur arsenal!" Sarah looked down.

"I guess you're kinda right. But I don't like how she treats you like you're some insignificant animal." She looked up at him. "She's always treating you like you're her pet or something." Nico looked at her.

"You're over exaggerating, Sarah. Serena is not that bad of a girl. I don't see why you guys keep fighting." Sarah stood up and slapped him in the face. Then stormed out of the room. Zak looked at Nico.

"What was that for?" Nico shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know." A couple of minutes later the white winged girl with the white hair and white dress returned with a Crystal Beach Loganberry.

"I want you to apologize to me." Nico raised an eyebrow.

"Apologize for what?" Sarah looked at him.

"Just apologize." Nico shook his head. "Fine. Apologize and I give you this loganberry." Nico immediate bent down on his knees.

"I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. I don't know any better. I need a lesson in manners. Don't throw me out in the cold." He started kissing her sandaled feet.

"Good." She handed him the loganberry, which he chugged down in a matter of seconds.

"Is that how you treat him? I can't believe you." Zak looked over at the door. There was another girl. She looked a little like Sarah, except she had brunette hair with blonde streaks in it. She was also wearing a pink T-shirt and jeans. Her wings were a mixture of black and white feathers. Sarah looked over at the girl with a scowl on her face.

"Oh, shut up. You treat him even worse." The girl looked over at Nico.

"Hey, Nico." Nico started drooling at the site of her.

"Hey, Serena." Sarah rolled her eyes. Then Zak walked over to Serena.

"Hi. I'm Zak. I guess you're Serena."

"Yeah. So, you're kur?" Zak nodded. "Cool." She walked back over to Nico, who was still staring at her. She pulled a small keychain of a palm tree out of her pocket. "I bought this on a trip to Orlando. I'd like you to have it." Nico looked at it.



"No running errands for you."


"I don't have to apologize for no reason?" Serena giggled.

"No. Who would make you do that?" Nico pointed at Sarah.

"Hey! I do not do that! Now get over here!"

"Okay." Nico took a step towards her, but Serena stopped him.

"No Nico, stay here."

"Okay." Serena walked over to Sarah.

"Why are you pushing poor Nico around?"

"I'm not pushing him around. Now come over here, Nico."


"Stay there Nico."


"Come here Nico."


"Nico, stay there."


"Nico, come here." Nico just stood there. Sarah looked at him. "I said come here."

"Stay there, Nico."

"Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh! That's it! I can't take it anymore!" He threw his jacket to the ground. "I'm sick of you two!" He stormed out of the room. Zak looked at the two girls.

"He hasn't taken that jacket off for six months. Six months!" The two girls looked down as Zak continued his rant. "You should be ashamed of yourselves. You're ordering Nico around like he's some kind of worthless pet!" Sarah looked at Zak.

"It's Serena's fault." Serena started crying. Zak walked over to Sarah.

"Why are you being so mean to Serena? What did she ever do to you?"


Wow. I actually pulled off a good cliffhanger. Anyways, please review.