Nico, Sarah, and Drew ran down the hallway and turned the corner. Nico shot the assault rifle in the air. Immediately, a swarm of secret scientists attacked them.

"I'll hold them off. You go get Zak." The two wolf girls nodded and slid through the scientists. They ran over to the torture chamber. Zak was still shackled to the wall. Drew jumped at the shackles and bit them off. Zak fell to the ground.

"Come on, sweetie. Wake up." Zak looked at his wolf-mom.


"It's me."

"Cool. You can talk. Hey, where's dad?"

"Why do you care? He threw us out and shocked you." Zak shook his head.

"He couldn't do it either. They took him away to the cell block."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get your father." The two wolves started to leave.

"Wait!" Zak picked up the laser emitter and shot it at them. They turned back into humans, and Sarah's wings grew back. The two stood up. Then the three of them ran out of the room and towards the cell block. Nico eventually caught up with them.

"Hey. I see you guys are back to normal." Sarah looked at him.

"Yeah. Now we're going to go get Zak's dad." Nico raised an eyebrow.

"We're going to get the traitor?"

"Apparently the traitor didn't have enough guts to zap his son." Nico smiled.

"I need to go take out the power generator. I we do that, this entire place will blow. Then we won't have to worry about this whole kur thing." Sarah nodded.

"I'm coming with you." Nico shook his head.

"It's too dangerous."

"I'm coming whether you like it or not."

"Fine." Nico handed Zak his rifle. "You're gonna need this. The two split off of the group and headed towards the generator, leaving Drew and Zak to go get doc. They reached the cell block door. It was locked and guarded by robots.

"Let me take care of the robots." Zak pulled out a grenade and threw it at the door. It blew the door to bits, as well as the robots. Zak and Drew quickly ran in. Zak started shooting out the robots while Drew ran over to Doc's cage. Doc looked at her.

"I guess this means you forgive me?" Drew opened the cage and kissed him.

"That's a yes." The two ran out of the room. Zak followed them as he shot out more robots. They kept running until they hit a group of secret scientists, who started to fight them.

Meanwhile, Nico and Sarah made it to the generator. It was guarded by robots.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna have to do this old school." Nico pulled out a pistol and shot at the robots' heads. He threw a grenade to Sarah. "Throw this in the generator." She nodded. Then she ran towards the generator. Before she could throw the grenade, a robot came and pinned her to the floor. Nico shot out the robot's head. "You need to get out of here. It is way too dangerous."

"I'm not going." Suddenly, a bunch of robots came over and surrounded them. Nico looked at Sarah.

"Now I'm starting to wish I hadn't given my rifle to that kid."

Zak, Doc and Drew continued to fight the secret scientists.

"Mom, I have an idea." He started to run. Doc and Drew followed him. So did the secret scientists.

"Uh, sweetie, why are we running?"

"I'm trying to get them outside before this place blows up, mom. I don't want anyone dying." Drew nodded. The three ran towards the open door. Then they ran outside. The secret scientists followed in hot pursuit. They just kept running. Then suddenly, Zak fell. A bunch of secret scientists surrounded him.

Back at the generator, Nico was shooting out robots. He looked over at Sarah.

"You need to throw the grenade in the generator." Sarah nodded. She pulled the pin out of the grenade and threw it into the generator. It blew up, and the generator set ablaze. Nico looked at her. "Good. Now let's get out of here." Suddenly, two robots pinned Nico down to the floor.

"Nico!" Nico looked up at her.

"Leave! Leave now!" Sarah shook her head.

"Not without you." Nico pointed at the hole in the ceiling.

"Fly out through that hole."

"I'm not leaving."

"Sarah! Trust me!" She turned around and flew out of the hole in the ceiling. Then she kept flying. Suddenly, the building exploded.

The secret scientists watched in horror as their base exploded into a huge fireball. Zak looked at them.

"Well, it seems that your base has been destroyed, scientists. So, I would like to know; why did you imprison me?" Paul Cheechoo stepped forward.

"Well, you're kur. We were afraid that you were going to destroy the world or something. We couldn't have that." Zak looked at them.

"How would you even know if kur was evil or not?" He shrugged.

"That's what was believed at the time. No hard feelings, right?"

"I guess not."

Sarah landed in a snow bank. She looked at the mushroom cloud that replaced the base. She looked at it. Tears started to flow from her eyes. She couldn't believe that Nico was dead.


It had been two weeks since the assault. The secret scientists were already building a new base. Everything seemed back to normal. Except for one thing. Sarah sat on the edge of the wing of the airship. She couldn't stop crying. She looked up at the stars.

"I can remember what he said that day when I was sitting on here with Zak," she said to herself. "He kept talking about how hard it was to get kur's arsenal. There was the volcano incident, the North Pole incident."

"The Great Wall of China incident." Sarah looked up. "Shall I continue?" She looked at the boy in the blood stained coat.

"Nico?" Nico smiled. "You're alive!"

"Yeah. Those robots provide good protection against explosions." Sarah stood up and hugged him. "Why are you hugging me?" She smiled.

"I don't know. I just am."

"Well I like it." She looked at him.

"Then you'll love this." She kissed him on the lips.

"Wow." Sarah giggled. "That was good. Hey, do you got any Crystal Beach Loganberry?" Sarah pulled two cans out of her bag.

"Here you go." Nico smiled.

"Crystal Beach Loganberry. It's the magical non-carbonated fruit beverage made in Saratoga Springs, New York, and available in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York.

The End.


Well, I finally finished. Please review.