
Disclaimer: i don't own NCIS, that credit belongs to CBS and here in Australia Network 10. I only own the characters that you don't recongise. If i did own NCIS, Jenny would not have died. I also don't own the song lyrics that will appear in a future chapter, that credit belongs to Aussie singer Natalie Bassingthwaighte, from her album 1000 Stars.

AUTHORS NOTE: i know that Kelly was 7 when she died, so she would be at least 24ish. I originally thought the accident happened when she was 4 or 5. So this is purley fluff. But everything that happened with gibbs and his ex wives has happened as per TV show. This is my first NCIS fic


Kelly Gibbs closed her Math book shut and sighed, the end of the day and the end of class couldn't have come fast enough. She hated maths and having math as last class on Friday afternoon was in her opinion was torture. She made her way down the stairs and made her way to the school buses and waited for her best friend Maddie Tyler, Maddie arrived soon after with a larger group

"Kelly my girl, how was math?" asked her friend Jesse

"Fascinating as always long did you last"

"15 mins..then i got kicked out" came the reply

"im impressed" Kelly laughed as Jesse got her in a headlock

"Mr Donovan let go" cried a teacher

"oh...come on Miss...its love"

"in your dirty perverted mind Jesse Donovan" replied Kelly

Soon a bus pulled up "yo Jesse" cried his brother Ryan "its us"

Ryan kissed Maddie goodbye and climbed onto the bus, followed by Jesse, who sat in the window seat and made a fish face on the window at the girls until the bus left

"he likes you" Maddie told Kelly

"yuck Mads, he has a mind of a 3yr old" Kelly laughed

"well we gotta find you someone"

"hey our bus is here"

A man ran up to the bus dressed in a dark suit "Kelly Gibbs" he asked as he flashed his badge


"ive got orders from Director Shepard to bring you straight to NCIS, some kind of emergency"

"Um OK...sorry Maddie"

"go" came Maddie's reply "i'll ring you later"


"plans for the weekend" asked Ziva

"nothing yet" answered Tony

"starting a new book" replied McGee

"Working on my boat" came Gibbs' reply

"no daddy/daughter time" asked Ziva

"nope staying at Maddie's"

Maddie entered the squadroom and made her way to Gibbs desk "Mr Gibbs, Mr everything OK..are you OK...ive tried ringing Kelly but she wont answer he cell..i thought it was some sort of protocol"



"what are you talking about" asked Gibbs

"the emergency"

"what emergency" asked Gibbs, getting frustrated that Maddie was talking in riddles

"some agent came and picked up Kelly after school, orders from the Director" explained Maddie

Gibbs hurried up the stairs, past Cynthia and into Jenny's office

"did you order someone to pick Kelly up from school?"

"Special Agent Gibbs...i do not appreciate...."Jenny started

"did you order someone to pick Kelly up" he asked again

"NO!" came the response

Gibbs turned and left the office as quickly as he came and made his way back down to his team "Ziva your with me. Bring Maddie"

Tony gave a questioning look at Ziva, Ziva shrugged. He looked at McGee who looked confussed.

Gibbs opened the door to the conference room and all 3 entered and sat "i want you to start from the beginning" he told Maddie

"well as you know Kelly was staying at my place for the weekend. We meant where we always did after school, out the front near the buses and we chatted until the boys bus came" Kelly explained

"the boys" questioned Ziva


"the boys being Ryan, Jesse, Chuck and Steven" Gibbs put in

"yep" replied Maddie "we hung out until Ryan and Jesse's bus came, then we waited 15mins before my bus came. The bus came but before we got on some guy came running up to us and flashed his badge, told Kelly she had to go with him – Director Shepard's orders"

"what did he look like" asked Gibbs

"tall, athletic, blondish hair that was cut short"

"how short"

"i don't know"

"my length, Special Agent Dinozzo's length?" asked Gibbs' who was starting to get annoyed

"i don't know Mr Gibbs"

"Maddie, you've been a great help" Ziva reassured the girl

"there was no emergency, was there" asked Maddie quietly

"no" came Gibbs' response

Meanwhile in the bullpen Tony and McGee sat at their desks trying to figure out what was going on "what do we know Probie" asked Tony

"that Kelly was spending the weekend at Maddie's"

"So what's Maddie doing here"

"Maybe the girls had a fight and Maddie came here looking for Kelly"

"But where's Kelly" asked Tony

McGee went to say something but closed his mouth, both men knew that Kelly always came to NCIS after she finished school, unless staying at a friends place she would ring so Gibbs knew she was safe. It had always been like that. Director Shepard stood at the top of the stairs watching Tony and McGee trying to figure out what was going on "Dinozzo, McGee, whats going on?" she asked as she made her way down the stairs

"just trying to figure it out Director" answered Tony

"uh...boss" stated McGee "whats going on?"

Tony and Jenny turned and faced Gibbs

"Kelly's been kindnapped"