This is a series of plot bunnys that are availible for adoption. I would like to read these stories but don't have time to write them. Feel free to use them. Just let me know so I can read the story.


Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling

No one had ever attempted to split their soul more than once. No one knew what might happen . . . .

When Lord Voldemort cast the Killing Curse on baby Harry Potter. The fragments of his soul switched places with the nearest person. 60 year old Lord Voldemort is inhabiting the body of Harry Potter, while baby Harry Potter is imprisoned in the scar. What will Voldemort to to the Dursleys?

40 year old Tom Riddle is inhabiting the body of a Hogwarts student or teacher, who is, in turn, imprisoned in the diadem.

30 year old Tom Riddle is inhabiting the body of Kreacher, who is imprisoned in the locket.

30 year old Tome Riddle is inhabiting the body of a goblin, who is imprisoned in the Cup in Bellatrix's vault

20 year old Tom Riddle is inhabiting the body of a resident of New Hagleton, who is imprisoned in the ring.

16 year old Tom Riddle is inhabiting the body the body of one of the Malfoys, who is imprisoned in the diary.

In addition the effects radiated across Britain, forming Soul Bonds randomly without reguards to age difference or blood status.