Hey peoples!!! : ) Sorry I haven't written anything in a while. Hope you enjoy chapter one though! : ) Read and review please! : )

Disclaimer: I do not own anything at all… : (

"Macy, can I see you for a moment?" Mrs. Monroe asked as the bell rang and everyone ran out of the classrooms so they could go home.

"Sure. What did I do though?" Macy asked worriedly.

"Nothing. I just wanted to ask you a favor. Do you think you can be our newspaper columnist?"

"What! I'm sorry Mrs. Monroe, but I have tons of sports and school work. I don't think I can."

"You're my best writer, Macy. How about I give you extra credit if you take the job. Your B will raise up to an A before report cards."

"I guess I could squeeze it in, but what kind of column?"

"Horace Mantis' first advice column! Doesn't it sound exciting. It'll be called Just Ask Amy."

"So it's kind of like Ask Abby?"

"Exactly! They'll send e-mails to our website and you can choose three out of how many you get and answer them. It's pretty simple."

"Okay, when do I start?"

"Next week. Tomorrow, it'll be on morning announcements. Thank you Macy."

"Sure. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Macy, don't tell anyone your doing this. So people would think your being neutral. Don't even tell Stella. Promise me Macy."

"Okay. I'll see you later."

Macy walked out of the classroom and looked around the empty hallways. She groaned and shook her head. "What have I done," she whispered softly and walked out of the school.

The next day, Stella and Macy were at their lockers getting their books and getting ready for homeroom.

"Hey ladies!" Joe said wrapping his arm over Stella and giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey Joe!" Stella said after returning the kiss.

"Hey," Macy said. "Where's Nick and Kevin?"

Right on cue, the two members of Jonas appeared.

"Hey Mace! Hey Stella!" Nick said.

"Yo peeps!" Kevin exclaimed.

"Hey guys," Macy said. She was happy that she finally got used to them being around. She wasn't hurting any of them with her sports equipment.

"Good morning students! This is your principal, Mr. Morris with today's morning announcements. We our starting a new advice column called 'Just Ask Amy'. You can send your problems to our school website and a fellow anonymous Horace Mantis student, 'Amy' will answer them. So give it a try! That's all for today's morning announcements," the intercom shouted.

"An advice column. That sounds cool," Stella said.

"Yeah. I guess so. I wonder who's 'Amy'?" Nick asked.

"Maybe it's a teacher?" Kevin suggested.

"I don't think so. It's probably a student," Macy said. "We should go to class now though," she said trying to change the subject. She wanted to tell them, but she promised she wouldn't.

"Yeah. Macy's right. I'll see you later," Joe said leaving with Stella and Kevin to their homeroom.

"Let's go to homeroom, Mace," Nick said as we walked to Ms. Simms room.

It was exactly one week since Mrs. Monroe asked Macy to be the advice columnist. Now it was time for her to check the e-mails. Fifty-two messages. Not bad for the first week. She opened a message and started to read.

Dear Amy,

I have a best friend who've I've known since I was 4. I think that I'm starting to like him more than I friend. I don't want to risk our friendship, but I really want to tell him how I feel. What should I do?

Loving my Best Friend

That was easy. I'll just give her the same advice I gave Stella. She had the same problem with Joe, but look at them now. They're happy and together. I hit the reply button and started to type.

Dear Loving,

Tell him how you feel. You never know, he might actually like you back. If he doesn't, it might be a little weird at first, but trust me if he is a true best friend, he'll probably still treat you the same way he did before.


Dear Amy,

I'm starting to like this girl who used to be a little scary to be around with, but now she's cool and I'm starting to like her, but everyone thinks I fall in and out love to fast. Plus she only see's me as a friend. Should I tell her how I feel or give it more time.


Dear Confused,

If you say you fall in love to fast, maybe you should give it a little time before you start confessing your feelings for her. You might get over her the next week or maybe your feeling will become stronger for her. If you start to like her even more and you have a feeling she's the one, go for it!!


Macy read over her response and sent it and opened another e-mail. This wasn't as bad as she suspected.

Dear Amy,

My best friend and I have gotten into a HUGE fight. We barely even argue. Now she's ignoring me and I'm ignoring her. But part of me just want us to apologize and become friends again. Should I?


Dear Friendless,

I agree with that part of you that wants to apologize. Everyone gets into fights, even you and your best friend. Go up to her and apologize. I bet you two will be friends again before you know it!


Macy hit send and smiled. That was a little fun. She wondered if she knew any of these people. Little did she know, one of the e-mails was from a certain rock star who had a big crush on her.

This was chapter one. Tell me what you think! Should I continue? Read and Review! Pretty please with sugar on top!! : )