For the last time... hello, my readers. Let me warn you: this is gonna be a long author's note. There, I warned ya. :)

Wow. Can you believe it? We're really here. The final chapter in this story. I don't know what to say- I'm delighted to finally get it all out there, but I am going to miss this story. It's done. Over. It was so awesome to write. I hope people continue to read and re-read it, because so much work was poured into this, from more than one person. And I have tons of people to thank: my totally awesome reviewers, especially Macey-the-Invisible, Icethroat21, Chat et Chocolat, SheWhoRunsWithScissors, Spottedstarshell, Wolfstorm7, Shadowave, Horseloverheather, xXThunderspiritXx, and finally Anita Black. Wow, what a list. And it doesn't even scrape the many readers out there, so thank you, everyone, for as I've said before and will say again just to annoy you ;P, you guys are my fire, what gives me reason to write.

Also, this story would not have been possible without the help from my beautiful friend-in-real-life, who has an account on here, so I will call her by that name, Yuki'sRedMoon. She wished to stay a secret until the last chapter, and I promised her I'd do that. She helped create the character Icefeather and her background, and obviously, without my favorite character Icefeather, Two Worlds could't have come around. So a huge thanks to her, she's so amazing you'll never realize how amazing she is. =)

So finally, I have a last thing to add. I created a book-cover for this story, and all humbleness aside, I think it's awesome, so as my readers, I shall post the link on my account page, please, please, PLEASE go check it out after you finished this, I really want to see if anyone likes it!! :D

So anyhoo... you can go check it out, tell me if you think it captures the nature of my story, and if no one reviews about it or my story I shall go into a corner and never write again. ;P

Alright... so by this point you've gone to the link, right? (Just nod your heads hehe) So I present to you... the final chapter... to Two Worlds.

Chapter Twenty: The Last Battle

As Firestar's sense of two separate worlds began to blur and twist, he saw the shadows begin to scream and groan, creeping from the puddle, struggling with all their might to escape their dead world and enter this new, young, living one...

Graystripe flew over to the puddle, trying to defend his home, scratching and biting and trying to keep the beasts in their own hell. They snarled and Firestar was about to go over and help when he froze as a smoky paw broke the surface of the cold water.

"No!" he bellowed. What was he going to do? What to do?


He blinked rapidly and whirled around. Who had called his name? He knew that voice...

There, in the darkness of the trees, stood a ghostly figure. Her beautiful, amber eyes glittered fearfully out at Firestar, and her pretty tortoiseshell coat seemed to glow...

"Spottedleaf?" he breathed, as the world seemed to slow, and he met eyes with his first love. It was so strange to see her, after being with the impostor Spottedleaf for so long...

Firestar galloped over to the clump of trees, and stared at her ghostly form. She looked up at him, eyes saying a thousand words, and touched her nose to his. For an instant, Firestar thought he felt something brush his nose, but he couldn't be sure.

"Be strong, Firestar," she whispered. "You know what to do."

"But I don't!" he gasped.

Spottedleaf blinked slowly, and gazed at something at her feet. Firestar glanced down as well, and saw that she was standing on a large stone, looking old and chipped.

"Yes," he realized, but when he looked up at Spottedleaf again, she was gone.

Behind him, Graystripe cried, "Firestar, it would be great if you could stop talking to the trees and help me!"

Firestar glanced at the stone, then at the sky. He knew what to do.

"Graystripe, come here!" he shouted. "I have an idea!"

The shadows were breaking even more out of the puddle, groping and hissing. Firestar swallowed hard and tore his gaze away from them, to gaze at Graystripe. "Hurry!"

Graystripe looked at his friend, then at the shadows, and back at Firestar. At last, he ran over the dirt and grass to screech to a stop next to Firestar. "What is it, then? It better be good, or else-"

"The stone!" Firestar interrupted.

Graystripe glared. "I know what a stone is, I-" He froze. "Of course! Firestar, come on!"

The two toms bent down and poured all their strength into shoving the stone out of the limp dirt. With a groan and a snap, the stone was rolling out of its spot, and the two friends rumbled it across the ground until it approached the screaming shadows groping from the puddle-

"Now!" Firestar cried.

They released the stone and it crashed into the puddle. A million screams erupted around them, and something burned as the puddle was shattered into wet, silver pieces, scattered everywhere and broken up for good. A bitter wind tugged at their pelts, leaves and dirt were kicked up, as the furious shadows were finally defeated.

Panting hard, Firestar and Graystripe were motionless for a moment as the water droplets began to fade, and at last, it was over.

Fire had won over shadow.

Shivering, Firestar sat down shakily, tail quivering, whiskers twitching. Graystripe swallowed hard and looked over at his friend, nudging the flame-colored tom gently in the shoulder.

All was quiet.

Firestar did not know how long he sat there, how long he gazed at the spot where the shadows had nearly escaped, the spot of the only other world he'd ever known. He'd gone through so much... come back with so much... Firestar thought back to before... when he'd actually been bored. Great StarClan, what a fool he'd been.

He would never be that cat again.

A wind rustled the trees, and Firestar looked over. There, where the sunlight hit the ground directly and bathed everything in her soft golden glow, he could swear he saw the faint body of a familiar tortoiseshell. And there were others... a flash of blue gray fur, a tall white tom, a black she-cat with a twisted smile on her face...

Welcome back, Firestar,
the wind seemed to breath, and a gentle warmth flowed through Firestar's body.

"Thank you," he whispered.

Suddenly, the faint, starry cats were gone, as there was a rush of paws. Firestar pricked his ears, his eyes widening. Graystripe slowly sat up, a smile spreading over his face.

And over the small slope came a lithe body of a she-cat. The sun made her a scorching silhouette, and Firestar squinted as she slowly approached him. At last, she came into focus, and Firestar gazed into her green eyes like he would never look away again.

"Sandstorm," he murmured, slowly getting up and brushing his muzzle along hers. He couldn't drink in her scent enough, his heart couldn't beat fast enough to gallop with hers...

"Firestar?" she meowed, blinking and looking confused. Other cats trotted over; Firestar's heart swelled to see all of their familiar faces... Longtail was striding up next to Frostfur, and Bramblepaw came padding up to Firestar.

"We have so much to tell you!" Graystripe breathed as he grinned at all of them. To Firestar's confusion, Sandstorm and all the others looked puzzled. He blinked slowly, and glanced at Graystripe.

"Um- what is it, then?" Frostfur meowed, puzzled.

Firestar blinked. "Wait," he spoke before Graystripe answered her. "Sandstorm," the tom paused, relishing her name on his tongue. "How long have Graystripe and I been... gone?"

Sandstorm exchanged a look with Longtail and finally replied, "Just about an hour. I assembled a patrol to come see where you were. You guys didn't get very far at all, you know."

Firestar stared at her in shock. But of course- no time has passed. He had been in the Second World for weeks and weeks, but time was measured differently there. Here, it was like they'd never gone. Like nothing had ever happened.

And immediately, Firestar knew he could never tell anyone what they'd gone through. Not only would no one believe him, but it was... just too painful to relive. He glanced at Graystripe, and his eyes said everything. His deputy nodded.

"There wasn't much prey about anyways," Firestar asserted, clearing his throat and gazing at all of them, eyes shining. He couldn't lie about how happy he was to see all of them. "How are you doing, Bramblepaw?" he meowed softly. He had almost forgotten about his apprentice... like he'd almost forgotten everything about this life. He shivered.

Bramblepaw's wide amber eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "I'm alright... but I'd kinda like to go hunting with you... if you don't mind."

Firestar shook his head. "I don't mind at all. After that we should have a Clan meeting... a feast, perhaps? No, that's too much... but tonight, things are going to be different. Better. I can't wait for tomorrow..." Firestar continued as they began walking back home.

"I thought you were bored with being leader. What happened?" Longtail mewed suspiciously, tail flicking.

Firestar touched his tail to Graystripe's flank, then looked to his side to gaze at Sandstorm. His whiskers twitched in happiness as her green eyes swiveled to meet his. "Maybe... it's my new sense of purpose," he chuckled.
He was only half-joking.

Frostfur glanced at Longtail, not sure whether to laugh, but Bramblepaw let out a purr, and Sandstorm laughed as she looked up at Firestar.

This time, Firestar saw himself reflected in those green eyes.

There it is. With the help of StarClan, he and Graystripe were able to destroy the Shadows for good. He was reunited with his true love, and all is well. Don't you think the poor guy deserves a happy ending? hehe
Well my readers... this is the end. Thank you so much for everything, and I love all you guys in a total author-to-readers way =)
I plan on publishing a new Warriors story fairly soon, so please check it out, b/c I'm gonna miss all you guys so much... :( It's been a lotta fun, and I love this story. Too bad Erin Hunter owns it, or else I'd publish it. Ah, darn you Erin Hunter!!! haha
So see ya, and remember: REVIEW!!!!! :)

With all the authorly love in the world,
~Sarafina Knowles