I do not own The Secret Saturdays.

THIS STORY IS NOT RELATED TO ANY OF MY OTHER STORIES. The characters have no relation to each other. And yes, I am in this story again.


Zak sat outside on the wing of the airship. It was dark out and raining. Perfect, considering that he had just found out that he was kur.

"I can't believe it. This just sucks! I was supposed to stop kur. Now, I find out that I AM kur! I'm the ultimate evil. I'm supposed to destroy the world." He looked up at the stars.

"Is that what they told you, Zak?" Zak jumped back and grabbed the claw. He looked around. There was nobody there. He lowered the claw.

"I must be hearing things."

"No, you're not." Zak spun around.

"I have no idea who you are, but you're trespassing. I'll kill you. I will."

"You humans make me laugh."

"I'm serious! I'll kill you!" The girl's voice started to laugh. "Why are you laughing? I just said that I'll kill you!"

"Sorry. You're just so funny when you threaten people. I don't think you'd have the guts to kill me."

"I do have the guts! I'm kur! I'm supposed to destroy the world!"

"Who the heck told you that kur is supposed to destroy the world?" Zak lowered his weapon.

"Well, if kur isn't the ultimate evil, then why are you hiding from me?"

"Well, I guess I'm a little shy." Zak sat down on the edge of the wing.

"A little shy? Yeah, right. You're just afraid of me like everyone else is."

"No I'm not."

"Then show your face! I don't know who you are, but you're acting like an idiot! I mean, you are nuts! You're afraid of me because I'm kur! You're just lying! You hate me like everyone else! You're a big, fat, liar who is full of ****!" There was silence. Then Zak heard the voice crying. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blow up like that." He looked down. "I guess I am the ultimate evil." The voice stopped crying.

"You're not the ultimate evil. You're just confused. You thought that you were supposed to stop kur, but it turns out you are kur. That's a lot for an eleven year old boy to take in." Zak laid back on the wing of the airship.

"I never really thought about it like that. I guess you're right."

"See? You're not evil. You're just confused." Zak sat up.

"But, if I'm not evil, then why are you still hiding?"

"I'm shy."

"Oh, come on. I won't bite."

"Fine." Suddenly, a girl, about fourteen years old, with white hair and white wings wearing a white dress flew up behind him. Zak turned around and looked at her.

"Are you an angel?" The girl giggled.

"I wish." Then, she turned her head really quickly. She looked back at Zak. "Do you hear that?" Zak put his hand to his ear.

"I don't hear anything." Then suddenly, a boy, about the same age as the winged girl crashed into the wing of the airship.

"Nice landing, genius." The boy pointed a finger at the girl.

"Hey! I don't have wings. Of course you land better."

"I said I could get you wings." The boy stood up and brushed the dirt off of his grey shirt.

"Wings don't look good on me." He looked over at Zak. "I'm guessing you're kur, right?" Zak nodded.

"Well, good. Now I can tell you the mess you're getting me into. Let's see; there's the volcano incident, the North Pole incident, there's the Great Wall of China incident, shall I continue?"

"Give the boy a break. He didn't do anything."

"Yeah, but I keep having to get those pieces of kur's arsenal. Do you know how hard it is to get an Antarctic Kur Sword that was booby trapped every inch? I was almost killed trying to get that thing. The only reason I do this is so that I don't have to see the chaos that would happen if kur couldn't protect the world. Otherwise I would be at home watching TV."

"Wait, I have an arsenal of weapons?"

"Kid, you have no idea."

"Hey. We've been talking for a long time, and I don't even know your names." The winged girl smiled.

"I'm Sarah."

"I don't have a name. I have a pin number that this nut gave me with my job."

"Why don't you just tell him your real name?"

"I can't even remember my old name. These dumb missions are giving me brain damage!" Sarah slapped him in the face. "Thanks, I needed that." He looked at Zak. "My name is Nico."

"Now see? That wasn't so hard." Nico looked at her.

"I hate this job. Do you have any idea how hard it is?" Sarah nodded.

"Yeah, but don't think I haven't forgotten your pay."

"Pay? Since when do you pay me?"

"You know what I mean."

"Wait, you couldn't have."

"I did."

"You traveled Northeast recently?"


"You don't have it with you."

"Yes I do." She opened up the white bag that was on her hip. It was similar to the one that mailmen use to carry mail. She pulled out what seemed to be a can of soda and handed it to Nico.

"Yes!" He popped open the can and chugged it down. Zak stared at him.

"What is that?" Nico smiled.

"It's Crystal Beach Loganberry."

"Crystal what?"

"Crystal Beach Loganberry. It's the magical non-carbonated fruit beverage made in Saratoga Springs, New York and available in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York."

"Huh?" Sarah giggled.

"Don't listen to him. He's a little nutty over that drink. I had to look up the closest store online and buy a couple of cases of it."

"I should be nutty over it. If you have another one, give it to the kid. He really needs to try it." Sarah pulled out another one and gave it to Zak. He took a sip.

"It's pretty good."

"This one's good, but I once drank one with pure cane sugar. It was like drinking heaven. But, I can settle for Crystal Beach." He finished off the can. Then he threw the can at Zak's head.

"Ow! Why did you throw that at me?"

"Because you keep making my job harder. I keep having to go get your stuff. I really hate this job. I'm out of my mind! Seriously! This is nuts!" Sarah giggled. "Sarah, why are you always giggling?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I can't take this! This is nuts! It's the middle of the night and I'm sitting out here waiting for kur to be let back into the house by his parents." He knocked on the door. Fisk showed up and opened it. Nico raised up his M-16. "You let this kid back into that airship or I'll blow off your face, fur ball. Capeesh? Fisk ran back into the airship screaming. "Well, at least he left the door open. You can go back in there, kid." Zak stepped into the airship.

"When will I see you again." Sarah looked at him.

"You'll see us tomorrow. Now go inside." Zak stepped inside and closed the door. And with that, they were gone, leaving Zak to deal with his parents.