Disclaimer: Not mine, yadda, yadda, yadda… You know the rule.

The Best Thing Of about Me…

Sometimes I feel like this is only chemistry, stuck in a maze searching for a way to shut down turn around feel the ground beneath me. You are so close, where do you end where do I begin? Sometimes sanity takes vacation time on me. Farewell peace of mind, kiss goodbye to reason, up is down, the impossible occurs each day. I am in a daze stumbling bewildered. You and I roller coaster riding love

"What is that?" - Kakashi shouted as soon as he entered the house. He had barely made it home without any injuries.

"It is cute isn't?" – Iruka answered about to embrace his lover for the first time in months.

"It looks good enough to eat…"- replied Pakkun getting in after Kakashi. This gained him a bad look from Iruka.

"There would be no such thing as eating him." – He now turns his focus towards Kakashi – "I found him on an alley; I was not going to leave him there it, was cold and he was hungry, so I brought him home. You don't mind do you?"

"I have dogs…Iru." – Still trying to process all the new information.

"I know. I am pretty much aware of that." – He looks at Pakkun who was begging to growl – "Let's not forget I am the one who feeds them." – Pakkun took the hint and stopped.

"Well?" -Said Kakashi still staring at Iruka.

"Well?" – Iruka replied defiant. – "I am not getting rid of it if, that is what you are asking. Look at it and tell me if you have ever seen such a cute kitty before?"

"Iruka it is a cat… I have eight dogs… Eight!" – The cat started to purr in Iruka's hands. – "Plus I thought you already had a pet."

"No I do not?" – With his best face of "Please do explain yourself!"

"Naruto…" – Finally getting in and throwing himself on the couch.

"Naruto is not... How dare you? You know I love him like my little brother…" – The cat got scared and jumps from Iruka's hands to land at Kakashi's feet. –"See what you did, you scared him. Poor little thing did that horrible scarecrow scare you?" –Now talking to the cat while petting him.

Kakashi gave a sigh, and rolled his visible eye. –"Well, what is his name, cuz I am sure you named him already."

Iruka looked at him with a smile on his lips, and Kakashi thought if keeping a cat would have that effect, he was more than willing to go to go every alley in Konoha and get as much cats as Iruka wanted.

"Ohm, I was thinking Am ayah, cuz it was night and raining." –He laid his head on Kakashi's shoulder still petting the cat.

"Am ayah sounds good!" –He lowered his mask and placed a soft kiss in Iruka's forehead. –"Welcome to the family Am ayah!" –Messing a bit with the cat's ears, who started to purr at the contact. Kakashi laid back his head and closed his eyes letting his tired body finally rest. Then he felt a soft kiss being placed on his lips by Iruka. He opened his eyes with desire. Only to find Iruka already up from the couch and far away from him, the cat sleeping lazily next to his leg.

"I forgot you were tired Kakashi San, why don't you take a shower while I reheat dinner." –Heading to the small kitchen and fallow by Pakkun who was always around for dinner.

"Would you come rub my back?" –Kakashi replied still not getting up from the couch.

"Nope…" –Iruka just picked out of the kitchen's door, which gained him a sad face from Kakashi. –"I will rub your back after you eat dinner, before sleeping."

Kakashi gave him one of his best smiles the ones just reserved for him. He got in the shower and only then, he realized how tired he really was. Yes, the mission had gone according to plan but still had his dangers and Kakashi was not one to overlook anything just because it looked secure. Although it was an Anbu mission and everybody were experts, still was a possibility of something to go wrong, thank God this was not one of those, he was home safe and sound. He had forgotten to bring clothes in to the bathroom and got out just with towel around his privates. He saw his fresh pajamas folded on top of the bed. He put just the pants on and went down to the little kitchen shirtless. Iruka was sitting at the table sipping at cup of tea all dogs sleeping on the floor.

"Ka… Kashi." –Iruka blushed, years of being together and still not use to his older lover almost naked and without a mask.

"See something you like!" –The dogs looked up at the sound of their master's voice. With a solo eye signal from Kakashi, they started puffing away.

"Ohm, your food is getting cold." –Trying hard to look away.

"Right, we don't want that. Things are always better if hot." –He purred the word almost near Iruka's ear. The blush in Iruka's face went from pinkish to almost scarlet.

"How… How the mission go?" –To Iruka, Kakashi was like a wolf, which you had to keep entertain not to be attacked.

"It went fine, although Sai looked distracted and quiet than ever." –He said thinking back. –"And Naruto kept pushing him, you know something about it."

"Nope, I saw Naruto before the mission and he looked fine, excited."

"Well Naruto was just being annoying; Sai was the one who worried me, like I said to quiet for my liking, but we made it back anyway." –He returned his attention to his food.

"Now that you mention it I remember seeing Sai before you guys left. He was with Yamato, eating."

"Oh so it is not Naruto…" –Said Kakashi out of the blue, making Iruka looked at him questioning. –"It is Tenzo! I mean Yamato."

"I still don't get it. It is not Naruto, is Yamato! What are we talking about?" –Iruka got up and poured himself and Kakashi more Tea.

"Our little Sai is in love."

"With Naruto?" –For some reason Iruka looked surprise. –"You should tell him his barking at the wrong tree."

"No, no. Iruka let's not be judge full. The poor kid has a hearth too." –He corrected Iruka in soft voice. –"And is not Naruto, is Tenzo… I mean Yamato whatever!"

"And just how do you know that?"

"Sai told me he was in love, but I thought it was with Naruto." –He finished his tea and food, and got up slowly. –"Let's go to bed Iruka. You own me a massage, remember." –The wolf was satiated and now ready to have fun, Iruka knew he was in trouble now.

"Go on first I will clean a bit, and then give you your massage." – He got up too and gave a kiss to a much-disappointed Kakashi.

"You have five minutes!" –Grabbing him by the waist, intensifying the kiss, leaving Iruka hot, and bother.

Iruka clean in least than five minutes, and then he rushed in to the bathroom to make a final check on himself. He entered the dark room, waiting for Kakashi to jump at him as always, nothing happen. He approached the bed, now he was sure he was going to be pull down in to the bed, nothing happen. Iruka got near his lover only to find him deeply at sleep; he smiled and went around the bed. Sleep was welcoming him, when he felt Kakashi turn and hug him from behind, pulling Iruka to his chest.

"I thought you were giving me a massage tonight?" –Kakashi purred on Iruka's ear, sending shiver down his lover spine.

"And I thought you were not that tired." –Allowing Kakashi to nuzzle his neck.

"I am sorry I feel at sleep…We can continue were we left off…" –Trailing kisses down his lover's arms.

"Are you sure?" –He could hear the tiredness hiding on Kakashi's voice, he knew how hard missions could be even when simple they could be pretty stress-full especially if one of your teammates were to be Naruto. –"You don't have to push yourself. If you are tired, you are tired…" –He waited patiently for a response, no other sound came but a soft snore. –"Right… Good night love." –He drifted to sleep almost immediately, he had not been out in a mission like Kakashi, but still he could not have a good night of sleep while his lover was out. He was tired and nothing was more soothing than the constant heart beat of lover next to him.

Kakashi woke up to a soft purr over his head. For a second he thought it was Iruka, but turning around to see the clock forcing his eyes open he knew there was no way Iruka would still be home after nine in the morning, he was probably teaching by now. His body was still sore and begged him not to get up, closing his eyes once more; he reached to grab the object that was purring over his head. It turned out to be a small black ball of fur, with big green sleepy eyes that begged him not be disturbed. He put the small cat to the side, turned on to his belly, and felt a sleep again.

The next time Kakashi woke up was because of Pakkun, who for some reason was staring at him.

"What?" –He tried to make his voice the less sleepy possible.

"Hum, Boss is almost two in the afternoon."

"Hum, ok I will take a shower first." –He said finally getting up from the bed, walking in to the shower. He was half way in to his shower when he remember, taking the soap out of his eyes, he run out as if trying to prevent a tragedy. –"Pakkun!" – He yelled while trying to keep the towel on himself. –"Where is the cat? What you guys do to it?"

"Nothing is still on your bed." –Pointing at the small ball who was taking over the middle of the bed.

"Good cuz' if something happens to that, would get kicked out… You guys know that don't you?" –He said with his more serious voice.

"Of course we do. He said, pretty boy said, he would kill us… Slowly. And on top of that no more steaks."

Kakashi could not help but to nod at the hint of fear on Pakkun voice. He knew that when Iruka was being serious, he could be really scary.

Author's Note: Thanks again for reading, but I would appreciate it even more if you gave a review.