A.N. I decided that there needed to be more Cry-Baby stories on this site. So I'm gonna try and write one. No, this is not gonna be totally about Allison. I'll probably swap back and forth about who a certain section is about.
The main characters (Allison, Cry-Baby, etc.) are all 16, almost 17. Sophomores in high school.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This movie came out 7 ½ months before I was born, so it would've been kinda hard for me to have any part in making it. I'm just tweaking the plot for my amusement.
Allison Vernon-Williams was observant, if she said so herself. She had grown up with her grandmother, after her parents were killed, hearing horrible things about the drapes. She had heard every story imaginable about them. She wasn't quite sure if she believed those stories. She had been watching them at school whenever she could since her grandmother started telling tales, and the stories didn't seem to match the real personality of the drapes. She had been told that they were nothing but ignorant, no-account delinquents. She had been told that they cared for nothing and were worth nothing. Like was said earlier, she wasn't sure if she believed that.
One of the first stories she had heard was that they were ignorant. She could easily disprove that... Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker, the leader of the drapes (at least those in high school) had the highest grade in math in the school. His sister, Pepper, was the same in pretty much every other class and second in math. Not that anyone else knew this particular fact; it was a close kept secret that Allison only found out by accident. (That's a story that will not be gotten into at this time.)
The second story involved something about how they would sell their own family if it would help them. That one was so easy to disprove that it took no time at all. Allison had seen Cry-Baby knock the lights out of a "square" who had said some awful things about Pepper, once he heard about it two days later. The square ended up with two black eyes and a broken nose. Pepper couldn't do anything about it at the time because she had been told, by their principal, that if she got into another fight she would be kicked out of school. She needed to graduate for her children's sakes (she had two already and one on the way).
So, Allison couldn't believe her grandmother's stories.
Allison was a square. One of the privileged members of society. She dressed in full-length skirts and blouses that showed absolutely nothing at all. She kept her hair up most of the time, and her make-up was very discrete (as in, basically non-existent). She kept to pastel colors and tight slacks were forbidden. All of her square friends were pretty much the same. The girls dressed just like her, and the boys kept to very modest clothing as well. No blue jeans or t-shirts for them. No way. The were clean-cut (no long-hair for them). All the squares were kinda boring to tell the truth. They were the good kids, the ones who never got in trouble.
The drapes, on the other hand, had very little. They were the lowest on society's ladder; well, maybe not the lowest but close to it. The girls wore skirts with slits up to their thighs or tight slacks and blouses that were tight and only somewhat modest. They wore bold make-up that made their eyes and lips stand out. Their hair was curled and allowed to flow down their backs and around their faces. They wore bright colors. The boys wore jeans, t-shirts, and button-up shirts (which were worn unbuttoned). Some also wore leather jackets. The collars on the shirts and jackets were popped up instead of folded down. Their hair was long enough to be slicked back (with a little twig hanging down in the front of course). The drapes had fun. They did what they wanted. They were the juvenile delinquents, the ones who got in trouble for everything... even if it wasn't their fault. (Not that they didn't do anything to get in trouble, but no one believed them when they didn't, if that makes sense.)
Allison had been watching the drapes for... she couldn't remember how long she had been watching them. Specifically, she had been watching Cry-Baby and his gang. She'd had a crush on him for two years now, since eighth grade. She knew though that he would never go out with a square, so she started dating Baldwin in the hope that she could get over Cry-Baby... that plan was useless and didn't work at all. Going out with Baldwin just proved that her crush was much more than a crush... she loved Cry-Baby. Now, she just had to figure out how to tell him and how to get him to love her back....
A.N. So what do you think? Should I continue this? If even one person says "continue," I will. I need reviews! They feed my muse.