Sophie walked down the mile feeling as if things were, eerily, quiet. Wild Bill was dead, Percy was in Briar Ridge, and the only inmate there was John. Watching John as she cleaned, she felt sorry for him. He was about to die for a crime he didn't commit. No, good man like him should have to suffer and be punished for a crime he didn't commit. Hell, she would trade places with him and be in that cell in a heartbeat. Honestly, she felt as if she did belong there for what she did with Dean. She couldn't imagine what he had to tell him wife when he returned home.

"John?" she asked as she walked towards his cell, and he sat up on the cot. "How are you, today?" she asked as if everything was normal.

"I'm feelin' mighty down and lonely. When I saw you, I cheered right on up."

"I'm so glad to hear that, John. You're such a good person. Oh, I wish we could've met in a different place. I don't know where that place could be..."

"The circus. That would be a nice place. Seein' you and Mr. Jingles." he said with a smile and she wanted to open the cell door and hug him, but she knew what Dean had said was true. People would hate her and, likely, lock her up for helping him.

"Ah, yes. The circus would be a nice place to have met you. Well, I have to finish cleaning." she said as she continued to mop the mile and when she finished she went into Paul's office. As she was leaving, Dean stood in front of her and she froze. "Dean..." she said feeling her heart pound in her chest. She couldn't get the images of Dean the night before out of her head.

"Sophie. How are you today?" he asked with a smirk on his face and she couldn't help but grin at the way he looked.

"I am doing fine, Dean. Thank you so much for asking." Sophie said as she walked up to him and was about to walk past him when he grabbed her arm and turned her towards him.

"Can I get a kiss, Ms. Parker?" he asked and Sophie sighed. She felt a lot more bad about what they had done than she thought she would feel. How could it feel so right, yet be so wrong that she loved Dean. "Sophie, what's wrong?"

"Dean, if we insist on doing this, we have discreet about it. I can't help but feel bad about what we did. I mean, I enjoyed it. Maybe a little too much."

"I could never enjoy it too much. The things you made me feel like a damn teenager." he said and she wished would just see how she still feels guilty about it. She knew what they did felt right, but she still felt it was unfair to his wife.

"Dean...I love you. I just can't shake the idea of your wife and family. Last night was was a mistake..." Sophie said as she stared into his eyes.

"How could this..." he paused as he pulled her against him and kissed her. A fire burned within her and she knew once their lips touched again, she wouldn't be able to stay away. She felt as if she was the devil that converted a good man like him into becoming one of her demons. "be a mistake?"

"Dean..." she said as she pushed him away. She looked around feeling paranoid that someone caught them kissing. "I know I should feel relieved that the only person that knew about us is gone, locked up in Briar Ridge, but...I still don't feel safe. I don't feel right."

"Sophie, I love you. I really love you. I know it's not right in any ole preacher's eye, but it's right in my eyes. It's right in your eyes, I know it."

"I know, but your wife..." she, weakly, tried to reason with him. She had to reason with herself because she knew if she didn't, she would justify stealing another woman's husband.

"My wife couldn't make me feel the way you can. My wife wouldn't have done those things you can. My wife wouldn't have the heart you have. Sophie, you're the greatest woman I know. I don't think there's a goddamn person in this place that would look at John as an innocent man. Hell, it took me a long damn time to see it. No other woman would face a prison full of murderers and rapists with little fear and talk to them overlooking whatever crime they done. See? You're a wonderful woman." he said making her feel worse with every word he spoke.

"No, I'm not, Dean. The only reason I agreed to do this with you is have you see me as nothing more than a whore. You need to see me as the bad woman I am compared to your wife. I'm not your wife...I'm nobody's wife. Not with the life I lead."

"The life you lead? Sophie you do Toots job. You clean up a damn execution block. You're not a striptease artist anymore."

"What if I wanted to do it again? Would you be able to allow other men to look at me? Could you handle a man staring at me the way you should only be staring?"

"Yes..." he said and Sophie scoffed as if she didn't believe him. "I mean, it. I can handle it." he said and she sighed knowing he was lying. He was so jealous when he found out that she had agreed to fuck Percy to keep him quiet, there was no way he wouldn't be jealous of her dancing naked in front of a room full of men.

"Dean, you don't know what you're saying. Now..." she said when she saw Paul and Brutus come into block E. "Now, just drop it." Sophie said as she went into the execution room and Dean followed her there. A moment of dread came over her as she remembered that it was the very room Del was killed so cruelly in, and it is the same room in which John would die or a crime he didn't commit. That faded away as she turned to see Dean standing behind her with a question in his eyes. She felt weak knowing how much he wanted her and how wrong she still felt it was. Yet, she still felt she couldn't deny the heartache she felt when he left and how lonely and cold her bed was without him. God help her, she loved him.

"Wait, what about tonight? Can I see you tonight?" he asked and she wanted to melt and say yes, but the thought of his wife and children entered into her head.

"Dean..." she said when he grabbed her hand and kissed it. She was about to refuse him. She was going to make a move to stop this. She was about to tell him to go to his wife and never see her again, but she couldn't. She couldn't deny her feelings for him. "Yes. I'll see you tonight." she said feeling as if she was a weak woman, a selfish woman.

"Great. Sophie, I love you so much." he said as he kissed her. She could feel the passion in his lips and she fought the urge to have sex with him then and there. When he pulled her closer to him, she felt the fire burn brighter as she thought about the night before again. If they had been alone as they were earlier, she might have considered having a quickie, but she stopped knowing they weren't alone.

"I love you, too." Sophie said as she caressed his face. "Now, go back before they start looking for you. You know how Paul gets when you take too long."

"I know. And, uh, you try and keep Toot's hands off you. You know how he gets."

"I know..." Sophie said as she rolled her eyes. She watched Dean leave with a good feeling in her body. How could someone so wonderful be another woman's husband?

Suddenly, a dread came over her as she thought more about what she was doing to his wife. She knew she wouldn't be so quick to have an affair with Dean if she was his wife and another woman was his mistress. Yet, she couldn't fight what her heart was telling her. She loved him, and she didn't know if she could let him go.

When she returned to the mile, she saw Dean sitting in Paul's office. She smiled as she walked by, but she could feel herself breakdown on the inside. Again, she wondered how could a man so perfect belong to someone else.

After leaving work and returning home, she saw that a letter had come for her. When she saw that it was from her mother, she opened it and read it. It was short, but it was enough to disturb her.


Come home to mama. We're starting up the circus again, and want you to be in it. You'd make us a lot of money again. I'm sure that married man won't mind.

Always watching,


Damn that woman and her damn visions, Sophie thought as she crumpled up the letter.