I'm back. Bet you didn't think I would stay updating this long. To be completely honest, I didn't think I would last this long either. But, cross your fingers. I'm here for the long run, at least I hope so. And again thanks for all my reviewers: old and new. It's because you that I have lasted this long. So review. Also, there is a new poll up. Check it out. Enjoy!


Both remained silent as they walked through the halls of the palace. Being palace brats, they knew that the walls had ears. People listening at every corner. Hopefully her private quarters were as empty as she hoped it would be. It wasn't. Opening the door to her room, her two handmaidens were having a pillow fighting with the pillows that were supposed to be on her already made bed. They obviously didn't notice her and Ash enter the room, so after both entered she slammed the door. Startled they jumped of her bed and stood and curtsied low. Then rushed to perfect the cushions on her bed.

" I uhh… I… I… I'm soo sorry. We umm didn't think you'd-"

"It's alright." May lightly smiled. "Jennifer, Clarissa, this is Prince Ashton of Kanto."

He and Pikachu, who was still on his shoulder, bowed his head slightly, "Ladies."

Both of them giggled and were clearly blushing. They curtsied and said together, "Your highness."

Both scurried out of the room. "He's even more handsome than I imagined him to be," she heard one of them whisper. After a moment of silent when the two servants feet were no longer heard, both May and Ash laughed.

"Well, your highness. You're as charming as ever."

"We're not back on this 'your highness' thing again. Are we, May?"

She chuckled and sat on her bed, "No, ASH. We aren't. Now quit stalling and tell me about Misty."

She noticed his posture change in the slightest way. He stood taller, straightening his back seeming as if he was trying to reject the question with his entire body. The confident and flamboyant prince suddenly turned into this delicate and careful prince. Pikachu felt this and jumped unto her lap making May giggle. He smiled lightly seeing this.

"I'm sorry. If this is a hard topic for you-"

"NO. You asked and I'm going to answer," he reluctantly sat beside her placing his hands on his legs in an almost systematic way.

"What do you want to know?"

"Tell me how you met and how you fell in love with her. I love romance."

"It wasn't much of a romantic encounter."


"What?" he yelled at the yellow Pokémon. "It's wasn't a romance, per say." he shrugged.

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu nodded. May laughed at their interactions. He really understood his Pokémon very well. It was amazing to see such a connection.

"I will know if there was a romantic encounter or not. Now, Ash, tell me what happened. And no stalling this time."

"Only if Pikachu doesn't interrupt me anymore."

"Ash." he heard her beg and took a deep breath. She was waiting to hear the story and he promised to tell her privately.

"Alright if you really wanna know…" Ash sighed and sat at the foot of her bed. "Well... There was a new Pokémon Inns around the city created by my parents for young Pokémon Trainers to lodge comfortably in towns than camping out. These inns provided food for the traveler and their Pokémon as well as giving them medical care and traveling basics all paid for by my family. My mom believes that every trainer should have to opportunity to learn and grow closer to their Pokémon, no matter their social class. So I wanted to go check it out with Pikachu."


It was early the morning after the grand opening of the first Pokémon Trainer's Inn. My parents were there that morning to greet young trainers and make sure the place was running up to par. I couldn't attend knowing that if I did, I couldn't enter again without being labeled as the prince. So I waited just one more day.

"Come on, Pikachu!" I tried waking this little bimbo up. But he just snuggled more into the pillow ignoring me. "We've gotta get out of here before we get caught." Pikachu tried to convince me to let him sleep a few more moments but he finally moved when I told him today was bath day. He jumped out of bed quicker than I had ever seen him move in a long time.


"See, buddy. Aren't you glad we got up earlier? The sun's shining brighter than it usually is inside the palace."

"Pika." Pikachu agreed still half asleep on my shoulder, but then again he's never been a morning Pokémon.

"It smells great out here. The bakers bread. Fresh flowers of the nearby forest. Nature! That's a wonderful thing."

"Kichu. Pika pi."

" It doesn't smell that bad. I mean it could be worse."


I winced and looked down. My left shoe was completely soaked ankles down in this brown icky substance.

"For some reason I don't think this is mud."

Just then a pile of the same substance came pouring down on both me and Pikachu.


Sparks emitted from Pikachu's cheeks and a large thunderbolt caused me to faint. Pikachu jumped off my shoulder landing softly on the ground before I fell face first into the feces.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked Pikachu lifting my head and spitting out the bit that got into my mouth. Pikachu shook the dirt off my face.


"At least you're awake now, buddy. Come on, I want to see the Pokémon Trainers' Inn."


Walking into the Inn, the first thing in the woman asked me to do was bathe. She tossed the towel at me and I dried myself off while she dried Pikachu.

" Now, let's talk. What are you here for?"

"I'm just here for a visit. I am…. Not really….. Able to take a journey and I wasn't able to see the grand opening yesterday."

"You missed seeing the king and queen. It is very rare that they come into town."

I chuckled. Being the prince, I already seen more than enough of them for a lifetime. "Oh, I don't mind. They'll be here for next year's festival, right?"

"But that's not the same!"

"Cha!" Pikachu chanted smiling.

"That feels better. Doesn't it, Pikachu?" The woman said in a sweet voice. Pikachu nodded smiling. This little brat and knew that if he was back home in the Castle, he would have shocked the first person he seen with water. "Your Pikachu's fair is so soft. I bet the prince's Pikachu isn't as well groomed as yours."


" Nurse Joy!" Another voice said entering the room. That's when I first seen her with a large baskets sitting on her left hip filled with lots of cloth. "I brought the cloaks and the handkerchiefs you ordered: 2 dozen sets today and the rest should be ready by tomorrow morning."

I didn't know she was. And I wouldn't have expected us to be so close now, but in this very moment, I don't believe she even seen me at all. Her hair was pulled back into a ribbon and her dress was probably very simple but I only notice her glowing red hair and the bright shades of green in her eyes. She even had her own unique grace and elegance with each step she took. I don't even think I remember the rest of what happened that day, but I do remember that the moment she left I wanted her back. I couldn't catch up with her and I didn't get the courage to ask the woman in charge what her name was. I only knew that she would be here tomorrow morning with the rest of her delivery.


"That's so sweet, but what happened when you returned home?" May asked, "did your parents notice that you disappeared?"

"Of course they did. The only thing I see more than them is Pikachu. When they asked me where I was and what I did, I told them, minus the part where I get poop dumped on me and meeting Misty. My father was upset. My mother wasn't too thrilled either, but she understood even when the I asked her if I could go back."

"Did they allow you to go? I mean they must have or else you would truly 'met' Misty."

"Well," Ash began. "My father wanted me to stay home and continue my studies, my mother thought it would teach me kindness and responsibility more so than my princely duties would. The only reason my father allowed it, was that I promised I would do both. Help out at the Inn in the early mornings and return for afternoon lunch and classes. Plus on Fridays, I had to attend every court trial. So basically I doubled my workload, but it was worth it."

May watched his smile grow as he talked even when her name was not even mention. It was almost like he was a completely different person. "So what happened? How did you meet her face-to-face?"

"Well it was all because of Pikachu." May chuckled as he pointed to the sleeping Pokémon on May's lap.

" How so?"

"Well, you see, once I found out where she lived, I followed her around town while she completed her deliveries and any other errands. I promise you I was not a stalker, I was just trying to find the right moment to introduce myself. Pikachu must've gotten tired of waking up earlier than necessary just to follow her around. So he jumped off my shoulder and ran straight into Misty and jumped on her shoulder. Somehow Pikachu and knew she wouldn't mind. Misty, being the person that she is, just gave him a very good from her basket. Pikachu must have known I wouldn't leave him because I yelled his name and chased after him. He pounced and he hid himself behind the folds of her dress. We ended up playing Ring around the Rosie around her for almost 5 minutes. I was so embarrassed."

"What did she say?"

"She just laughed and smiled. I was surprised that she knew who I was or knew that I helped out at the Inn and the morning when trainers were preparing to leave for their journey."

"We ended up talking for a long time that day. I even went around helping her with her deliveries. She was just so easy to talk to and so kind. I learned a lot about her."


"Like that she hates the Royals and the various other high-class citizens especially in the Duke of Cerelean. I can understand why, if my father abandoned me like that to stay married to a wealthy woman. I would have been just as angry. I understand why she would hate high-class citizens."

"But your parents seem kind, compared to my family."

"Sure they seem that way. Take my father, for instance, he's very strict and proper. To never late and never too early. More interested in the logistics and the statistics than the real people going through the hardships. I've seen my father give a small bag of coins to a woman who lost her husband and her entire home. Then gives the duke's son and entire estate with acres upon acres of land. My mother, quite the opposite, she's kind and gentle, but she is more interested in appearing to be the perfect queen to make my father look good and keep her the throne beside him. That's why I'm scared. If I did get to marry her, I'd have to subject her to that world. The world I was groomed into. The choice is to have my bride and subject her to that suffering or marry someone else and tried to move on without her. I mean it's happened before. Not everyone has the chance to marry their beloved."

"But both of our parents married for love."

"Yes, but my father was already wealthy before marrying the Princess. Your mother and father had royal blood in them."

"But maybe they'd understand what you're feeling. Plus think about her. Don't you think she's waiting for her Prince Charming to sweep her off her feet."

"She doesn't know I'm a prince. She thinks I am some rich noble man's son looking for something to do."

"But she loves you."

"Nothing's going to happen between us! So can we just drop it?!" Ash shouted.

May was scared for a moment. This wasn't the same prince she had seen just minutes ago talking about the love of his life. This wasn't even the same friends that was wiping the dust off Pikachu's nose when he fell into the flowers. This, Ash, was angry and seen so stressed out, but she did understand his feelings enough to pity him.

"Okay." May finally said out loud, "Just answer me this. What was your fondest memory of her?"


How did you enjoy this establishment? Please review. Love you all! ^_^ Have a Happy Sunday! Forgive me if there are any mistakes.