A young man in his late twenties walked steadily through Suna's graveyard, the desert floor crunching at each step he took pacing out his time, then again he was in no particular rush to get back to his office to file papers but he would have to get back soon because he had left without no-ones permission and the last time he did that he got in trouble for doing so.

The sharp winter desert wind caught his dark red hair ruffling it along with his blue Kazkage robes he was wearing, the hair was blown back out of his pale face where his emerald green eyes searched for the gravestone he was here to visit, this grave stone he had only visited it four times before. This wasn't because he disliked the person, it was far from that, it was because he only visited when there was good news to tell and judging on how many time he visited there was hardly any good news to tell.

His eyes stopped. There was his reason for being here, he sighed and looked down at the pitiful bit of stone with words on it that hardly meant anything, 'Caring Mother and Loving Sister' those hardly told you anything about the person buried maybe for a purpose or a reason. How could you tell that they were someone heroic and smart or generous and beautiful?

The red head knelt down in front of the grave and pushed away the dirt from the worn out face of the stone, "Hi..." He murmured as his face saddened and his heart ached, "It may of been a long time since I last visited but I didn't have much time to visit you so I thought I might come and fill you in"

He paused knowing that he wouldn't ever get a reply from the person who was buried six feet under himself, he knew this but he liked to think that they were listening, "Yuuki passed his first Chuunin exam test yesterday and that's when I thought of you, seeing his over joyed face made me want to come here, it may not be the best of news but something triggered in my mind"

The red head looked up to the dark sky ahead before turning back to the grave, "The last time I visited was to tell you about Kaya" A small smile stretched across his face, "I told you, mum, that I was in love..."

Chuckling to himself, his smile grew as he continued to talk to his mum, "She had completely changed my life, everything I did, I wished to please her and to see her smile thrilled me. Then I realised the joy in parenthood when she gave birth to Yuuki. He is the best son in the world that anyone could wish for and I'm trying my hardest to be the best father I can, it's not easy.

Then I thought I had lost everything...Kaya almost died when we had a war about the whole prophecy thing, she fell off a cliff while saving Yuuki and I thought I had lost her so I did the best thing possible..."

He paused shaking his head, "...I jumped off the side after her. I didn't know what I was going to achieve but I knew I had to save her, and I didn't...it was her brother, the boy I told you about, Naruto who actually turned out to be Kaya's twin which was a bit of a shock but after almost losing her, I'm glad Naruto is."

"He used a technique that made lots of shadow clones of him self and he made a 'Naruto Cloud' the way he put it as he caught us with his many clones, though I did manage to grab hold of her and tell her everything was ok and luckily it was..." The red head sighed and briefly closed his eyes feeling the wind brush against his cheeks, "but that's just the beginning of what I have to tell you since alot has happened...

After the war was finished up, their was a treaty made over the Hidden Core Village that wanted Yuuki, and us Kages all agreed to side together and bring the village down which worked.

This did lead to Daisuke's death. I feel guilty for it happening especially when he wanted a better world but the way he was going about it wasn't that well thought out, but even though...he was there for me and you when we needed someone most of all so him dying hurt. There was good news afterwards though, me and Kaya got married becoming a new clan...'Uzimiha' and on the day we got married Kaya gave birth to our second child, Takeo.

Takeo is now nine years old and he is completely different from Yuuki who is twelve and has auburn hair with blue yes compared to Takeo's bright blonde hair and green eyes. Actually Takeo reminds me alot of Naruto and that includes the looks as well, he already shows to be a promising ninja like his sisters."

The red head paused for a moment gaining his breath before continuing, "Aiya who is seven, Usagi who is five and Kioko who is three, all came next over the next couple of years which meant mine and Kaya's lives became very hectic especially when we still had both of our jobs to do, Kaya chose to keep being a teacher and she still enjoys the job.

Usagi, who has brown hair like Kankuro and has blue eyes, wants to be a teacher when she grows up, she even admitted that doing missions seems to be 'a bit of a drag..' the near enough exact saying of her Uncle Shikamaru, Temari's new husband. Aiya on the other hand who is alot alike Temari and has blonde hair with red streaks and green eyes, has proved to have the same temperament and wishes to be the best female ninja.

Though Kioko, who has dark blonde hair, has seemed to be some sort of black horse, she has permanent Byakuguan fixed into her white misty eyes and is a really strong character like her mother. Then finally to round off the family so far is Ryuu and Rini, mine and Kaya's twins, Ryuu is the boy and Rini is the girl, they both have dark hair almost a black red colour and they have light blue eyes, they seem to be quite quiet which seems to be lucky with the noisy house we have so far.

I don't see how Kaya deals with being a pregnant mother with seven children, Takeo and Aiya arguing, Kioko doing something dangerous, Yuuki disappearing all the time, Usagi too lazy to do anything and the twins who can barely be heard or seen in amongst the house hold, it seems strange to me. I thought I'll never have children and yet here I am telling you that I have a pregnant wife and seven children, I bet you didn't expect that many grandchildren or them to be 'produced' so early since me and Kaya are only 29"

He chuckled, "Temari's just got married and is expecting her first child, Naruto got married to the Huuga, Hinata, and they're expecting their second child, the Uchiha, Sasuke is occasionally seen and Kaya told me that he has met someone but Kankuro on the other hand is currently living at home with me and Kaya as our babysitter. I feel sorry slightly for him...only slightly..."

The red head's laughter died down on his lips and soon his smiling face lapsed into a thoughtful gaze after he had realed out his whole life to one person, that was his life...and finally now he had realised that how his life could have a happy ending after all the troubles him and Kaya had, after all the deaths, pain and mistrust.

Sitting here now, he realised that if someone had come to him when he was about 12 and told him that he was going to eventually get married and have current pregnant wife with their last child of seven, he would have probably thought they were mocking him but now... the red head realised that life wasn't something planned.

Nothing was ever wrote out and planned out, it may not be a fairytale from a story because nothing could be that easy and especially when the characters have a habit of doing what they wish, you have to expect a different ending even for a prophecy...

He looked up at the sky watching the birds make there way south for the winter coming, he knew as he felt the cold air sting his nose and numb his lips that they were going to have harsh winter and judging on the plain grey sky that there was a storm coming. The red stood silently and looked back down at the grave stone.

"I best go, mum..." He glanced slightly up at the sky, "Kaya will be needing me soon and I need to get back to the office before I do...there's also going to be storm" He turned away the wind catching his clothes and hair again, the red head smiled quietly to him self...no prophecy's couldn't be stopped, that was for sure... but prophecy's could be changed...