Being Alice

Chapter one

"Can we not go any faster than this?" I turned to Jasper, why did I ever let him drive? He was so useless when it came to driving. Why were we going so slowly? Oh yeah, because I let Jasper drive. If it wasn't for the noise I wouldn't of been able to tell the engine was running.

"Alice, there's traffic. The carnival's on remember?" he shrugged looking impatiently out of his window, in that case why didn't we walk? We were only going to the Newton's hiking shop. I could see the future and even I didn't see this, where did all these people come from!? Last year's carnival didn't turn out this well. We pulled up outside the shop, we came here alot to just get extra hiking gear – there's no such thing as too many oversized boots!

"We never use any of this stuff, so why do we bother?" I droaned stroking the hood of my beautiful yellow porche, it was a present from Edward and I adored it like it was my own child. "Because we have to live the lie" he said putting his arm around my shoulder, "And we use some of this stuff" he pointed out.

I groaned, I loved shopping but this wasn't clothing this was rain macks, backpacks and pocket knives. I think we had actually been hiking once in Esme's attempts to amuse Renesmee, she seemed to love rolling around in the dirt but didn't really comment on our waterproof sandwich boxes and collection of LED lights.

"See anything you like?" Jasper said when we walked through the doors, I just looked at him but then couldn't resist smiling – he always made me smile. We browsed through the shelves and put a few random items in a basket; a lovely green t-shirt, a matching 4 person tent, some gaiters, blister patches and a multisave bag of sporks. Funny seen as though we don't eat, luckily we have a nice space next to the last bag of sporks we bought.

Then a tall man with dark hair and grey eyes walked into the shop, I looked at him and he triggered one of my visions. I didn't want to see it, but I did. There was lots of laughter, clowns, elephants, loud fairground rides, hundreds of happy children huddled around the candyfloss stand. The carnival. Then the tall man with dark hair and the grey eyes pulled a brown paper package out out of his inside pocket and threw it into the main crowd. The scene suddenly changed; there was panicked screaming, helicopters, sirens, flames, the children were screaming as they got carried off by the emergnacy services. A bomb had gone off, this man was a terrorist. He was going to kill all of those innocent children.

I came back round and I was in Jasper's arms and we were outside the light blinded me – the vision was dark like it was night time, "Sorry" I muttered pulling myself to my feet. "What did you see?" he asked, while I looked around frantically. The tall man with dark hair and grey eyes was gone. "I have to save them" I panicked. Where was he?

"Have to save who? Alice?" he looked concerned. "I have to save the children" I closed my eyes and saw their happy faces eating candyfloss and laughing, then them being carried away in stretchers into helicopters. This man was a monster, and I would be a monster if I just let him go ahead with it. I couldn't. I wouldn't. I had to stop him!

"What children?" Jasper asked making me open my eyes. "Someone is going to bomb Forks." I stumbled on my own words, looking into his eyes hoping her would believe me.

"Why Forks?" He asked, I was asking the same question to myself. It was such a small community, the only time I had seen over a hundred people in one place was this morning when people were queueing in their cars to get to the carnival.

"I don't know" I confessed. He held me in his arms as I panicked to myself, I couldn't just stay here while this happened though – I had to find that man. I would kill him if I had to, I would drink his blood if it made him stop.

"It will be okay, you really need to calm down – we'll talk about this tomorrow" he smiled trying to lead me to the car.

"No" I said, "He's going to bomb them tonight! Its a one night only carnival." I whispered. My blood curled, what was I actually going to do? I was only one person, but they had to live.. their smiles, theirs laughs, their bright eyes – they didn't have one evil cell in their little bodies, it's cruel to kill children when people like me can't have them. Hundreds of little human girls and little human boys were going to suffer because of one foolish man.

I was going to stop him. "Jasper, where did that man go?" I asked.

"What man?" he looked really confused.

"The one in the shop" I said.

"Erm, I think he went" He said, looking around.

"That man, I have to find him" I told Jasper.

He clicked, "That man was the terrorist?" He asked suprised, I nodded. "Wow, this place is so small on crime I don't even know how to spot them!" He looked down the street, how far had he gotten?

"I can't let him do this" I whispered.

"maybe it's out of your hands, ever heard of fate?" he sighed.

"I don't believe in fate" I muttered as I climbed into the driver's side of my car, "Now you can come with me, or not" I said igniting the engine.

"You think your going alone" He laughed, climbing in the passenger seat.