Again, so sorry for the late update! Enjoy! :)
"So are ya nervous?" Renji rolled his eyes at his bald friend, taking another swig of his drink. Placing the empty glass on the counter, Renji smiled politely at the bartender when he swiftly refilled his drink.
"Nah…" Renji concluded, at first he had to admit, he was extremely anxious and nervous about the upcoming dinner at his EX captain's house.
However, after thinking it over and mustering up all his confidence, Renji began to feel at east about the idea; of course…the liquor helped some too.
Ikakku couldn't help but smirk behind his glass at his friend's calm demeanor, even though he was promoted…and Ikakku SUSPECTED that he was involved romantically with Rukia now…Renji was still the same old Renji. Just the thought of Rukia made the bald headed man glance at Renji, taking in his serene expression; Renji definitely seemed at peace recently.
"So…man, what's up with you and Rukia?" he blurted out, the question hovering in the air between the two men seated at the bar.
Renji watched Ikakku from the corner of his eye, taking in the way his friend leaned closer to him and patiently awaited an answer. Renji sighed slightly, "…what ever do ya mean?"
"C'mon, I wasn't born yesterday." Ikakku spoke, leaning against the counter, feeling Renji's eyes on him.
"I know…ha, why does it matter anyways, why is everyone so obsessed with whose dating who, or whose sleeping with whom?"
"You slept with her!" Ikakku exclaimed, a little louder than intended, for almost every eye in the joint landed on them. He could not believe what his friend unintentionally spoke; he never thought Renji would go THAT far with her THAT fast. Renji fought back a blush, "ugh," he groaned, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Ikakku's mouth dropped open; Renji fought the urge to slam it shut. Renji felt like crawling into a hole, he was SUCH a fucking idiot for making that remark, he may have well just admitted everything to his friend, who was assuming such anyway.
"Don't tell a fuckin' soul. I mean it man." He ordered Ikakku, looking straight ahead of him, his eyes focusing on the empty bottles around the bar for decoration. He cringed, feeling Ikakku's shocked expression aimed at him.
"Holy shit! Congratulations…damn, you're getting everything you've ever wanted." He pointed out, his arm going around his friend's shoulders as he squeezed him. Renji pushed away from his bald friend and slightly smirked, turning to look him in the eye.
"Like I said. Not. A. Fu-"
"Fucking soul, I promise…you have my fucking word man." Ikakku stated, his eyes revealing his honesty. Renji silently thanked his friend with a look of approval, before setting his eyes forward again, watching the bartender converse with the drunken customers. Renji smirked, taking a large gulp of his drink and welcoming the tingling warmth that was being created in his stomach.
"So…" Ikakku began, his voice revealing that he was about to ask for the dirty details, that much Renji detected immediately.
"So…I gotta head out." Renji answered, making his friend sigh loudly.
"C'mon…how was sh-"
"No." the read head answered sharply, making his way to the exit leaving behind a frustrated Ikakku.
"God, why does he have to be so…damn honorable," Ikakku grumbled at his absence as he looked around, bringing the glass to his lips as he chugged down the liquid.
Renji walked briskly out of the bar and the moment his feet hit the dirt clad ground he inhaled the scent of the air, clean and clear. He felt at peace with the world, and it seemed like all the bits of the puzzle were coming together neatly. He had his dream job. He had his dream girl. His whole life at the moment was a dream come true, one he had dreamt of for years and years. Needless to say, he was ecstatic…nothing could bring down Renji Abarai; for he was walking on the clouds. He wasn't even nervous about the dinner anymore, though he had to admit…he was frightened at the beginning, practicing lines in front of the mirror to prevent any slip ups. But now, it was just a dinner at a colleague's house. Sure, it was a colleague who used to be his captain, but that was all in the past now….the future was going to be very bright, Renji realized, his eyes searching the endless night sky. He breathed in the night air, relaxing his shoulders as he headed towards the dirt path that stretched out in the distance, sandwiched between tall oak trees.
Renji perked up, his heart slightly racing as his eyes focused on the enormous elegant gates that became closer and closer with every stride he took. And, the little boy in him screamed out that it wasn't too late to bolt, to run away and pretend that the dinner invitation was a dream. But, his fought that little voice knowing all to well that it was just his nerves trying to get the better of him….hell, if he'd let that happen. This was it. This was the moment of truth that would proceed to separate the barriers between Rukia and himself.
His eyes shifted between the two men who stood guard at the gate, their backs straightened completely and their demeanors screamed professionalism. They took notice of him as he advanced towards their positions, however, their faces revealed no emotion. And, at the same time their mouths opened as Renji stood at a stand still in between them, "Welcome to the Kuchiki manor, Abarai-taicho." Renji smiled at them both, not knowing what sounded sweeter, them welcoming him to the manor as if he were royalty, or them using his new title when addressing him. Maybe, he decided, they sounded equally great.
He inhaled deeply as the men moved stoically, and completely out of memory. Each one grasping the opposite side of the gate and, keeping themselves facing Renji, walked backwards allowing the distance between them to grow. The gate opened widely, the view of it welcoming and warming to him as he stepped inside, his feet standing on the very grounds his former captain and the love of his life walked upon each day. He stood still for a moment, his ears pounding with hot blood, slightly fading the proper wishes for a good evening that the guards threw his way. He did however hear the sound of the gate as it clanked loudly together and locked. The sound stirring Renji to walk once more, pulling his shoulders back as the surroundings he took in caused his chest to swell with pride.
The Kuchiki manor was truly a sight to behold. Beautiful gardens surrounded him as he walked upon the neatly paved path that would lead him right to the front door. The cherry Blossom trees were scattered all around the lot, making Renji think of Rukia and how she must love sitting below these trees, allowing her eyes to gaze up upon their beauty. She was always one to love nature and the beauty in simple things. She never really appreciated material possessions, and though she was adopted by one of the richest clans in all of Soul Society, she easily kept herself grounded. She never forgot who she was…or where she came from. He imagined it must have been tough to be thrust into a world of riches…when all she had before was the necessities that they had to steal to keep alive. It made his heart clench for a moment, thinking of how she must've felt abandoned by him while facing one of the toughest transitions of her life. He regretted not being there for her, simply because of his resolve to leave her be, so that she could discover a new and better life. His feet continued their quest as his mind began to drift…
"So, they treat you okay?"
"Of course they do, why would you ask that?" Rukia snapped, and Renji remembered the hurt in her beautiful voice, hurt he never wanted to hear ever again. But, he had to compose himself; though all he wished to do at that moment was to grab her and pull her close.
"I was just making sure; I worry about that sometimes...I knew there was a possibility that they would treat you like you were just some stray from Rukon-"
"-If you knew that, then why did you push me for the adoption?"
Renji shook the memory from his head, though he couldn't get the sound of her voice off of his mind. He made a mental note to speak to her more about the past because he needed to get his point further across. There was a lot more to the story then he led on…there was still so much he needed to convey to her. And, he decided that now, was not the right time to dwell on such things. Especially since, he was now standing right in front of the door. Pausing for a moment, Renji held his hand up to the door, preparing to knock on the hard wood. Then, as if sensing his arrival, the door opened briskly revealing a pleasant looking servant who bowed politely at him.
"Welcome, Abarai-taicho." She spoke, her head bowed down respectively as he walked into the house. Renji smiled politely, "Thank you so much." He watched as the servant smiled with a small blush on her face before walking slightly behind him to close the door. Then, in a flash she was standing in front of him once more, asking for him to follow her as she guided him down the long, winding halls that would lead him to the dining area. His eyes took in the neatly polished and shiny halls that seemed too clean to even set foot on, in fear of scuffing the elegant wood. He simply watched his steps, making sure not to trip up and harm the flooring.
The paintings that lined the walls were beautiful, paintings of bamboo, cherry blossoms and flowing ponds calmed his mind. And occasionally there were end tables pressed against the walls, holding a fragile vase with even more fragile looking flowers. It took a lot of money to uphold this manor, and Renji began to feel inferior for the first time that night.
But, he sensed her near him…and his brain practically turned to mush. Oh, her energy made his knees weak and caused a heated sensation in his stomach…he doubted he would ever reveal that information to her. She already has his heart and the stubborn part of him, which made up half of his soul, reminded him that he couldn't give her too much power. Even though she was so hot when she had all the power.
'Okay, thinkin' bout that shit…is not appropriate, Renji, hold it together,' he mentally scorned himself, hoping that the servant didn't catch on to his discomfort as they stood in front of the door that separated the hallway from the dining room. Renji's face hardened with resolve as he sensed Byakuya's energy awaiting his arrival inside. The servant knelt on the clean floor, Renji's eyes watching her every movement as she bowed her head in respect as the door slid open. The other servants that opened the door came into Renji's view as they motioned him inside with their hands.
"Kuchiki-taichou, Abarai-taichou has arrived," the kneeling servant spoke, her head still bowed in respect. Renji's eyes were glued on his ex-taichou as he rose to his feet for his arrival, for his.
"Welcome, Abarai-san." Byakuya spoke as he walked slowly towards him, Renji meeting him halfway. They now stood face to face, Renji slightly towering over the noble as their eyes never broke contact.
"Thank you, Kuchiki-san," Renji spoke, his voice strong and confident. This, no doubt, Byakuya could sense. His eyes revealed no sort of emotion though as his hand bolted out, offering a polite handshake. This slightly baffled Renji…he knew that Byakuya was never the one to honor or show appreciation for others, and this was honestly the first time Renji had witnessed Byakuya initiate a handshake. Actually, it was the first time he saw Byakuya even associated with a handshake. But, his hand bolted out on instinct, and gripped the noble's sturdy and cold hand. The shake was brief and professional, each man applying equal force on the others hand…if they weren't in such a friendly meeting, one would think there was tension between them.
The men recoiled at the same time, their hands falling at their sides as their eyes broke contact. Byakuya turned slightly first, his hand motioning to the table behind him as he strode back to his seat.
"Have a seat Abarai-san, make yourself comfortable…Rukia will be joining us shortly." He informed him, his voice cool and calm as always. Renji was surprised he didn't feel nervous anymore, he felt at east as he sat on his knees across from his formal captain. He did wish though, that Rukia was here when he arrived because that would make him feel completely comfortable. His eyes glanced down at the table, there were several bowls of rice and steamed goodness as well as plates of delicious food that made his mouth slightly water. His stomach practically jumped out of his body as his eyes landed on a plate full of cooked salmon that basically had his name on it. He did envy Rukia and Byakuya for having any type of delicacy at their every wish, hell…he remembered Rukia once telling him that she had stayed up all night at her captain's office finishing reports, and when she came home she was able to request a hot meal from the staff. Though, she did admit that she mentally fought herself about whether or not to ask, but told Renji they approached her and made offers that her stomach couldn't refuse.
Damn, if he was her…he would never stop eating. Then, Renji realized, how was it that she stayed so damn skinny? He thought that anyone with this type of food at their expense at any time would gain a minimum of 20 pounds in the first year. He'd probably gain more, he supposed.
"You are dismissed," Byakuya spoke, making Renji snap out of his thoughts as the servant that led him to the dining room bowed silently and rose to her feet.
"Yes! Thank you for your help." Renji called out to her, making her blush. He supposed she wasn't used to being thanked as he watched her step out into the hall and close the door. Then as soon as one door closed, another opened on his right side making his eyes land on the person it revealed.
"I apologize for my late arrival, Nii-sama, Ren…Abarai-san," she spoke politely; she slightly bowed down as she mentally kicked herself for almost referring to Renji by his name in front of her brother. It would not be proper at all. Even though it was the title that came naturally to her, the name that she loved to breathe out.
Renji smiled brightly as his eyes landed on his Rukia, she looked utterly beautiful. His eyes traveled up and down her body, taking in the fine silk kimono that covered her delicate curves, the light violet color making her eyes stand out against her porcelain skin. He couldn't help but take in her appearance suggestively, and when their eyes met he slightly winked at her, noting the smirk that threatened to conquer her face.
Renji rose to his feet as she slowly walked towards the square table, but paused directly in front of him. Every single damn inch of his body yearned to touch her right now, his hands itched to reach out and pull her flush against his body. But, his mind reminded him that hugging was not appropriate in front of his former captain, who also happened to be her big and overprotective brother. Rukia smiled that gorgeous smile that he was so fond of, making his heart skip a beat and resume its fast pace as they made eye contact and bowed at each other. Their eyes having a silent conversation, laughing about how they both knew this was an act. Renji had to admit, this was a rush…to know that they were much more than Byakuya knew they were…like he said, a rush.
They both smiled widely at one another, before wiping any hint of happiness off their faces as they reached their positions at the table and sat down to prepare for a long and nice meal. Renji was happy that she chose to sit on the right side of the table, while he was seated across from Byakuya…it made it seem as though she were a cute little buffer of any awkwardness that might occur between the men on opposite sides of the table.
A couple servants walked into the room, carrying trays of food, the smells surrounding the occupants of the room. Renji was actually looking forward to this meal…eating it, of course….but also enjoying the company of Rukia and Byakuya.
"How are you, Abarai-san?" Rukia spoke, breaking the short silence between the three of them. Both men's gazes fell upon her as she glanced down at her food, her smile dropping some before she recovered it. Renji bit his lip, he sensed something perturbed her in that moment, but shook away the thoughts as he felt both her eyes and Byakuya's on him.
"I am well, and you, Kuchiki-san…?" he asked. He slightly furrowed his brows at her when she hesitated to respond, her smile returning on her beautiful face. He wondered if it was the formality to that getting to her.
"Rukia?" Byakuya questioned, Renji knowing that he sensed her hesitation too. "Is something bothering you at the moment, you seem as though you are perturbed." He noted, his stoic eyes searching her face for answers. Renji couldn't help but hold his breath as he watched Rukia put on an act…ugh, he realized, she's upset about something. The natural instinct in him telling him, no ORDERING him to go to her and coddle her.
"Thank you for your concerns, Nii-sama…but, I assure you, I am fine."
"Are you sure, Rukia? I would not wish you into a situation that could stimulate your illness." Byakuya spoke, his words making Rukia flinch. She didn't tell Renji…
"Huh? Um…" Renji began, his eyes revealing his concern as his eyes scanned the small girl to his right, Byakuya's eyes studying the redhead, trying to figure out what was different about the way they were acting towards one another.
"What…illness?" he questioned her, his voice dripping with concern. But, Rukia sensed more than concern behind his words. She sensed the hurt in his voice, that she would hide something like this from him. When, they had gotten close and agreed to tell each other everything. That reminder of how Renji didn't take well being lied to made her feel even worse…considering she wasn't ill, she was pregnant. She was sitting in a room with the two most important men in her life, and she was sitting her and lying to them.
"Renji-san…do not worry. I assure you it is simply a common cold. I even consulted Unohana-taicho about it and she spoke of how it's nothing more than a simple stressed induced sickness, nothing serious,"
"But…if you don't mind me askin', you don't seem ill. Are you sure that is-"
"It is certainly an illness, I have witnessed it to the extent. Rukia…are you sure you are able to commence this dinner without feeling ill? I would not wish you to stay if you are feeling ill." Byakuya spoke as Renji just sat there and glanced at Rukia. Rukia couldn't take it, these two in the room worried way too much about her; it was if they were competing to prove who cared more for her well being.
"I am fine. I swear, now…if you two don't mind I would very much like to change the subject." She stated, Byakuya nodding slightly, but Renji sat there in shock, what was wrong with her? There was definitely something going on that Rukia was hiding from him and he tried his best to mask his suspicion as they all began to eat the fine cuisine in front of them.
He tried his best to focus on his food; however, he kept glancing up at the small girl seated to his right out of instinct. Every ounce of his being was screaming out in alarm, as he popped a morsel of salmon into his mouth, his lips dwelling on the chopsticks as he watched her meekly eat her food.
Byakuya kept his eyes glued down on his meal, but he couldn't help but sense the discomfort between the two of them, and he, without even looking up knew that Renji was staring at his sister. He wondered if the topic of her illness was something the redhead did not know of. And when Byakuya glanced up at his former lieutenant he saw a hint of betrayal on his face, confirming his thoughts…he did not know. He studied the redhead even more, watching as he pealed his eyes off of the small raven headed girl and glanced down at his food, resuming his meal.
The silence would have been awkward if all three of them weren't consumed with their own thoughts.
Rukia shuddered slightly, feeling Renji's heated gaze upon her once more. She didn't know what to do…now that Byakuya told Renji about her so-called "illness" there was no way to lie to him about nothing being wrong. She would be forced to explain herself…which means she would be forced to lie. She didn't even known how to go about breaking the news to Renji…she didn't know how he would react, and that scared her the most. The last thing she wanted to do was to hurt Renji, and she has already done such by keeping it a secret from him. She sighed visibly and shook the thoughts from her head, telling herself to focus on what's occurring now and to remove the tension in the room.
"So…Renji-san. How does it feel to be a captain?" she inquired, popping some steaming rice in her mouth and chewing the sticky mess.
Renji's eyes flickered to her own, their eyes meeting and Rukia felt her heart drop. The look in his eyes was one of hurt, she knew that look. She has seen it too many times. And she NEVER wanted to see that look again, especially if she was the cause of it.
"Great, I've worked so hard for it and now that the time has finally come I'm like…elated," he explained, the excitement returning to his voice, making her smile genuinely. "I can't wait to live my life as a captain…and I am thankful for all your help, Kuchiki-san," Renji spoke, his eyes filled with gratitude at the man seated across from him.
"Do not mention it, Abarai-san. It was my pleasure to help a man who so very deserved that title. You remained loyal and hardworking; I wouldn't suggest anyone else over you." Rukia smiled widely at her brother's confession, knowing that he must have fought himself to compliment Renji that much; she knows he avoids such praise. Rukia's eyes shifted to her love, watching his eyes shine with pride as he smiled and looked down shyly at the table. She couldn't help but admire how cute he looked right now, flushing slightly as he poked at his food.
"Thank you for the praise, Kuchiki-san…I appreciate it."
"Apparently, Nii-sama has mastered the fine art of lying," she blurted out playfully. Her small chuckle pushing past her lips as she felt the men in the room stare at her.
"Rukia." Byakuya spoke sternly, slightly reprimanding her for her insult.
"Ha-ha…very funny, Rukia." Renji spoke, reacting naturally to her teasing. This, making Byakuya even more shocked, he knew that they were childhood friends and that they remained sort of friends throughout their time in Soul Society. But, he did not think they would act such a way in his presence. Usually, they kept themselves in check.
Neither Renji nor Rukia could keep the playful smirks off their lips as they continued to make constant eye contact, and Byakuya was baffled.
"But, in all seriousness, Abarai-san…what do you strive for next now that you have accomplished your greatest goal?"
No, Rukia was my greatest goal, Renji mentally corrected him.
"Marriage? Perhaps starting a family?" Rukia's heart stopped, fear pulsating throughout her entire body. Why was her brother asking Renji that? Did he know?
Renji chuckled, "Um…yeah, sure why not? I mean when I meet the right girl, I'm sure the thought will cross my mind," he replied, his eyes darting to Rukia for a moment. His answers making her forget the panic that overtook her, and she simply smiled at him.
"You want to have children?" Byakuya inquired further.
"Ugh, yeah…if that's possible."
Oh, it's possible, Rukia thought. She could not explain to any on looker of how uncomfortable she was at the moment, it was as if they both knew and were making her sweat it out, until she confessed.
"And you, Rukia? I do not believe we have ever discussed your thoughts on marriage," Byakuya asked, hoping to get any type of reaction out of her.
"Um…I suppose I want to get married."
"An arranged marriage, to a noble?"
Renji's eyes met with Byakuya's. Renji wondered if he was staring at him to gauge his reaction.
"No." she answered immediately. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, wondering what exactly Byakuya was trying to prove.
"I would hope not." Renji interjected, making Byakuya's eyes snap towards him. Rukia turned and glanced at Renji…fighting the urge to move her leg out from under her and kick him in the shin. He really didn't know when to shut up.
"Pardon me, but do you have a say on such a matter, Abarai-san?" Rukia cringed when her brother's voice dripped with venom. She felt the air grow thick between them and she sensed that at any minute now their huge egos were about to clash.
"Hmm…yeah, I think-"
"There is no reason for you to do such," Byakuya interjected, making Renji fume with anger, anger he could no longer hold back.
"I don't see why not,"
"What are you presuming, Abar-"
"STOP!" Rukia yelled, her voice cracking some. Both of the men simmered down as their eyes fell upon the raven haired beauty who buried her face in her hands. Her small body jolting with her soft cries that she bit back, she didn't want them to hear her…she didn't want to deal with this.
"Rukia?" Renji called out in concern, watching as the love of his life fell apart in front of him. Byakuya was equally worried as he watched his sister, trying to sort out what could possibly be wrong with her. Surely, a little scuffle between him and Renji couldn't have caused her to cry.
"It can't…it just can't be like this…" she whimpered softly, her face still buried in her hands. Her head was overwhelmed with thoughts and she couldn't think straight, she didn't know what to say now, she didn't know how to explain how upset she was…and why she was.
"Rukia…are you okay? What's…what's wrong?" Renji asked hesitantly, afraid that his words would make her cries escalate. He hated seeing her like this and he didn't want to upset her anymore. Rukia stifled a cry when she heard his soft voice, so caring…so honest.
"No, Renji…" she replied after a few moments passed, "I'm…I'm…."
Renji leaned into her direction, physically fighting back the urge to rush to her side. He took in the way she pulled her face from her hands, her eyes meeting his own as he watched tears flow down her pretty cheeks, making his heart sink.
"Pregnant…with your child." She admitted softly, her eyes searching his, widened in shock. Byakuya's brain registered her words and their implications. He did not even know they were seeing one another…let alone, involved physically.
Renji was not in good shape, he sat there feeling as though he was going to explode from all the emotions surging through his body. His eyes left hers as he kept a hurt look on his face, demonstrating how torn up he was inside right now; he felt as though someone had beat his insides with a bat leaving them bruised and pulsating with pain. His mind was overflowing with thoughts and he was needless to say…overwhelmed.
"WHAT!" he yelled out, his eyes flashing at her own, making her jump a little and tears spring to her eyes. "I'm sorry!" she cried out, burying her face in her hands once more while Renji watched. He sat there as though he was glued to the cushion underneath him, his hands started to shake some as he watched her cry. He watched the love of his life…the woman who was carrying his child, cry her eyes out. What the hell was he thinking?
Renji rose to his feet immediately, falling to his knees beside her, making her glance up at him. Her eyes filled to the brim with tears and he couldn't help but smile sadly at her. Renji slid his hand to cup the side of her right knee, swinging her around so that she was facing him directly, and the world seemed to disappear around them, leaving just them. Placing his large hands on her covered thighs Renji leaned into her, his warm touch consoling her as she stifled her cries, "Why, babe…why would ya be afraid to tell me? You think that I would hate ya?" he questioned her as she stared into his deep auburn eyes, their intensity making her wither.
"I love you…ya know that?" he asked, shifting a hand from her thigh to her pale cheek, caressing it softly before cupping it gently. "I love you too." She spoke softly, her forehead resting against his own, their eyes glued to one another's.
"Am I really gonna be a dad?" he asked excitedly, a wide smile spreading across his face making one break out on her own face. Rukia sat up on her knees, lunging for the man in front of her. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck and she smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her tiny waist. It felt right…it always has and it always will. Renji pulled back some to plant a soft kiss on her cheek, while Byakuya watched from his place on the floor. "You have no idea how happy I am!" Renji exclaimed in her ear, squeezing her tighter as if she would disappear if he loosened his grip. "I feel the same, Renji." She spoke sweetly, hugging him back just as tightly.
Hope you guys liked this chapter. Finally, the secret is out in the open and everyone can move on.
Struggling to write the next chapter after years of abandoning this hobby. But, fear not, I must end this story!