nervously. The prosecutor hadn't been too optimistic about the case. There was no doubt that Pratt would go to prison, however there was enough damage done to Lindsay's career, that things would definitely be difficult for her over the next few months.

Lindsay glanced around the courtroom. Mac and Danny were both missing. Lindsay suspected they were working a new case and Mac had pulled Danny due to their testimonies. It had to happen at some point, Lindsay knew that, but she needed them all here with her.

The prosecutor stood from his chair. "Your honor, we request that Detective Monroe come to the stand for one final testimony."

Lindsay's eyes grew wide.

"Very well."

"Go for it, kiddo." Stella said.

Lindsay had not expected to returned to the stand. She had no idea what to expect now. She was quickly sworn in again and took her seat. Her stomach was churning roughly. She watched the defense attorney pace around in front of her. She'd hoped Danny had taken her advice and remained away form the courthouse. Watching Danny's face was the last thing Lindsay needed.

"Detective Monroe, can you explain your thoughts that persuaded you to walk into the water?" he asked.

Lindsay swallowed. "I still felt him on me. I knew the water was cold, so I wouldn't feel much. All I wanted to do was forget about that night. I just wanted him off me."

"And you were willing to end your life because of it." he said.

"Clearly you're not familiar with rape victims." Lindsay replied. She was tired of this man trying to pin everything on her. "I felt like nothing would be alright again. I'd felt I failed my friends, coworkers, my family. I just wanted everything to go away."

"But Detective Messer stopped you?"



"He just talked to me." Lindsay explained. Her eyes wondered off as she thought back to that night. Danny had said everything she had needed to hear to keep her from falling over that edge.

The doors of the courtroom opened slowly. Lindsay looked up as Danny slipped into the courtroom. Lindsay contained her smile on the stand. Danny gave Lindsay a caring smile and slipped into the benches next to Stella and Hawkes.

"Detective Monroe," Lindsay snapped from her thoughts. "Can you explained your relationship with Detective Messer?"

Lindsay took a deep breath. "We've been working together for almost three years. Detective Messer is very resourceful. He's very passionate about his work and he does a good job. We work really close to each other ,so it's like everyone in the lab is family."

"Detective Monroe, why did you listen to Detective Messer that night?" the defense attorney asked.

Lindsay spoke slowly. "Because Danny was the one who knew where to find me. He was the one who I trusted enough, the one I believed. I listened, because Danny's never given me a reason not to trust him."

"No further questions." the defense attorney said. He moved back to his seat.

The prosecutor stood from his seat and walked toward Lindsay. "Detective Monroe, how long was it after the incident that you sought help?" he asked.

"It was required for me to speak to a case worker before I returned to work." Lindsay explained.

"Yet you didn't return to work for close to two months, correct?"


"In that time, were you seeking help on company orders?"

Lindsay swallowed, "No."

"Why did you seek help without company orders?" he asked.

"I knew that…the only way to get through it…was to talk about. I wanted to get through it quickly…but it went by very slow. In time…I was able to get on with my life…and return to work without complications." Lindsay explained.

"Do you still speak with your counselor?"

"Yes. Sometimes the days are harder than others and I drop by to chat." Lindsay explained.

"Thank you Detective."

Lindsay stood and walked back to the benches. She sat down beside Danny, and exhaled.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we have heard the testimony of a wound detective who's placed her life on the line several times a day. She merely seeks justice as she has sought justice for those who cannot. If this case shows us anything it is this…no one is excluded as a victim. Even our officers, are victims and find themselves on the other side of the line." the prosecutor said.

The judge dismissed the jury to deliberate. Everyone remained in the courtroom, too emotional to move. Lindsay felt as if her heart would burst form her chest. Since this case had become more revolved around her instead of her case, the anticipation was more excruciating.

Lindsay thoughts were interrupted by Danny. "Breath, Lindsay."

Lindsay followed orders and took a deep breath.

Stella reached over behind Danny and rubbed her shoulder. "It'll be ok, Linds."

The doors opened quickly. Lindsay felt her heart stopped. Had they decided so quickly? That couldn't be good. No jury takes such little time to come to a verdict.

"Mr. Foreman, have you reached a verdict?" asked the judge.

"We have your honor." he replied. The verdict was passed to the judge to review.

"Would the defendant please rise." the judge said. Pratt stood room the chair. "Mr. Foreman would you read your verdict."

"In the case of The Sate vs. DJ Pratt, we find the defendant…"

Lindsay swallowed. Danny grabbed Lindsay's hand.

"Guilt of Sexual Assault in the first degree."

The courtroom burst into cheers and clapping. The judge banged his gavel, calling for order. Lindsay exhaled deeply and lowered her head. It was over. The torment was finally over for her! Lindsay heart raced frantically in her chest. Tears fell from her eyes down her cheek. Lindsay looked up. The bailiff took Pratt and pulled him toward the door. Pratt was glaring at Lindsay. Lindsay stared right back at him with a hating passion. Lindsay watched Pratt until he disappeared behind the door.

Lindsay stood up with Danny. Danny released her hand and moved out of the way. Stella hugged Lindsay tightly. "It's over Lindsay."

Lindsay hugged Stella back tightly. She closed her eyes as tears formed behind her lids. Stella was right, it was over. Stella released Lindsay and Hawkes hugged her.

"Congratulations, Lindsay." he said.

"Thanks for the support." Lindsay replied.

Hawkes released Lindsay and headed out of the courtroom. The room was practically empty, save for Lindsay and Danny. Danny was waiting for Lindsay in the break between the benches. Lindsay finally moved out of the benches and looked up at Danny. She wiped a tear from her cheek half-heartedly.

"You didn't listen to me." Lindsay said.

Danny nodded and shrugged. "Guess you'll just have to hate me for it."

Lindsay shook her head. "No."

Danny looked confused.

"Danny…you…you've been there for me from the beginning. You pulled me out of the water, you kept in eye on me. You begged me to talk to someone." Lindsay explained. "Yesterday, you stopped me from leaving. Today…you…you kept me sane through everything, Danny. Need I say more."

Danny nodded. "'Friad so, Montana, cause I'm not followin'."

"No matter what I said to you or what I did, you never gave up on me. You kept pushing me toward this day. If anything, Danny, it was you who got me through this. Why should I be mad at you?" Lindsay finished.

"Hey, it was nothing." Danny shrugged.

Lindsay shook her head. "No, it was everything, Danny." She moved closed and wrapped her arms around Danny. Lindsay held him tightly. "Thank you."

Danny's arms wrapped around Lindsay's back, "Anytime, Montana."


i hate doing the endings, i can never figure one out!! i know this one sucks, please don't hate me!! i tried.

i own nothing!!