Author's Note:

Greetings everyone, I live! I have not been working on stories much lately but I am now back at fanfiction for a while, like a drifting soul amoung the worlds of fiction.

I have had the next chapter firmly locked in my mind for a year or two now, and even an idea on the next one, but can never get off my but and write. I fallen back into Star Wars (I love many different series, and spent periods liking, forgetting, then liking them again, like a cycle) and have been spurred to write a story on it too! My time at high school is running out, (not permantently, but for the winter) and it is the day before school gets back. I just need a kick in the pants to write again, preferably before school gets hard again. The next chapter of this story IS outlined in my head, but i haven't touched this story in forever...