Alright people, sadly this is not an update. It is more like a *Hey look! I am alive* thing. As you guys already know, I have been absent for an extended amount of time. That stops today as I am working on these fics. Shocking ain't it? The only story I am not going to work on is Shadows of Dimension as I gave that to The Curse of the Damned...whenever he posts it back up...Anyways, to Augura of Darkness, those are in the works but I am working out the kinks to them...that and I am too lazy to finish them at this point.

Onto another note, I do need help. I need you, the readers, to give me an idea of what you want to see in the future of Metaru Ikusa and Legends of the Fall. That way I know what meat to add to them in future chapters. I also need a beta writer for the two as well