* Hey everyone! As you all very well know, 'New Moon' is coming out in less than three months- does happy dance!- and to keep the masses and my own personal fans able to await the highly anticipated sequel to last year's smash hit 'Twilight', I decided to write a sequel to the entire 'Twilight' series about Renesmee & Jacob and how their relationship evolves when she's all grown up, just six years after the events of 'Breaking Dawn'. So without further ado, I give you 'Winter Solstice'!


The moon shone brightly on the wooded forest shrouded in snow.

A girl disentangled herself from the shadows of the trees.

She looked to be sixteen, with copper hair in ringlets down her back, her chocolate brown eyes looked up towards the moon.

" Nessie?", A voice from the shadows called.

Renesmee turned towards the voice.

A Native American boy of the same age stepped from the shadow of the ice-covered trees surrounding the meadow where Renesmee stood.

While Renesmee wore a long-sleeved soft pink gown, this boy wore only sweatpants.

" Jacob", Renesmee greeted the boy.

" What are you doing out here?", asked Jacob.

" I could ask you the same thing", retorted Renesmee.

" Your parents will be wondering where you are", stated Jacob.

" As long as you're with me, they won't worry", reasoned Renesmee.

" Nessie-", began Jacob, obviously enraged with her carelessness.

" Don't you love the moon, Jacob?", asked Renesmee, cutting off what Jacob was going to say.

Jacob glanced up at the moon. It was full and shining as bright as the sun. Jacob fought back the primal urge to howl at it and said to Renesmee in a husky voice, " It's beautiful".

At this, Jacob stared at the shorter girl dressed in only a gown in the middle of a snow-covered meadow. His gaze grew tender the longer he stared at her. It was obvious that he loved the girl beside him wholeheartedly.

Renesmee looked up and caught Jacob staring at her and blushed, her already rosy cheeks becoming even rosier.

A cocky smile spread over Jacob's face. Seeing it, Renesmee asked playfully, " Want to run?".

Jacob's grin got bigger and he said, " You're on".

Then in the blink of an eye, they were off sprinting through the snow-covered world, laughing like maniacs as they did, unaware that someone was watching them.


* So what do you think? I tried to make the characters just how Stephenie Meyer wrote them because they are the most important part of the story. If there's anything that doesn't seem right, please write it in a review or PM to me and I'll try my hardest to make this story about as great as the Twilight series. Don't forget, I'm a fan, too. And we all love this series with a passion not most can understand so really do call me out about anything! Until next time, Go Team Jacob!